Lord Shadow

Chapter 875

Chapter 875: All gather around

In the real world, Lee Sangmin who is in another continent coughed up blood, as his entire body is trembling, his face is pale and the aura around him experience some disturbance, becoming thin that it could no longer deflect the powerful pressure of the world

Warp was beside Lee Sangmin, holding his shoulders, ready to teleport if there is any indication that the danger is near them

And he is also teleporting the pressure that is about to hit Lee Sangmin body to somewhere else using his abilities.

It is not only physical thing that he could teleport. He could also teleport some intangible things like this pressure of the world for example.

Of course he did not master it yet but this is a great improvement of Warp teleportation ability. This is the reason why Narleod is so hard to kill and why Warp is always beside him.

As long as Warp is there, even Death Monarch would find it hard to kill Narleod.

Of course, things might have change now that Azief had reached the Divine Comprehension realm

Warp frowned a bit.

Even though he had teleported the pressure around Lee Sangmin and himself, this did not mean that the pressure all lost its effect.

This kind of pressure that is not simply a pressure of might but a Willpower that seems to pressure the world is something that Warp did not understand.

And the things he did not understand, he could not teleport.

Laws and energy is different.

Warp look at Lee Sangmin whose mouth is full of red blood. It seems that Lee Sangmin constitution is a little bit different than normal levelers in Disk Formation realms

Or is this the price of creating that Mirror Dimension? He thought to himself. He shakes the thought out of his mind and then held up Lee Sangmin from collapsing to the ground.

‘You okay?’ Warp asked.

Lee Sangmin nodded

‘The Mirror Dimension is crumbling’ he said as he looks at Warp. Warp frowned.

‘It would be pointless if it broke now’ Warp simply said.

Lee Sangmin nodded

‘I know. But those beings are way out of my expectation’

He understood what Warp is trying to say to him. If right now the Mirror Dimension broke, then they have to withstand the pressure of Death Monarch and that Demon king

And right now, from the looks of it, it appears like the battle is reaching the climax and no one is holding back anymore.

If the Mirror broke, then Lee Sangmin is quite confident that those people would not be able to withstand it.

All of their efforts would be pointless if the people that they saved in the beginning die in the end.

Warp is silent for a second before he then said

‘I don’t want to make this a pointless effort’

‘I’ll make sure that would not happen’ Warp nodded and then he looks back in front of him as Lee Sangmin is wiping the blood on the comer of his mouth.

Warp is not able to confront Sangmin or help him right now when even he is in danger.

No one knows what kind of impact that the attack of Death Monarch and the Demon King would do to the world

He could only look vigilant.

‘Death Monarch, I hope you would not overdo it’ Warp thought to himself. Lee Sangmin is still coughing blood.

Warp could see a wave of energy is about to come toward them. Without saying anything, Warp squeeze Sangmin hand arms and then they teleported from that area.

At the same time, there is a golden light passing through the area where Warp and Lee Sangmin just teleported from.

A large dep gash split apart the continent where Warp and Lee Sangmin was taking refuge.

The entire world felt like it is breaking apart.

On the other side of the world, however, when most people would fly away from the battle between Death Monarch and the Demon King, there is a group of people in the sky, flying straight toward the location of the battle

Some of them rides their mount. Others fly on top of clouds. While some others just fly without any items

They fly through the sky unhindered

But now they found resistance.

Wang Jian, Athena, Freya and many others who were rushing to the battlefield could also see what is happening in the distance and one could only imagine their shock as the felt the sky is falling upon them

All the invisible molecules bobbing above their head suddenly nosedived. It was like mountain were smash upon them from very part of the space around them

And a great pressure inundated them.


They all shouted at the same time as they quickly landed on a nearby land that is also being suppressed by some invisible force

They could feel the space around them is vibrating in high frequency

If there is anyone below Orb Condensing on Earth right now, they would suffer great injury even without doing anything.

Before the expansion of Earth, all the oxygen, nitrogen and other stuff in Earth’s atmosphere has a whopping combined mass of five quadrillion tons

And if that mass fell upon earth, it would mean that nearly ten tons of molecules, roughly the heft of a truck would drop on every square meter of Earth surface.

Of course, if such thing happens before the Fall, every person on Earth would turn to mashed meat.

But after the fall, humans experience drastic rise of strength that they could ignore such mass falling upon them.

Disk Formation expert could even withstand powerful pressure of space and could dive down to the bottom of the sea while ignoring the deep sea pressure.

A truck falling on them? People would rather worry about the truck than the people. But that is only relative to the Earth before

The Earth had expanded during the Multiversal Convergence.

Hence, one could assume that the Earth atmosphere combined mass have exceeded five quadrillion tons. josei

As such, the pressure of the sky falling upon them is not the same as before. Not even Disk Formation expert could ignore such mass pressing down on them

Azief sword strike cut apart some Laws that maintain the very balance of the reality itself.

This sword strike of his is no only powerful in the physical sense, it also has certain mystical properties that disrupt the normal operation of Laws of the world.

It cut.

Everything that is tangible and everything that is intangible.

This is what happen when a Divine Comprehension unleash their attack.

If Disk Formation leveler could be compared to a walking nuclear weapons than a Divine Comprehension leveler could be considered a planetary destruction weapons.

It is simple for them to destroys worlds.

Their ability in commanding the Laws that they have trained in enables them to do many things one would called a miracle.

They could control the elements of the world, changes Laws of the world that would affect reality itself

They are basically akin to real Gods.

Wang Jian, Athena, and Freya look at the sky from their position and they stop.

They did not retreat. But they did not move forward either.

‘Wait’ Wang Jian calmly said even as he is forcing himself to stand and not kneeling in the ground as the pressure around his body is building up.

Most of his soldiers however had lied down on the ground, trying to disperse that pressure that is pressing them down.

Some who had powerful physical body manage to stop at kneeling.

But there is also some people that are able to stand other than the Three Generals

There were only a few people that could stand most of them who possess powerful will and a powerful aura swirls around these people, trying to maintain the space around them from disintegrating

But even though they could stand, one could see that there is a great pressure on them as their entire body seems to be trembling

Wang Jian orders of wait is echoed by both Athena and Freya. They look toward that area and they waited.

Athena and Freya both understand why Wang Jian told them to wait. Right now, they could not help Death Monarch.

They would just be a nuisance. But once that strike fall down upon the Demon King, then that would be the opportunity for them to help

Wang Jian is always confident of his lord.

However, the gap between the Divine Comprehension realm and an Essence Creation leveler is an insurmountable gap.

Only Death Monarch, who could do such an impossible thing of fighting such a demon with his current cultivation

Wang Jian is confident that this sword strike would sue almost all of the power of Death Monarch. If the Demon King did not die after the strike, Azief would probably have no more energy to fight.,

At that time, they could help. It might not be much. But as long as he could help, he would help.

It is just a pity that Wang Jian is not able to come closer.

IT is not that he didn’t want to come closer. It is that he couldn’t. The pressure of the world is too heavy even for him.

If he tries to move further forward, he fears that he would fallen into the ground. So, he could only wait.

Waited for that sword strike to decide the battle.


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