Lord Shadow

Chapter 921

Chapter 921: Getting her back v

‘Could I go now?’ yet, that question still come out from his mouth. Jean understood the anxiousness in Azief heart.

‘No’ Jean said

‘I need time to stabilize it. If you enter it right now, the time dilation would not be complete. If you enter now, you would arrive three months later in Seresian world. Give me time. I would make sure that when you enter that portal, it would only be three days in that world’

Azief nodded. Jean needed time to stabilize the Time Difference between the two worlds.

How much time do I have?’ Azief have. Azief is already thinking about what he should do. But he needs a timeframe. Jena was silent for a second. He then said

‘A week’ Azief thought for a moment and then he said

‘I have one week then’

‘Settle things before you go’ Jean said

Azief was about to take another step and leave this place when suddenly he stops and said

‘Why was Loki blamed?’

Then he added

‘Why did Hirate framed him? He must know that I would come to him. And why did you help him cover it up? I also did not hear Hikigaya refuting it’

Then sighing Azief said

‘I know he is injured. But if he wanted to announce to the world that it was I that was the cause of this Multiversal Convergence, it would be easy for him’

Jean did not answer Azief question immediately. Instead, he paused there for a second. then sighing he answers Azief question

‘This is not Hirate idea. He knew that you would come for him, if he did this. But he did it anyway. One of the reason is because this is not his idea. The other reason is…. for the world’

Azief analyzed Jean words and then he reached to a conclusion

‘Loki…planned this?’ Jean nodded


‘Who knows? Maybe, he has his own plans. Or maybe, because you are his brother and he doesn’t want you to take the blame. Or maybe he is like Hirate, caring about the world if you went to war with all the Great Powers in the world. You must have known that if the world were to ever find out that it was you that trigger the Multiversal Convergence, the people would turn against you. The Great powers then would have no choice other than to try to fight you. When that happens, you would surely not just sit there and take it.’

Jean look at Azief and simply said

‘The answer would then be war. And the world could not afford to get in a war with you right now. Not when the whole world believes that you are a hero.’

Azief frowned. But he could understand Jean thoughts. But he could not understand Loki. Sighing, Azief close his eyes for a second. He had heard to many bad news in one day. But then he asks.

‘What do you mean when you say that Hirate did it for the world?’ Jean laughed bitterly and said

‘Hirate said, the world would not survive a war with you.

‘So, he makes Loki the scapegoat’ Azief sneered. Jean shakes his head and simply said

‘It is not fair to blame Hirate on this matter. Loki was willing to be the scapegoat. He volunteered for it’

Azief did not know what to say about this.

He of course knows more about Loki than anyone else. And he knows that Loki come from a different version of Timeline.

A future timeline.

So, each time Loki does something Azief must look at it from many different perspectives. And it is because of that he could remain calm.

If he did not know of Loki identity as a time-slipped person, he might have been angry and feeling Loki is doing something stupid to sacrifice himself for him.

And that is exactly what Loki is doing.

But Loki must have a reason why he would bear the title as the perpetrator of the largest and most catastrophic disaster in the history of the world

But Azief still did not feel what Loki had done is something that he could approve of. It is not something that Loki should bear.

So, Azief could only sigh. Since he did not know what he should do to dispel this news. Even if he said it was him that does it, people would only think of him as trying to protect Loki.

Especially when Hirate had already announced the matter and Loki did not refute it not to mention that no other powerhouses stood up to say that the matter is wrong. Jean must have been persuaded by Hirate to think of the greater good and he shut his mouth. Even if Jean told the truth right now, no one would believe him as they would think that he had bene threatened by Azief

Loki had planned this beautifully. Even if he confesses to the matter, people would think of him as simply trying to protect Loki who everyone knows Azief treated like his own little brother.

And even if people believes him, Loki could still come out and confess to it by himself. There is no end to it.

Azief close his eyes as he already had crafted a plan. He accepted what Loki did for him. But accepting it did not mean he was giving up.

He had his own methods. Azief then look in front of him.

Hmm’ he contemplated. There are many things to do and little time to do it

Nothing beats a challenge, he thought to himself

There are many people he should meet before he goes to the Seresian world

He had for a second think to separate his avatar from his body and quickly settle all that needs to be settled

But, he decided against it.

‘I need to break through Essence Creation’ he thought to himself.

Azief himself was not that far away from breaking through to the next realm of power. It is only because he had purposefully restrained himself from entering that realm.

There are a few things he must do before he breaks thought to that realm

He must make sure that nothing would hinder him Perfecting his Path to enter Essence Creation.

If he could break through to Essence Creation before the one-week period, then there is a higher possibility of him easily rescuing Katarina.

And he must also pay the price toward the Oracle, he had let her waited for him long enough. Azief then look back at Jean and he simply said

‘A week later I would come to the hill’ Then with a hesitant word he said

‘Look after Sofia.’ Jean nodded and then he turns into a green purplish motes of light that drifted along the wind

Azief look on as he sighed

Azief felt very awkward to speak with Sofia right now. because he fears that she would ask him to stay.

Azief is quite sure that the Demon King is setting him up for a trap when he enters the Seresian world

But this is Katarina. She is not any other woman. She is Katarina. And she is special. And even when he knew that it is a trap, he would still go.

And he fears that Sofia would ask him to stay. Because if she did, then Sofia would be disappointed with his answer.

He owed Katarina too much.

And he did not know how to repay her. The more he owes her, the more he felt guilty. The more he felt guilty, the harder it is to erase her from his heart

He sighed again and then he saw a griffin up there in the air as it swoops down from the sky and landed a few feet away from him

Boris’ Azief thought to himself.

Boris stride towards him and he said

‘Did you know?’ Boris is not sure whether Azief had find out what happen to his sister or not. Boris look at Azief and there is this anger in him that he could not quite describe.

He always felt that his sister falling in love with such a dangerous person like Death Monarch would never be something that would be good for her.

And his premonition is proven today. Because of her connection with Death Monarch, she was kidnapped by some Demon king of some Other Worlds.

If not for the fact that Death Monarch is a being that surpassed him in power and abilities, he would sock a punch on him

He had always wanted his sister to fall in love with an ordinary man. An ordinary man would not hurt his sister

They would not even dare to. But Death Monarch is different.

Azief nodded and said

I know

What you are going to do? Boris knows the stance of the other world leader even without him talking to them. Those world leaders would surely not in favor of having Death Monarch leaving Earth after such a disaster.

They need a protector and someone that could repel such threat.

As such, they would try to sway Death Monarch to stay

But, Boris knew that in this world, only one person is strong enough to bring his sister back. That is why even though he was angry with Death Monarch, he still comes here and even in his anger, his tone is pleading. He fears that the feeling that Death Monarch has for his sister would not be enough for him to disregard the mortal danger that might occurred if he goes to the Seresian world

Azief understood Boris worries.

He simply said josei

‘I am coming for her and I’m getting her back’ And there is an unmistakable confidence in his voice and determination is apparent from his gaze.

Azief look toward that area where the hill is and he simply said

‘He will pay for this’


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