Lord Shadow

Chapter 899

Chapter 899: The trickster thoughts (2)

Azief on the other hand would not mind sacrificing the world for his people.

Loki on the other hand is greedy.

He wants to save the world. And he wants to save the people too. Ironically enough, this attitude of wanting the best of both world is an attitude that he emulated from someone.

And that someone is Azief. Azief is not yet mature. He is not yet strong enough. He is not yet greedy enough.

But, he is close. Azief himself had shown tendency that he did not want to compromise when it is about the things he wanted

That he did not want to sacrifice things.

If he wants to save, he would save everything he could.

He did not want to choose between two options.

If there are only two options and losing even one of the option would make his heart suffers, then he would create a new option.

And to create a new options requires him to be strong.

It requires him to be so strong that he could change the rules. That is the arrogant and willful Azief that he knew.

Of course, Azief right now had slowly shows that tendency. Loki knows Azief Grand Path. It is freedom.

When one looks at Azief eventual fate, his eventual end, probably there is foreshadowing of fate and destiny all of his life.

He smiles bitterly. Azief was never the chosen one. At least not in the beginning. But the choices he makes, the action that he takes, that is the thing that makes him chosen by fate and destiny

Fate and Destiny burdened itself upon him because he could take it. Because he could be the tool of destiny and fate.

In a way, as destiny and fate chooses someone, that someone is also actually choosing that fate and destiny.

It is very hard to explain it and even harder to describe it. Fate and Destiny wears many faces.

‘No wonder, he always searches for freedom’ Loki in the past never understood Azief quest for this Grand Path of his. After all, in his eyes, Azief was already one of the most powerful being in the Omniverse.

And with the Ten Eternal Rings, he could go toe to toe with the Great Supremacy in the vast galaxy.

Probably at that time, Azief himself had a premonition of his fate. Maybe, form the moment he become a Sovereign he had predicted that his life, and his death is under the guide of fate and destiny

Unfortunately, Loki only understood this later in his life. Right now Loki still didn’t know what Azief had seen when he went to the future.

Hopefully, his Number Two could meet with Azief and talk about it. Even a slight variable could have a major impact in the grand scheme of things.

Loki smiles a bit when he thinks of this old friend of his.

‘Ghost of the past’ he thought to himself. He then jerks his head suddenly. Yewa Hafar saw it but he pretended to see nothing.

Loki smirks a bit. Number Two is hiding. Unlike him, Number Two did not possess Sovereign level abilities to hide himself from Azief Divine Sense.

Fortunately, since the beginning Loki had always keep the Helm of Invisibility of Hades close. Loki smiles a bit when he thought of his first encounter with Azief on this timeline.

At that time, eh already had the helm of Invisibility. Of course, the Helm of Invisibility that he had is not like the real helm of Invisibility of Hades.

Loki met Hades once. His reputation as a somber old guy is true. And he is also very powerful and in charge of very important thing in Olympus.

Though, he is regarded more respectfully than Hel in Nilfheim.

Hel is the daughter of his teacher. Her appearance in Earth myth always described her as having a gloomy, downcast appearance and having a half blue and half flesh colored

But Loki once saw her. She was nothing like that. She had a beautiful appearance like that of Freyja, her hair is golden and her complexion was light personified.

She lives in a large mansion in Hel realm, having tens of thousands of servants and she governs the dead.

Her power is also very mystical as she is nourished by living beneath one of the three roots growing from Yggdrasil

Loki shakes his head.

‘I am digressing’ his mind wander off again. Loki mind is always scattered. And this is by design. It helps in making sure that the Time Correction would not be able to easily erase his memories.

He thought back of the matter between the great world power. It was like he is returning back to his original thought before his mind wander off again

He is thinking about Hirate decision in the past. Hirate once tried to do some very questionable practice to make sure that the power of the world did not decrease.

Of course, Loki had the advantage of foresight of knowing what will happen in the future, so he knows that doing those dark plans, those dark schemes and plots will only harm the world in the future.

If not for that fact, Loki probably might even agree with Hirate decision. Hirate decision was not wrong if one does not know what will happen in the future. Loki understood him. Hirate wanted to make sure that Earth would survive.

That is why he crated Project Genesis, sending a lot of humans out into the space to survive in some other star system.

They might have survived and founded a human colony on some planet on some foreign star system or they might have been destroyed by some freak accident in space.

But Hirate intention was always for the continuation of humanity.

An evil man that slowly trying to be better. That is who Hirate is as a person.

Loki could not condemn such a person.

Loki knows that in the end, Hirate would change for the better. Unfortunately, before that could happen, before Hirate could be that person, he had to make a lot of mistakes

That is how people learn. By making mistakes….and overcoming it. Not forgetting the mistake but learning from it.

And for someone who knew the future like Loki, sometimes that is the hardest thing to do. To let them make the mistakes and learn from it. josei

Telling someone and letting them finding it out for themselves always have different effect.

Loki had to watch.

He had to watch Azief stumble and fall. He had to watch his friends make mistakes. And he could see them learning, growing and overcoming it.

The strongest steel had to be forged from the fires of hell.

It might break. It might crack.

But if it survives the pounding of the hammer, if it endures the repeated quenching it could withstand any pain.

That is the price that they have to pay.

‘At least the future did not deviate too much. Time Crisis had successfully passed. Now, there would be a long gap between this event and the next. The Marriage of Earthshaker and the Divine Archer.’ He muttered to himself like he is trying to assort his memories.

He wonders whether this event would happen at all. But seeing the many pieces falling into its place, Loki is quite sure that this event would happen again.

But who knows the ending of this wedding this time. In his timeline, something happened and Sofia did not go through it. But who knows? This time the relationship between Azief and Katarina seems deeper.

It might also be more tragic.

And they met earlier than then should have. Katarina herself is different this time. She was…. brighter

That is how Loki views the Katarina of this timeline. In his timeline, like Azief, she was darker, and colder.

Meeting is fate. And parting is destiny. But if one meets before their time, then fate is changed. If they part before their time, then destiny would be altered.

Loki sighed. Number Two had a long way ahead of him, he thought to himself. After all, before the event of the Marriage of Earthshaker and Divine Archer could commence, there is a few events that needs to happens first.

Loki thought of it as intermission before the good stuff. Before the event of the Marriage, there would be the battle for the Divine Throne.

That is the era of the Sovereign.

To others, this is a big deal. But not to, Loki. The big events are the six events that happens after the coronation of the Sovereigns.

And thinking about the battle for the Divine Throne, Loki could not help but reminisce certain happenings of his past

Most prominently, the first battle for the Divine Throne.


We are now reaching to the area where Loki would start telling a little bit more insights about what is the battle for the Divine Throne and who is fighting for it.

There is a lot of exposition in Loki chapters. Hope you all could power through it.

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