Lord Shadow

Chapter 905

Chapter 905: Primordial garden (2)

Of course if he were able to use his Eye of the Ruth, this replica would not even last a second in front of his eyes. But, it is in bad taste of trying to make excuses.

He did not sense anyone here. It seems that his teacher might not appears as obvious.

There might be hints in the form of another

Dreams rarely make sense.

Loki understood that sometimes in dreams imagery is impotent. It is full of symbolism and depends on one interpretation. Loki understood why his teacher wanted to meet him in dreams.

As the Gardener, he might unable to give direct help to Loki. And as such, he could only use this kind of methods.

But this did not mean Loki trust his teacher explicitly. There is a reason why his teacher is called the God of Mischief.

Whether his teacher really wanted to help him is still something that needs to be pondered upon.

There is always a chance that his teacher is doing the bidding of the Supreme One. The possibility is low, but there is still such a possibility

Hence, Loki always need to be cautious and vigilant when dealing with his teacher. He began looking around the garden. There is thick fog on many parts of the gardens.

Fortunately, the fog is not poisonous or anything.

Of course, not all parts of the garden are covered by thick fog. This thick fog only looks thick from afar, but when Loki comes near it, he could easily see pass through the fog and saw more of the flowers that is cultivated inside this garden

He walks around the garden. The smell of the flowers all gave him a refreshing feeling, being embraced by such aromatic and good smelling scent.

Loki also recognize that it is full of life force.

The more he walks around the garden the more he became astonished at it. There were tens of thousands of flowers and that is from the only area that he could see.

Who knows how many flowers that exist inside this garden really is if he were to be given the chance to roam every corner of this garden?

Each of the flowers is different yet it could live alongside each other, like some kind of impossibility. It is like a snake and a chicken live inside the same nest and the snake did not eta the chicken and the chicken did not run form the snake.

Harmoniously existing, defying the normal laws of nature

Some of them is flowers he used to see on Earth. Some of them were flowers that he used to saw in some other planetary systems. Some of it is even flowers that he had never seen before

And that is saying something considering that Loki had seen a lot of things in his life.

Loki smiles as he thinks to himself “this garden must have all the flowers in the Omniverse’

Of course, inside the garden, it is not only flowers that populate it. There is trees that birthed strange fruit. Most of it is fruits that give great abilities and powers to those who eats it.

Loki stop when he arrived in front of a tree.

He then narrowed his eyes as he looks at the leaves of the trees. Then his expression changed to shock and incredulity.

He come closer to the tree and he hold one of the leaf on one of the branch of the tree. His face come closer to the lead and then he could see that on the leaf is a world.

There were living beings inside that leaf, mountain and hills, lakes and seas, villages and cities. But one would not be able to notice it if they don’t take a closer look on the leaf. Of course, the world itself is not the shape of a leaf. But a small orb that is like a particle of atom, a spherical planet that rested on the leaf

A world contained inside a leaf. He then releases the leaf and he look all around him. There were tens of thousands of flowers and trees and leaves of all kinds

And if each flowers and trees inside this garden, if each leaf of a tree actually contained a world, then how many worlds is there inside this garden.

‘The Primordial Garden’ Loki muttered to himself. Now, for some reason, he felt that the title of the garden is very appropriate. If each flower contained a world, then his teacher, as the Gardener, what would be his task?

This question suddenly enters Loki minds and the answer that come a second later, is something that is terrifying for him. So, he stopped thinking about it.

Instead, he focused on why his teacher brought him here? Why show him this? It could not be that his teacher just wants him to marvel the Garden.

Is there something that his teacher wanted to tell him?

He looks again. And then he sighed.

This garden doesn’t seem to have an end. And because he could not use his Divine Sense, he could not estimate the true size of this garden.

And then he shivers for a second.

‘Cold. Hmm, what kind of cold is this?’ he thought to himself.

The cold that he is feeling is unlike any other. He felt pain as the coldness seems to seep deep into his skin and serrating it

The moment he thought of this, the wind blows, and the leaves of the trees sway left and right, the flowers blooms and a Song echoes all over the space.

The song started slow and in the words of Asgardians. Runes lights up and floated all around the gardens. Slowly, the Song become louder and the pace picked up.

It overlapped with all kinds of languages until it become a language that Loki understood. And the song also could now be understood by him

He looks around to try to find the source of the song. But, he could not pinpoint exactly where the Song comes from.

It was like it come from everywhere.

It is from the Poetic Edda, the song about Yggdrasil. But, the notes of the Song are very sorrowful. And this sorrowfulness in the song penetrates deep into his heart.

?I know an ash tree standing named Yggdrasil?

? A high tree besprinkled with white mud?

? thence comes the dew which falls in the valleys?

? it forever stands green above the Source of ure?

The Song echoes endlessly and then Loki saw a large snake, the size of worlds. This scenery appeared on the horizon of the garden.

The sky was render apart and stars dimmed. Loki walk closer to the scene and he could that the snake is devouring worlds and Loki knows that snake.

‘Jormungandr’ he muttered. After all, Loki had once seen this snake before swirling on his teacher feet when his teacher was teaching him

‘What is it that teacher is trying to tell me?’ Loki had never felt as clueless as he is now. He always was the smartest one in the room

He never claims he know everything in the Omniverse. But, Loki after breaking through Sovereign level, he knew many secrets.

But it is clear, that he had never seen such scene before. He could feel that this is also related to some secret

He wonders why his teacher is showing something like this to him. Is there some secret about this?

Then before he could contemplate on the matter, another Song rose from the cold wind.

?It sates itself on the life-blood of fated men?

?paints red the powers’ homes with crimson gore?

?Black become the sun’s beams in the summers that follow, weathers all treacherous?

?Do you still seek to know? And what? ?

?The Seers spoke to Odin! And woe to Odin Allfather?

A sound of Harp come in and perfected the Song, the song is sorrowful and bring sadness to anyone who listens to it.

This Song overlapped the Songs about Yggdrasil before. Loki himself did not able to catch all the words. josei

Then another Song echoes. This time, the garden shakes as the sound of gongs and drums echoes out like thunder and lightning fighting each other in the sky accompanying the Song

?Brothers will fight and kill each other?,

?sisters’ children will defile kinship?

?It is harsh in the world, whoredom rife?

?an axe age, a sword age shields are riven?

?a wind age, a wolf age before the world goes headlong. ?

?No man will have mercy on another?

Wind blows him and he swayed a bit and then his eyes caught another scene. It shakes him to his core




Ask veit ek standa heitir yggdrasil

hár baemr aussin hvíta auri

taean koma d?ggvar e?rs í dala falla stendr

? yfir gr?nn urear brunni


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