Lord Shadow

Chapter 898

Chapter 898: The trickster thoughts (1)

The Time Crisis is something that Loki had been waiting for since the beginning. Now, that it has come to pass, Loki knows that the promised time nears.

The situation on Earth was that when the portal opens, the World Orb absorbs the Laws of that Otherworlds and using it to complement, to add and enhanced the Laws of Earth Prime.

There is also the absorption of energy form that Otherworlds that increase the amount of energy that is present in the Earth Prime. Before the Multiversal Convergence, Earth Prime is slowly approaching a deflating of energy of the world.

It had become a race between all the people in the world and those who were born in this era has the biggest advantage.

It is like the first mover advantage. It is not a coincidence that the Seven Sovereigns live in the same era

Azief, Raymond, Katarina, Jean, Oreki, Hikigaya and even him all live during the early years of the Fall.

Loki during the year of the Fall was only a small child.

It wasn’t until a decade later that he accumulates power and energy of the world that he could stand tall in the world and slowly work to try to become a Sovereign.

But at that time the energy of the world is monopolized by the people at the top already and it is hard for normal people to reach the Sovereign levels.

Those who were born after usually could not progress as fast as those people that live in the early years of the Fall where the energy of the world was the purest and densest.

It is like the rich become richer, the poor become poorer.

That also happens on Earth even after the Fall, only this time it is where the stronger get stronger and the weak stay weak.

This is because the rate of absorption between powerful people that was born earlier is faster than the person who was born later

For example, Death Monarch, the strongest person in the world probably would absorb a few percent of the world energy just to form his Disk or his Law Body if he was on Earth.

Or he might absorb more.

It is fortunate for Earth Prime that most of Azief breakthrough happens in another world. If not, he might have used a lot of energy that is present on Earth Prime.

A few percent might not seem much in the scheme of things.

But when one would consider that this is one percent of the one hundred percent of the distribution of the world energy, then one could only imagine the amount that he had absorbed

And Death Monarch isn’t the only leveler on Earth.

All of those Disk Formation levelers, when they absorb the energy, their rate of absorption and their volume of absorption is different from people that is in the lower level.

As such, as these people keep absorbing energy from the world, the energy of the world decreases.

And while the All Source generated energy nonstop, when a place is devoid of energy, it would take time before it is replenished.

As such an unvirtuous cycle was created as the weak have to wait for the replenishment to send before they could absorb energy.

But, what if after an energy replenishment by the All Source, another Disk Formation leveler wanted to hoard the energy area again?

This was the problem before the Multiversal Convergence happens.

This discussion was already debated in the World Meeting between the Seven Great Powers. Some had even proposed some dark plans about how to control the energy supply of the world like inciting Disk Formation levelers to kill off each other or hoarding the energy to their organization.

If not for Loki vetoing power as the Regent of Pandemonium, Loki shudders to think the kind of methods the great power would employ to the world

Hirate was the most dangerous in his thoughts. Hirate might have changed but there are certain things about him that did not change and that is his ruthlessness.

He would not mind sacrificing the people for the world. josei

If he could create a strong enough force to protect the world, he would not mind enacting a plan that would impoverished the people form access to the energy of the world.

Hirate was obsessed of making sure that Earth would never again be put in such a situation where they were occupied by foreign alien civilization.

Loki know that Hirate had changed after the war with the Weronians. He had changed drastically. Well, a mass genocide would surely change one disposition.

Even though Loki had seen it before on his timeline, it still brings him discomfort and pain. He saw many people that die.

There were many that he had saved. But there were also many that he could not save.

Those who had experience the Weronian War all had their mindset changed. The stories of the Weronian War are not a story one would recount in the company of good men.

Those who participated in that war see some crazy sick shit.

Hirate was also affected with the death of Pandikar and how he did not mind laying his life so that Death Monarch would move and help the world

Loki had spoken many times with Hirate before.

The Hirate of this timeline, is a bit different that then Hirate on his timeline.

Different circumstances shaped different people. Hirate had always spoke to him that even though publicly he was forced to condemn Pandikar, in private he had always admired him even after his death.

To lay his life for his belief, and to have his ideas to resonate so strongly that it would made Death Monarch, the one person in the world that had always remains out of the world politics to be moved, it is something that Hirate himself could not do.

A flame that burns bright is the will that is in one heart.

Hirate would never let the world become weak.

A weak world is a target for invasion.

Now, that Earth Prime is communicating with alien civilization and having great abilities and power, it signals to the world outside the starry skies of the Milky Way that Earth is now ready for a higher level of warfare.

It is also the reason why Hirate accepted Loki proposition of framing himself as the perpetrator of the Multiversal Convergence.

The Greater Good. That is what Hirate must be thinking about.

Because Hirate know that if the blame is pin down on Death Monarch, with universal condemnation, the other six great powers need to take actions against Death Monarch.

But the common people do not know what kind of force that they need to fights against.

But people like Hirate, people like Raymond and other powerhouses of the world knows that to kill Death Monarch, and to even fight against him is like fighting against the Heaven.

There is a reason why even after almost a decade that no one had been able to unseat Death Monarch from his throne of the strongest person of the world.

He is the trailblazer, the yardstick to which every leveler in the world measures themselves.

To fight such an existence that is akin to Gods, even the Six Great power would think twice. And after today demonstration of his power, after seeing that sword strike that cleave the world and bring down the sky falling down, every hero and heroines in the world had only awe, admiration and fear in their hearts against Death Monarch

How would they fight against such a being? What measure could they use to defeat him? Who could survive his sword strike? Who could withstand that gigantic Wheel pressure?

Even if Jean and Hikigaya joins the world in attacking Death Monarch, there is never a guarantee that those two would win.

Not to mention the entanglement between Death Monarch, Jean and Hikigaya that would surely also an obstacle to defeat Death Monarch. If the world power really intended to take action against Death Monarch, they must plan the action without any possibility of failure. Because if they fail, Death Monarch would not be merciful.

If they take action, they must have one hundred percent certainty that they would win and they would be able to rid themselves of Death Monarch.

Even if there is only one percent chance of failure, they would not dare do it

And by doing that, by waging war against Death Monarch, the world would once again plunge into chaos.

Who could defeat Death Monarch right now? And even if there is someone that could defeat Death Monarch, is it beneficial to the world to kill Death Monarch?

Who would be able to protect the world if the world number one protector is dead? Is it worth it? That is the question that each of the Great Powers must answer.

Hirate considered this matter and he decided that the world must not wage a war against Death Monarch right now. Maybe someday. But not now. Not when the world is in a vulnerable state.

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