Lord Shadow

Chapter 882

Chapter 882: The death

Balfor think about the stories he heard about these two beings.

They were many names for the Creator and one of them is Bright Being. And it is the Bright Being that made him felt more averse to than the Unholy Destroyer

The aura of destruction and the aura of life that these two beings possess seems to be clashing with each other, nullifying each other powers.

One could see stars being birthed in an instant and then erupted in the other moment and then birthed again.

It is cyclic of rebirth and destruction. The normal Laws of Life and Death, Creation and Destruction is distorted by these two powerful beings

The more that Balfor look at this scene, the more he felt his heart is moved. There is some kind of understanding that dawned on him.

He thought of the death of his world and he thought of the decline of the era and for a moment, he almost grasped that invisible and intangible feeling of seeing and feeling something that would explain all of the bad fortune of his world.

But as fast as that feeling comes to him, it dissipated as fast.

He focusses his eyes on the scene of the two beings even as Azief is gathering energy all over his body to mount another attack on him

He looks intently at the Bright Being

When a new galaxy is formed behind the Bright Being, the destruction aura that emanated out from the Unholy Destroyer would destroy that newly created galaxy

All of this happened in matter of time that is too short that it almost could not be counted

It is almost instantaneous and eternal, if one could even reconcile the paradox of it

But at the same time, these two being that play the chess didn’t seem to hate each other.

Destruction and Creation clashed, Death and Life fights each other over their dominion, yet, the two beings that controls these eternal aspects of the Omniverse, seems pretty at ease with each other

They clashed eternally but they don’t see each other as enemies.

They were more like colleagues

They balanced each other. Locked into an eternal war with each other, the Unholy Destroyer and the Holy Creator, Bright Being.

They keep playing chess even as the changes of the Omniverse reached a tipping point.

And Balfor keep looking. Even Azief do not understand what Balfor is doing right now. two of his arm had already been cut.

Blood is dripping down from the stump.

But it almost seems like Balfor didn’t even seem to notice. His pain seems to be ignored as he keeps looking at the image behind Azief back.

It was like he is seeking for something inside that chess match.

Azief knows that each time he uses the skill from the Wheel, or skills that derived from the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth it would show an image behind him.

This image come from the Wheel.

And how did the wheel have this image? josei

The answer is Azul.

This Wheel contain the enlightenment of Azul.

As such one could attribute that the image that appears in the scene is the images that Azul had seen in his lifetime before he became what he is today.

And each of the image must have something to do with his enlightenment to become a Grand Supremacy, to stand above even the other supreme beings in the Omniverse.

Azul seem to store his enlightenment in the six path of the Wheel

And as such Balfor who were only one step left to reach a level where he is equal to supreme being, this kind of temptation of enlightenment is probably the greatest temptation.,

It surpassed the temptation of the All Source and the temptation of the Ten Eternal rings. The sword intent keep piercing deeper on his skin and is cutting deep on his flesh

But his eyes and his entire being stand still. He was forced down but even as his body is hurtling through air, he forces himself to look at the image.

It is not that he forgets the pain in his body.

it is not that he forgets that he is in a battle right now and he knows he could not afford to lose his focus

It is the fact that he didn’t even realize he is forgetting all of this. he was entranced by seeing the chess match.

He did not understand how the chess match is being played, what each stars that is being picked up by the Creator and the Destroyer had to do with the game or what’s its role but for some reason, there is a profound truth in that act that entranced him till he forgets everything.

His chest is now being drilled by the sword intent as the sword strike that Azief had bring down is coming even closer toward him. But Balfor keep looking behind Azief.

Azief of course would not let go of such opportunity.

He himself knowns that there is a chance for enlightenment when using the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth

He also saw the scenes. But that scene would appear in his mind with each slash. He did not see it the way the Demon King sees it.

Each person seeing the images or the scenes would probably see different kind of scenes as it would depend on the observer powers and abilities and their path

Different path sees different scenery

But right now, Azief did not care whether behind him is a chance for enlightenment or not.

What is important to him is to rid of this enemy. That is his immediate threat

Balfor look at the Unholy Destroyer, picking up another star and putting it up somewhere in the Universe.

The position where he put his star down created a destruction stellar winds that crushed the other nearby stars.

And legions of dark beings arose from the destruction, and they began killing each other, and warring with each other

This is the application of souls. It is one of the hardest thing to master but in the hands of Unholy Destroyer it all looks very easy

There is resentment flowing through the Universe from the stars and planets that was destroyed by the casual moving of one star to another

Galaxies that was about to form exploded. Life seems to be choked into death. Time falls into regression. Space tear apart leading to a Voidless place.

Nothingness eat up essence of Something. Wherever he gazes, planets and stars disintegrated like it had never existed

When the Unholy Destroyer closes his eyes, life blooms. When he opens it, destruction reigns. Life and Death decided by the movement of his eyes.

The eyes of the Unholy Destroyer are black. Like some kind of black hole that would suck you in.

Even Balfor who wanted to find his chance for ascending to a higher level did not dare to try to peer though that dark eyes.

He fears what he would see would make him like those planets and stars that the Destroyer saw. He fears that he too would experience destruction.

He averts his gaze and look at the dark legion that fought in an eternal war with each other. They die and they rise again.

The aura of resentment was so strong that even Balfor could not handle it. Even though it is only a scene, Balfor felt like it could come out from that scene and pressure him

This is the sign that Balfor is resonating with the scene. But as there are benefits in doing so, there is also cons

He averts his gaze to look at the Bright Being, the Creator, the Master of Life and Creation.

The moment he saw the Bright being, his Killing Heart was calmed down almost instantly.

There were no songs and mantras that resonates with the Universe vibration but just by looking at the Bright Being figure, his killing heart, his desirous nature was calmed.

Some people used songs and mantras to calm the Killing Heart of Seresian demons.

And most of them would not work for a long time.

The stronger a Seresian demon had become, the harder for them to be calmed down by mere normal song or mantras that take advantage of the vibration of the Universe

It is what keep a Seresian demon power high. Their Killing heart is their desire. It is what gives them a potent killing intent

But one look at the Master of Life and he could not help but calm his heart unintentionally.

His heart feels peaceful like he is in one of the Awakened One Blessed Lands

He tries to see the face of the Bright being.

What he sees however is only light. The face of the Creator is shrouded with lights that blinds him. In that blindness, he felt humbled and he felt guilt and feeling the desire to atone.

And then images and scenes play out in his mind.

And this scene is torturing him with guilt and feeling he did not know he had before.

The Creator encourage life and abhor destruction. As such, the Creator abhors him. Not because he doesn’t pray, worship him or because he did evil things

It is because he came to creation and he destroys. And because of that, he could not see.

BOOOM! A sound of explosion split apart the wind and created storms as another strike from above is coming down toward Balfor.

Balfor move.

But he did not move consciously. It is like an instinctive movement. He moves a bit and the strike arrived and with a cuttings sound, Balfor feet was cut off.

But Balfor did not shriek in pain. The blood is dripping from the stump on his thigh, as his lower part of his foot is falling to the ground

The pain that travels all over his nerve because of that slash brought him out from that illusion and he manage to get ahold of himself.

Before Balfor could even stabilizes himself, the blast from that slash arrived. Balfor raised his arm to block that blast.

But like a fierce storm, the killing intent that acted like some kind of shield in front of Balfor was swept away easily


Like the sound of a nuclear explosion, Balfor landed on the hard ground that used to be the seabed of a sea

A large eruption of land occurs.

The moment he crashed to the ground, the entire area was depressed thirty feet deep, creating large cracks and trenches all over the area

It creates a powerful tremor all over the radius of three hundred kilometers, shaking mountain and hills, causing the waves of the sea to become turbulent

Dust and smoke rises to the atmosphere preventing sunlight from the cosmos from reaching that part of the world.

The temperature around that area drops. The blow and the shockwave from the attack could causes an entire city to be destroyed

And that is because Balfor had already minimize the impact by raising his arm to block it. If not the shockwave from him slammed down on the ground by that blast could flatten a small country

The ground appears like it was being impacted by some fast meteor that slam down from space.

Some of the ground area exploded up into the air and went to space before falling back into the atmosphere in the form of flaming balls of fire.

Balfor was dazed and a dep gash appears all over his body, wound spurted out from the small holes of wound, jettisoning upwards from the opening.

But Balfor…. his eyes are always looking at the scene.


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