Lord Shadow

Chapter 919

Chapter 919: Getting her back (3)

Other than some mystical place that is underpinned by some mystical laws that made Azief Divine Sense renders useless, almost all of the places in the world that did not have such protection to be reflected onto Azief mind.

He saw both Jean and Hikigaya. As for Jean, Azief notices that there is many of his avatar all over the world.

And when he means all over the world, it is where there is human group, there would be Jean, guiding them with his avatar.

As for Hikigaya, he is recuperating from over drafting of his energy.

With his Divine Sense, even the Illusion and Reality Formation that Hikigaya had created and pasted all over his cave could not escape from Azief gaze.

He also saw the Oracle. She is still waiting for him, her eyes closed, waiting for him under that tall tree.

Azief did not forget about her and he would come to pay for the Price later. His Divine Sense pass them by

Azief saw all of this in a fraction of a second, as his sense wanders and took more information and then he frowned.

He saw many things and hear many things that is confusing to him and absurd.

The things that he heard that shocked and made him feel the absurdity of the world was that the matter of the Time Crisis is the fault of Loki.

Why would suddenly the world blame Loki for the Time Crisis? This is the reason why he was frowning. This news does not make sense at all

He could hear all the words, the chatter in some camp fire, in some communication centers, divine senses that communicated with each other, none of their chatters, their discussion escape Azief Divine Sense.

The more he hears, the more he frowned.

The area around him become unstable as Azief is feeling…. angry. The land around him seems to depressed inch by inch.

Azief himself did not know that he is unconsciously doing this. Angry…. that is the feeling he felt.

He did not know how else to explain his current feeling right now. He was angered because he knew why Loki claimed that he was the one that opened up this calamity

Loki did it for him. His feeling become very complicated right now

He also hears the chatter that Lee Sangmin would open up his Mirror Dimension.

His Divine Sense saw that many people of the great powers coming toward the area where Lee Sangmin is now standing.

He is standing overlooking a huge open space. Beside him is Warp, as there is a large halo beneath his feet that possess this mysterious essence of Space and Time.

Lee Sangmin and Warp could not sense Azief Divine Sense.

But then he saw something that made him confused. He saw Boris, riding on a griffin with the speed of lightning heading to somewhere.

But the direction that he is heading is different from the area that Azief thought that Katarina went.

Instead, he is heading toward here.

‘Something is wrong’ that is what his heart is telling him. But if that is the only thing that he saw, then it would not make him as confused as he is now.

He saw his Three Generals is heading somewhere. And their destination, judging by the direction is the same

But it is not toward Pandemonium.

It baffles him.

Because on the other side of the world, the soldiers of Pandemonium are gathering on the empty continent where Lee Sangmin had arranged to spit out the people of Pandemonium from his Mirror Dimension.

It is weird that the three Generals of Pandemonium would not go there and escort the civilians back to Pandemonium.

Instead, they seem to have a different destination than the soldiers.

He also saw an arrow manifestation sailing through the air, heading toward the same direction that his three generals are going

‘Sofia’ he muttered.

They are going to a hill. In the hill, he could see Jean sitting under a tree that is formed from Time Energy

Jean is sitting there, closing his eyes, his entire body seems to emanating a sense of ancientness of Time.

There is a small portal there, sealed by Time.

But even in jus by using his Divine Sense Azief could feel that Time still move inside that portal. And it moves very violently.

If Azief was there in person, he might be able to sense more and know more about that portal

The violent Time is constrained by Jean as it was forced to move very slowly, like it is forced to play by the rhythm of Time that Jean had subjected it to.

Azief do not understand why Jean was there on that hill.

He does not understand why his three generals are going there. And he also did not understand why Sofia is also going there. But, that is not the only person he saw near the tree.

He also saw Will.

‘He is there too?’ he thought to himself. Now, that he saw Will is there, his premonition of something terrible is getting stronger.

Will is sitting behind Jean, his two palms on Jean back, giving him energy.

His entire body is swirling with Speed Source as electricity arcs envelops him and turning into Time energy when it entered Jean body

Azief could see that Will supply Jean energy for Jean to maintain the sealing that he had done on the portal.

Then his Divine Sense detected another person and Azief smiles a bit when he had discovered the person

He saw Sina. He felt a bit relieved now after seeing that Sina is not having any injury but the location where Sina is around now does put some concern into Azief heart josei

Sina is now drinking pills while floating above the sea water. Azief could guess that he was very close to the battle site between him and the Demon King.

He thought to himself, only Sina would be crazy enough to come near his battle and try to help him.

Azief could not act the same way he acted with Katarina and Sofia. He could force them to not help him.

But he could not force Sina not to help him.

This is family. This is his family. And he would not have it any other way.

Using his Divine Sense, he had seen Sofia. He had seen Sina. He had seen Will. All three of them is safe.

But where is Loki? Why would the world think that he was the one that bring about the Multiversal Convergence?

And where is Katarina? The moment that thought enter his mind, he suddenly felt that the premonition that he had felt before is about Katarina.

This feeling attack him strongly at this moment

Thunder break out in the sky. Lightning followed suit.

The sound of those two elements clashing up there in the sky is like a drumming of a wrathful god.

Then rains falls.

Maybe, it is not wrath at all.

But…. confusion.

The wind picks up pace.

Storms appears.

This storm is not destructive in nature. But it sways left and right like it had no direction. All kinds of beats shrieks and scram, hollered and howl like a dark omen

Omens is always related to prophetic significance.

But as humanity thrive on science and logic, omens is regarded simply as a superstitious belief. But, omen existed. Especially, in world of gods and demons like the world that Earth is living right now

Omens for beings like Azief is more than just a superstitious thing. Omens is their subconscious manifesting on their environment.

Azief is now a Divine Comprehension realm. It means he is able to control Laws of the world. He affected the Laws of the world.

And sometimes, he affected it subconsciously. The premonition is a low level effect of that enhanced senses.

For beings of his level, omens that appears is the manifestation of his subconscious trying to tell him something.

This omens appears before in Azief surrounding. But at that time, he was too focused on the battle. He did not realize the omens

Thunder, lightning, swirling clouds, storms and rain, all portent a great disaster is about to befall. But this is no longer an omen. This is his manifestation of his feeling toward the world.

Loki, he could explain. But where is Katarina? Why could he not sense her? And why is everybody going to that Hill?

That moment, he retracted back his Divine Sense. All it takes him was one second to get all of that information.

Azief stand still there. He did not know what he should do now. he saw Boris is coming here. That must have something to do with Katarina?

Did something bad happen to her?

How could his Divine Sense unable to sense her?

And what is happening at that hill?

He did not know whether he should wait for Boris to come here right now or whether he should go that Hill.

For a moment, his mind stopped thinking.

The moment he was confident that Katarina is not here on Earth, his mind went blank. It is not like he thought Katarina was dead.

It was the sudden disappearance of hers made him…. blank.

For a moment, he did not know what to do. It was like he is spiraling into nothingness. But then he shakes his head.

‘I need to be calm’

‘Information’ he muttered to himself.

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