Lord Shadow

Chapter 904

Chapter 904: Primordial garden (1)

At the same time that Loki on Earth is flying toward Nowhere Land, space distorted in one of the space area of the Omniverse.

The space distorted before runes appeared out of nowhere and stabilizes it. There is someone walking along the lines of energy of the Universe and that person is none other than Loki

This is Number Seven.

He arrived at one multiversal point that is hidden inside another layer of hidden dimension. There are all kinds of runic formation floating round.

This runic formation is all for protection, for hiding, for cloaking Loki true location. This dimension, this area itself is always mobile, moving through parallel universes, dimensions and all kinds of worlds.

It made searching for his location almost an impossibility. This method is actually inspired by Wargod methods.

Of course he could not be as blatant as Wargod who uses a broken star as his place of dwelling. Inside this nothingness space of existence there is a throne.

This throne is made from stars and there are two snakes that slithers across its handle.

This snake is not normal snakes as it had red rubies eyes and golden skin. It did not move when Loki was not there but when they sense their master, they immediately move. Loki smiles and sighed a bit

‘It is not always I had the chance to take a breath of fresh air.’

Fortunately, this time when he goes to his slumber, the memory of Number One would at least be a comfort for him. He flies to his floating throne and was about to sit on his throne but then he stopped.

There is something on top of his throne.

His eyes narrowed. And his expression changes.

‘What kind of thing this is?’

It is a token, a coin.

It glinted gold and there is a carving of a snake circling each other forming an S symbol and biting the tail of the other.

Loki knows that there is only one person that would leave such a message and leave such a symbol.

Instead of a person, it is more accurate to call him as Asgardian.

‘Teacher’ Loki muttered to himself.

This is the symbol of Loki the Cosmic Trickster.

Loki immediately look around him, expecting his teacher to suddenly materialize in front of him josei

That is his teacher normal way of appearing in front of someone. Loki method of theatrics, of appearing before someone is actually copied from his teacher.

But there is no trace of his teacher in this dimension.

Well, his teacher is adept in hiding his trace.

He sighed.

Loki of course knew that his teacher is not just some normal Asgardian gods.

If is teacher is just a normal Asgardian Gods, they would not be able to enter this area.

This runic formation that he laid upon this sealed dimension inside a multiversal points that always mobile and move without stop, is not something an Asgardian Gods could break into without notifying Loki Divine Sense that he had left inside the area.

But, it would be different for his teacher

Loki did not sit down. The serpents that was waiting for him to it hiss. A few ravens fly out from their trees of stars and perch itself on top of the throne

They look at Loki. Loki only click his tongue.

‘What is teacher trying to do?’ Loki has always bene confident. He is even confident enough to fight against Yewa Hafar, one of the Acolytes of the Destroyer but for some reason, when it is about his teacher, he was not that confident.

Know your enemy and you will win every battle. But, it is precisely because he knows his teacher, he knows how hard it is to win against his teacher

There is many reason why his teacher would easily found this place and could easily enter it.

One of the reason is because it is his teacher that teaches him this spell and this formation to remain hidden from the many gazes in the Omniverse.

It is one of the basic of learning runes. And that is to create runic formation. His teacher not only teaches him runes but also hieroglyph of the Amenthes and Sekhet Hetepet and incorporated that into his rune.

It requires high knowledge in formations to infiltrate this formation.

Of course Loki had made many changes to the formation and he is also curios whether his teacher had solved the formation key or did he rely on his other identity to break into this dimension.

Loki teacher another identity is none other than the Gardener of the Primordial Garden.

If he uses that identity, there is probably no formation in this whole wide Omniverse that he could not break.

Regardless of the way his teacher is able to come inside the area there must be a reason why.

Loki look back at the coin.

‘He left something for me. Is this the message? Why not speak to me directly?’

Only silence answer him back. he stares at the coin, maybe hoping for something to happen. Seconds passes and nothing happened.


And then like a lightbulb turning on in his mind, Loki remembers that after the Battle of the End, his teacher did come to him.

But he did not come to him in physical form. Instead, his teacher come to him in a form of dreams.

Loki felt like he had discovered what his teacher is trying to tell him. He picks up the coins but he did not feel that there is anything magical about the coin.

But appearance is always deceiving.

And Loki would know. His appearance is always a lie. Then his finger could feel that there is a different texture on the other side of the coin

and he look at the back of the coin. He smiles

‘So, this is the message’ he thought to himself

There is a rune on the back of the coin. And Loki smiles when he saw the runes. He understood the meaning of the rune with one glance.

The rune inscribed on the back of the coin is the rune Laguz.

Laguz literal meaning is lake. Its esoteric meaning is the unconscious, the subconscious, memory, dreams, imagination among others

‘Our future selves call us from the infinite pasts, and each night are eroded with our dreams’ This is the meaning that six revealed to him the moment he looks at the rune

Asgard magic is tightly related to the runes. One rune could express a thousand meanings and each one of it is magical

Words are then treated very preciously. Songs when it is sung using the meaning of the runes would create cosmic phenomenon, beckoning the Laws of the Omniverse to obey.

As such, the Gods of Asgardian rarely sang. But when they sang, the world shakes and trembles.

Odin sacrifices himself so he could see the wisdom of the runes

The magic of the runes of Asgard is not something that should be underestimated. But it is also the hardest to master. It is easier to understand the methods of energy refining like those Immortals of the Jade Empire instead of the runic magic of the Asgard. But there is power in words and in meanings.

The rune that Loki saw on the back of the coin itself could be interpreted in many ways. One could think of it as literally, or one could think of it as figuratively and one could think of it mundanely.

The runes could even be use to divinate certain events.

Among many other effects of rune is that it can be used in establishing a communication link from one concise mind, under willful intent to the unconscious mind of another.

Loki know what he should do and how his teacher intends to communicate with him. He sat on his throne and he sleeps.

Gripped inside his palm is the coin. As he goes to sleep, the coin dissipates.

Moments passes and then Loki become conscious. But the moment he become conscious he is no longer inside that sealed area that he had created

Instead he is a garden. His head feels a little dizzy but his body felt light like he is inside some ethereal place.

Loki tries to use his Divine Sense but he could not use it.

‘A dream’ he mutters.

Loki immediately remembers what he was doing before he appeared here in this middle of nowhere.

He went to sleep and then he appears here. This is the place that his teacher wanted to meet him

Is it an illusion? He asks himself. Then he shakes his head. This is nothing like an illusion he mutters to himself.

But it is not real either’ he thought to himself

He narrows his eyes and then he nodded to himself

‘A perfect replica’ he thought to himself. That is why even though he did not feel that this place is fake, he also did not feel that this place is real

Because it is simply a replica. As expected of his teacher. Even though Loki had reached Sovereign realm, he almost got fooled

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