Lord Shadow

Chapter 883

Chapter 883: Trump card

Azief on the other hand is feeling the burden of the Wheel. But he did not stop. he could not stop now seeing that the Demon King is not yet dead.

He must keep going.

His entire body is now overtaxed to the max. This is what happens when one that is in the Divine Comprehension realm is fighting against a leveler who is a higher realm than him

He had to use all he had. And all he had is now giving him a burden.

He is trying to go over his limit.

Azief gritted his teeth and his entire body is trembling.

His face is pale and one could

His hair seems overcharged with thunder and lightning and the golden sky above his head is becoming dimmer.

Thunders and lightning strike upon Balfor as the Will of the World cooperate with Azief in attacking the Demon King

But Balfor didn’t seem to notice.

He still wanted to see the image.

Balfor had lost two of his arms. His horn is broken as energy leaked from it and merge with the surrounding and absorbed by the Will of the World.

His right foot had been cut off.

He is possibly in a very desperate circumstance

But he still didn’t seem to care.

This behavior did not escape Azief eyes even as he prepares another blast.

At first, he took the action of the Demon King as an opportunity. After all, there is not more advantageous opportunity in battle, other than your enemy not paying attention.

But right now, there is something weird about the Demon King. He is too nonchalant about his own life.

This does not fit with the Demon King. At least, Azief believe that the demon King had a strong will. The demon King desire his Ten Eternal Rings.

And he might even desire the All Source on Earth.

How could he be this entranced by the scene of the Wheel?

Azief suddenly felt a bad premonition.

But he doesn’t know why he is feeling this. he examined his thoughts. Maybe, he is nearing enlightenment?

No, Azief thought. It doesn’t seem like it.

But even though Azief had the full advantage right now for some reason he did not know why there is bad premonition in his heart right now.

he doesn’t know how to explain it.

He raises the sword again.

Another surge of power come into his body as his veins popped off.

Each strike he had slashed down dim one of his laws. He had struck three times. Three of the thirteen laws that he had learned has dimmed.

He had used laws to cut Laws.

He could not keep doing this. As each Laws dimmed, his body also is getting weaker.

But he could not stop either, especially at this point. There is a pressure around his body.

‘Down’ he thought to himself as the pressure stay back from him.

This pressure had no solid form. But Azief could felt it. His Cosmic Laws, the few laws that he could still use at this moment is holding back that pressure.

But Azief is beginning to felt the pain coursing through his entire being.

He is holding it down. He almost coughed up blood because of the pressure on his Seed and his Laws.

The pressure did not attack his physical body. It attacks what would inflict his body with the most pain.

The Laws that he had cultivated is the target of this pressure.

It is like the Laws that he had cultivated is being grinded away. It is hard to explain how that pain felt or how debilitating it is for him.

It is not that the Wheel wanted to punish him. It is the price. The Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth are a very powerful object.

It is refined by all kinds of energies in the world and who knows how many worlds are in the Wheel.

In the past Azief could only summon the Wheel of Rebirth. But now he could summon the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation.

It is not that they have two wheels. It is the attribute of which he could summon. In the past, he could only summon the Rebirth attribute.

But now, because his power had grown he could summon the Reincarnation part and he could now actively enter and went outside the Wheel.

Of course, the amount of energy he had to use to maintain the operation of the Wheel is enormous. It would not be that overpowered if the amount of energy needed is only a little.

But he ignored it with a scoff.

He slashes down again and this time his entire arm blackened and pain wrecked his right arm as another bout of energy is heading toward Balfor.

BOOM! Another bout of energy exploded from the tip of his sword, causing the area to experience a space collapse.

The particles around the area begins contraction and draw mater inward toward the blast of the energy.

And that powerful energy is now creating a remnant trail across the sky like some kind of stellar remnant.

While Azief had slash four times, the whole world is just seeing that Azief is now just about to begin his first strike.

The time and space around the area was distorted.

If you view it from other side, it is two strikes. If you view it from another side, Azief had just finished his first strike. Look at another side, Azief is just about to slash down his first strike

Time and Space was distorted and as such the perception of the battle when viewing form, a different vantage point would also be distorted.

Only those who were at the same level as Azief could see the true time of the battle.

The wind howls and thunder and lightning accompanying that howl.

But even thunder and lightning could not reach the area.

The moment they tried to enter the area where Azief and the Demon King is fighting, they would be shredded by the vortex of chaotic energy all over the area of one hundred kilometers around each of this two combatant.

Balfor on the other hand just glance at the sword strike that is about to come on him.

he glances at it but he then ignores it and look at the image on Azief back

Nothing seems to be able to force him to avert his gaze from that image. Balfor could feel the vibration of matter around him. He understood the risk.

And even before the strike arrived at him, he could feel that he would not get out of it unscathed.

But he still didn’t do any offensive measures. What he glances was not the sword strike that Azief had executed but the rings on his fingers.

The Ten Eternal Rings. The very same rings that had become the reason why he had come out from the Imperial Palace and risk it all.

A simple task of eliminating one single human for the ultimate prize had now become a momentous task for him.

And he might possibly lose a lot more than he could gain.

But Balfor is not anxious at all.

‘I still have one trump card’ he thought to himself.

Balfor is not an idiot. He might like to be enlightened. But he doesn’t want to die. He carries the hope of his race.

As such, he could not die.

This is battle of wills between Azief and the Demon King.

One had to kill to atone.

The other had to survive to atone.

Balfor was one of the Demon that went and storm the Capital of the Seresian Imperial Palace.

With the death of the Demon Emperor, the Seresian world is experiencing decline that had never been seen before

The Demon Emperor did not let his essence to be used by the Will of the World of the Seresian world and instead would rather scattered his laws and essence toward the Omniverse.

His tiny revenge that had large effect over the years toward the Seresian world.

Who would have thought that the Demon Emperor was the one holding and propping up the Heaven of the Seresian world?

His death marked the decline of the Seresian world. And that actually could have been averted. If another Seresian Demon King had the rings.

As such Balfor had a plan when he first come out from the portal. That plan had changed after fighting the human.

He understood one thing.

He had underestimated the human.

The entire world is now suppressing him.

And he knew that his desire to take the Ten Eternal rings had failed.

He wanted to run to space but the Orvanians was there encircling the world. The moment he got up into space, who knows what kind of weapon would hit him

The only reason that the Orvanians did not carpet bomb the entire planet is because there is so many lives inside this world

As they claimed to be a race that hated war and senseless murder and killing, they trap him here, knowing that the human could make work of him.

He wanted to return back home, but the sword strike had sealed him. It was too late for him to retreat at this moment

Luckily, before all of that happened, he had cut his index finger with his thumb finger. Thinking of this, there is a smirk on his face josei

That blood that falls toward the dry seabed is his trump card.

He had a premonition that he could not win against this human in this Earth.

This human possesses to many home advantages.

So he could only rely on his trump card and right now, his trump card is waiting for the opportune moment.

His death…. might not be the end. And thinking of this he could be calm.

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