Lord Shadow

Chapter 918

Chapter 918: Getting her back (2)

Azief felt something was wrong. That is the feeling he felt. The wind blows calmly around him. Not far away from him is a storm of energy josei

It is chaotic and one could see that it is coming near to the area. Inside that storm is wind that roars like dragons. It devours the land, and disturb the sky.

Azief did not seems to care.

The moment the storm arrived near ten-meter radius of him, the storm like it had hit some kind of force, dissipated and exploded, its properties were changed and it turns into a calm breeze of wind.

The chaotic energy was absorbed by him in an almost an instant.

The Laws inside his body were now all at their top shape. Right now, he is in his most optimal condition.

And there is a sense of something had improved.

Azief knows that this improvement is the improvement of his Law Body. Before, he did not have the chance to use his Law Body.

Other than when he manifested his Law body on the Supremacy Stairway, he had never use it against any enemies he had on Earth. None of them could force him to fight them seriously.

But, today after fighting with the Demon King he could let out all of it and there is improvement in the familiarity of him using the Laws that he had cultivated.

Azief frowned. His heart is beating fast. There is a sense of foreboding.

‘What does this mean? He thought to himself.

He waved his hand and the storms that is around the area all dissipated. It was like none of the chaotic energy could withstand that force from the simple wave of his hand.

His Divine Sense is now also recovered.

‘I need to check in on all of them’ he thought to himself. He closes his eyes and his Divine Sense spread out all over the world in a millisecond.

In that one moment, Azief could see how vast the world had become.

There are still the original seven continents but there are also many other new continents that have reemerged from the bottom of the sea as the result of the moving of the plate tectonic under the bottom of the sea

And while some are created naturally from the colliding of the plates of the world, some were not.

There were also many continents that just popped out from nowhere and it was created by the energy of the world and its origin of creation is mystical

Azief look and see things through his Divine Sense and he takes it all into his mind

He saw a continent surrounded by white thick grey fog and his Divine Sense penetrated the thick grey fog and saw hordes of monsters and demonic creatures.

But these demonic creatures are not leftovers from Seresian world but some beast from some multiversal point that appears here.

Some of these beast is of foreign origin, but there is some beast that originated on earth but was transformed by the weird mystical energy in that continent.

He also saw a continent full of mountains, and continents full off trees that is taller that the tallest building ever created on Earth recorded history.

Its body is also thick that one of the trees body is as big as a small nation in Europe.

There are many more scenes like that.

He saw the changes of Earth atmosphere, its environment and its energies and the laws that governed them.

But, he did not activate his Divine Sense to marvel at the new world.

Instead, he wanted to make sure that all of his friend is fine. He could not ascertain it when he was fighting with the Demon King

Now, that everything seems to be settled, he needs to make sure that everybody is fine.

His Divine Sense expanded even more, becoming even more detailed.

His Divine Sense that sweep all over the world were not able to be detected by people that have lower realm than him

But Jean notices it.

His Time Avatar all look toward that area where Azief was and one of the Time Avatar in the Island of Peace stopped his conversation with Hirate and disappeared from that Island travelling through Time and Space.

There is another one that also had notices that Divine Sense.

And that one other person is none other than The Illusionist Archmage Hikigaya.

He was inside his cave; his body is leaking energy, his face is pale and he look incredibly injured.

His eyes veins are stressed, its vein could be seen swelling as the area around him seems to be in a state of flux between illusion and reality.

He looks toward the direction of the source of that powerful Divine Sense and he could only smiles bitterly

‘I’ve done my best’ Then he added

‘He could not blame me for something I have no control over’

Of course Azief did not yet know about Katarina kidnapping but Hikigaya knows it and he knows that if Death Monarch is angry he might take it out on him

Who knows what he would do considering his unpredictable move? Hikigaya believe it would not take long for Azief to know about the matter of Katarina.

But Katarina kidnapping is not his mistake.

He couldn’t even walk right after using his full power to create that illusion inside the Demon King mind.

After the Demon King break that illusion, Hikigaya was the one that have to endure the backlash.

So, when the Demon king appears and kidnapped Katarina, Hikigaya was already back at his cave that he used to train in.

Thankfully, even after the world had expanded, the cave is still there. It is easy for him to locate his cave since he had left his marking on it

The only difference was that the cave is bigger and it more full of energy of the world than before.

He is not even powerful enough to create an avatar right now. he first need to recover and he also had to meet with Oreki.

There are many things he needs to do.

So, he ignores the Divine Sense that is sweeping the now large island of Japan. One could not really call Japan an island nation anymore.

Because right now, Japan area is more like a large land mass continent.

People speculated that he might would do something shocking after he had broken through to Divine Comprehension leveler.

But right now, he only wanted to go to slumber and heal his injury before he thinks about other thing.

The Divine Sense only linger for a millisecond on the island as it keeps sweeping through all the areas of the world.

There is no technology, no kind of power that could stop this widespread scanning of the world.

Because there is nobody on Earth that possess the kind of ability that Death Monarch possess. No one could stop it with their Divine Sense either.

There was some expert that tries to use their Divine Sense to probe Azief Divine Sense. What happens to them was a severe backlash of injuries.

Unless they were at Essence Creation level, they would not be able to stop that Divine Sense

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