Lord Shadow

Chapter 873

Chapter 873: What would he do?

Sith’venar smiles a bit as he looks at the intense battle between Azief and the Demon King from his holographic projection.

He shakes his head a bit and then look back at the monitor, seeing all kinds of numbers rising up.

‘It would be impossible for him to kill that Demon King’ Sith’venar thought to himself.

Azief wanted to cut down the Demon King and kill it.

But Sith’venar knows better. Anyone that have reached Essence Creation level and above they all have some kind of methods to escape.

In all probability, Azief might be able to inflict grievous injury to the Demon King. But that would not be enough to kill such a powerful being.

And when the Demon King saw that he would not be able to take upon Earth, he would then retreat back to his home world.

That missile would then be a locator for them to enter the Seresian home world and dragged that galaxy out of the pocket universe that they are so that it could once again be synchronized to the real Universe.

This is the best case scenario for Sith’venar

That is the plan that he had concocted after seeing that Demon King appearing out of nowhere and that is why he is not going back home just yet.

For now, he would observe.

He then averts his gaze from the monitor and keep looking.

But then his eyes widened. A second later, his face turns solemn.

‘This…is unexpected’ he looks at the current situation of the battle and said those words.

But then his shock turns into a solemn expression as he saw something else and then he muttered

‘What would he do?’

There is now a change in that battle. A change that Sith’venar could not have expected. And the subsequent events that happens next also shock him.

Sith’venar could see the battle clearly.

And what it means by clearly is that he could see the true battle without being obscured by the time dilation of the battle.

For those on Earth, they would see the battle to be happening very slowly. But Sith’venar could see it in real time.

As such what he sees shows what happens after Azief strike the sword and what the Demon king did after that.

He only sighed.

Then he turns back toward the many officers in the main deck and ordered

‘Set the coordinates and travel inside the Multiversal Channel. We are going to the Seresian world to connect it back to the main Omniverse. Set off!’

He ordered as he sat back on his floating chair and look at the monitor, calculating the coordinates in his mind while also paying attention what Azief would do

‘What would you do?’ he muttered that under his breath again. It seems something had happened toward Azief.

But it doesn’t seem that Sith’venar is about to help for whatever it is that Azief is experiencing right now.

Either he could not help, or it is pointless to help

The Orvanians fleet is fast moving.

The moment that Sith’venar gives his order, the officers all punch in the coordinate, anchor all the ships under the fleet towards that coordinate and quickly open up the Multiversal Piercing Engine.

‘All systems are active’ one of the officers reported to Sith’venar. Sith’venar nodded and then he gestures with his finger toward the holographic control.

The floating holographic control fly toward him appearing only a few inches from his face.

He read the information and then he nodded.

‘Send the orders’

One of the officers send the order through network and then a second later he reported to Sith’venar

‘The other commanders are ready.’

Sith’venar nodded and then push the symbols on the hologram interface and then the space around the Intisar, seems to be trembling


A sound seems to break the vacuums state of space before the Intisar spaceship appears to turn thin, like the entire spaceship is being flattened by some invisible force

But the spaceship itself did not explode or crack.

It is like some kind of refraction of light and then like a light being shot, it moves forward and disappeared leaving the space to appears like it is a spring.

The Faster Than Light engine was also used and the moment the Intisar spaceship disappeared, the other ships whether it be in the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, or those maintaining the encirclement of Earth above the atmosphere, they all were pulled by that light and also disappeared from the area. josei

The encirclement of the atmosphere was to prevent the Demon King from escaping Earth.

But now suddenly all of the spaceship of the Orvanians fleet seems to have abandoned Earth all of a sudden.

Something had happened after Azief swing his sword strike. That is the most probable explanation.

The Orvanians fleet has disappeared and is now heading toward the Seresian home world.

What happen after Azief swung his sword down?

As the Orvanians fleet went away from Earth, the space around some of the asteroid belts seems to contort and segmented itself into blocks before a flash of two lights come out from some small spiraling hole in that unstable space.

These two light shoot toward Earth.

In just one second, that two lights reached Earth. And the two lights turned into two figures, their entire body swirling with electricity arcs and Time and Space around them all wrinkled and kinetic energy blasted of around their entire being

They both landed on some large continent far away from the battle between Azief and the Demon King

These two figures had chosen the right place to land.

One of them is golden, the other one is white.

It is Will and his teacher. Will look at his teacher

His teacher rarely come out in her physical form. She had long hair reaching below her neck

Each strand of her hair seems to possess some kind of energy that disrupt Time around her.

She is slender and thin and she was clothed in white electricity arcs that is contained around her.

Her boots which is also constructed from the Speed Source seems to distort the space around her, causing the particles around her feet to undergoes change in mass

There is a wound on her shoulder, and it is bleeding Source of Kinetic energy from it

Will ask her, looking at her with concern

‘Teacher, are you going to be alright’

She did not answer. Instead she looks at the distance and she frowned

‘Your sworn brother…. would need your help later’

Will frowned. He understood that his teacher might have seen something. Speedsters are after all very connected with Time.

She did not say anything else after that. But she looks at Will and then she flicks a wisp of her speed source and it envelops Will body.

Will immediately felt a powerful energy entering each and every parts of him, rejuvenating all of his lost speed during the time he was helping his teacher closing the Multiversal Convergence.

She simply said


Will nodded. Then she said again

‘The Time Lords would be chasing me. So, I would not be in the altar for a while.’ Will is silent for a while before asking

‘Will it be long?’

‘Depends on your perspective.’ She said and Will chuckles. It is a joke only speedster would understand

Will then said

‘Should I help?’ she smiles and simply said

‘You are still not good enough’ Will did not feel offended.

He knew the difference between him and his teacher so instead he just nodded. But then one though come to his mind and he look at his teacher and asked

‘Will they chase me?’

She thought for a second and then she shakes her head.

‘No. You are not good enough’ she said it again and Will chuckles as he understood. Since he is still not good enough, he is not a threat to the Time Lords.

He only needs to be worried if he is good enough. That is the time where he needs to be worried.

‘Teacher, are you going to Gailfrey?’ Will had never been to Gailfrey. But he had heard about it. Azief had his adventure. But Will also had his own adventure.

Azief had met the legendary monkey born from the stone, Sun Wukong in his journey, gain the ten demonic creature that is controlled by the flute and Will had met the characters in the Omniverse like Wargod that is holding one of the Temple of the Savi’krian race and he also met a few Time Lords in his journey

His teacher looks at the sky above her and said

‘It is not time. And Gailfrey had the most Time related weapons in the whole Omniverse. I am not that powerful yet’

Then she added

‘And while I do not like those sanctimonious Time Lords, they are not our enemy. They could be considered an obstacle. They are just doing their jobs’ Sighing, she said

When you think of it, those Time Lords are also quite pitiful. Will did not say anything. Since he does not understand much about the Time Lords

His teacher had always spoke about Time Lords and that he as a Speedster need to be wary of them.

But she never got into details why he should avoid them other than the fact that Time Lords seems to hate Speedster very much

Then she suddenly said

‘it is time.’ She took a step forward and a light shoot toward the sky and disappeared in a blink. Time around the area returns to its original timeline.

And Will is now alone in the area. He then senses the energy around the whole world and he frowned. He looks toward the source of this energy and his frown got deeper.

He is looking at the battle between Azief and the Demon King and his feeling become turbulent after seeing it

Like Sith’venar, even though he is not a Divine Comprehension leveler, because of his unique circumstances, he could also see the true battle.

To many people of the world, Azief is still in the midst of fighting the Demon King. To those who could see the battle, the battle had already ended.

This energy that is coming and waving all over the Earth is now spreading and is being absorbed by the Will of the world.

He could see thunders and lightning splitting apart the Earth and roars in the Heavens and many other phenomena.

He sighed

‘How could my brother become this unlucky’

He clenches his fist and then he nodded to himself before saying

‘I know what he would do’ and he sighed again. It is because he knew what his sworn brother is going to do, he is troubled.

Sith’venar also saw what happened. But his question was “what would he do?’ Clearly this “he” in his word refers to Azief.

But what does it mean when Will said he knows what he should do?

The world might not understand. But those who saw the battle understand.

Will knew what his sworn brother is going to do. He would usually not hesitate but this time his feet did not move.

He looks at another corner of the world. His Speed Source could no longer spread to cover the whole world.

It is clear with the expansion of the world, Disk Formation leveler could no longer act like before where their Divine Sense could envelope the whole world and nothing could escape their eyes.

Even Will Speed Source is also affected by this change and he realizes that the world is still expanding.

After all he sees it with his own eyes when he and his teacher was up there in the cosmos

But he still activates his Speed Source, feeling the vibrational energy of the world, feeling like there is a string everywhere, connected and tangled and he tries to follows this tangled lines to seek his sister.

But Will is not his teacher. He could not navigate through the chaotic energy that is spreading in waves all over the world.

He could not sense whether his sister is fine or not.

And so hesitated. He sighed and then he turns into a golden lightning that streaks against the waves of energy that is spreading all over the world.

The world is expanding and he could no longer circle the world in just a few seconds.

Now, it would take him some time. He run and runs, creating a streak of electricity arcs behind him.

A flash of golden lightning is streaking all over the world.

He needs to trust his teacher, he thought to himself before rushing straight to the direction Azief is going.


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