Lord Shadow

Chapter 874

Chapter 874: A lightning that fills worlds

At the same time that this is happening, in the Mirror Dimension, the cracks on the edges of the sky of the Mirror Dimension is getting clearer and the impact of the crack is getting longer as one could see that there is light coming into this gray world of the Mirror Dimension.

The people in the Mirror Dimension could see a bright light cutting upon the skies and created a powerful pressure all over the earth

They could see space bends and waver like it is on the edge of breaking. The light exploded and cover every inch of the Earth.

Even though they were not in the real world, they could somehow sense that these light were not just some simple fireworks but instead, each particles of light are a sword.

It cuts and it severs.

What it cuts and what it severs, is something that they probably could not understand with their current understanding.

Most of the people in the Mirror Dimension is Pillar Forming leveler and the highest among them is Energy Disperse stage.

They did not understand that when they reach Death Monarch level, they would be able to control Laws itself, the very Laws that constrained them, would be under their control.

But even if they were not a Divine Comprehension leveler that had refine the energy and turns it into Laws, they could still feel that sharpness hidden in each of the light particles.

It is not because they all possess some powerful senses that they could sense the sword intent hidden in the light particles.

It is simply because the power is so enormous that it could not be hidden. Each light particles are a sword.

And this sword is about to kill

There were some people in the real world that tries to see that sword strike so that they may found a path for their level.

Some of them wanted understandings of the Laws.

Most of these people are of course in Disk Formation. But they do not dare to come too close to the battle and they were not qualified to.

The power and the impact of such strike is something that they could not endure with their current level. So they could forget trying to watch the sword strike.

But the people in the Mirror Dimension could see it.

the people in the Mirror Dimension have certain advantages that enable them to look at the light particles without worrying to find some place to run or teleported to.

Because the damage of the real world will not affect them, they could see it clearly and could see it closely.

Some people even fly to the gray sky of the Mirror Dimension to look closely at the mirror image of Death Monarch attack.

In the real world however, those who could sense it did not have the leisure to observe and analyze the light particles.

Instead, they had to quickly run away if they did not want to become some collateral damage in a fight between two divine beings.

Those in the Mirror Dimension could all see the true power of Death Monarch clearer than anyone else.

But even if they saw it, they do not understand it fully. It felt like they were missing something

Some of the people looking at this magnificent scene even gulped in fear. Clearly they could not have expected that a person, one person could wield such power

They saw the battle between divine beings today and they now understood one thing.

Their life is truly cheap.

If not for Lee Sangmin and his Mirror Dimension, it would be without doubt that the moment that strike is unleashed, there would be millions of weak leveler like them dying trying to withstand the pressure alone.

If they were even remotely close to that area of the battle, they might not know how they die as that strike would disintegrate them whole before they could even defend themselves

Even if they somehow see the strike in advance, and defend themselves, with their level, it would be like a mantis trying to stop a moving cart.

It would be useless

What else to spoke of all the children that did not even have the chance to level up yet? They would just be collateral damage

Babies usually have some protection upon them by the World Orb but even that protection probably would be broken if it were to encounter such a powerful attack

This power had almost surpassed the current load of energy that the world could bear.

Those who look at this battle today, all have different thoughts.

Some of them look at this battle, look at that sword strike and they clench their fist, feeling unsatisfied with their powerlessness and the desire to become stronger rose in their hearts

It would be without doubt that someday, these young people who look at Death Monarch sword strike today would one day become someone in the wide world

There are also those who saw the scene and resignation grew in their heart.

They decided to give up contending and even thinking of making Death Monarch as their enemy

These people are the people that do not look fondly at the domination of Pandemonium as the world number one greatest power and the almost absolute authority of Death Monarch in determining the world policy

After all, not everyone that is sucked into the Mirror Dimension is the admirer of Death Monarch.

They are also looking.

And they are intently observing.

Death Monarch is an enigma to everyone. His invincibility is always lauded. In every battle that he had participated in on Earth, no one had ever witnessed him losing.

When he falls under an assassination attempt by a mysterious person after fighting a great warrior of the Weronian race, those who saw Death Monarch being speared by a weapon, had all one thought josei

God bleeds.

Sharks were circling around Pandemonium. Everyone thought that would be the end of Pandemonium.

But then Death Monarch returns. And they had another thought

God bleeds but He did not die.

To most of people living under the other six great powers, they all have heard how their factions and organization do not dare to make anything difficult for Pandemonium

They also have certain dissatisfaction about this.

the people of Pandemonium occupied most of the bountiful dungeons in the world and their organization usually did not fight for these dungeons if it were already claimed by Pandemonium.

The dungeon of course did not enter the eyes of high ranking people of Pandemonium that have reached Disk Formation but for growing leveler like them who were still in Pillar Forming or Orb Condensing having a dungeon with powerful monster is beneficial for their speed growth.

It is not because they themselves fear Pandemonium. They fear that person who is backing Pandemonium


Because they all heard how invincible, how powerful Death Monarch really is.

But stories could never beat the real stuff. It is hard to visualize how strong Death Monarch is in stories and lore about him.

But, today they now see.

And they now understood why their leaders would find any other way to deal with Pandemonium except direct conflict with Pandemonium.

Death Monarch is invincible on Earth! This is the strongest person in the world!

Some of these people that watched this scene, some of them come from the Republic. Some come from the World Government and others come from the others seven great powers

They all have different thoughts and feelings about Death Monarch. And that feeling is becoming more complicated as they are seeing this scene.

‘How could anyone fight such a person?’ one of the spectator mutters to himself. They sighed

And some of them knew that this era…even though it is hard to admit it, is the shining era of Death Monarch.

They give up. How could a human possess such power to cut apart the world and bring down the sky down?

As long as Death Monarch lives, Pandemonium would never fall.

That is the thought of every other citizens of the other great powers in the Mirror Dimension as they look at that sword strike.

The Mirror Dimension mimic the real world, like one would look into a mirror.

the few differences other than certain thing that is reversed, like the direction between right and left is that the effect of the real world did not reach them.

They could see in the Mirror Dimension how the thunders from the sky strike upon the world and they could see how each movement of Death Monarch created distortion in space around them, tearing it simply by just moving

Behind Death Monarch, above him and below him, thunders and lightning strike upon the world like some kind of divine hammer resolving to destroy the world,

Mountains exploded and forest were burned by tens of thousands of thunderbolts and lightning that accompanied it.

But even though mountains exploded into debris as the large block of stones flew up into the air and is about to come down and large avalanche swept down toward them, all of these damages phases through them and did not harm them at all.

Those who had reached Divine Comprehension could easily see that the Mirror Dimension is not so much as Mirror Dimension in that it also incorporated some illusion power

As they look at the battle, some people are anxious. Because it slowly looks like the Mirror Dimension is about to crack.

Some people are engrossed in watching the battle, but more look toward the sky above their heard.

The grey world is slowly having some golden light enters into it and they felt fear.

These golden light enter through the crack of the Mirror Dimension and then a sound shock everyone


The Mirror Dimension is on the verge of breaking!


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