Lord Shadow

Chapter 922

Chapter 922: Beast monarch

The sound of sky quakes in the sky, the rain on the side of the world, the storms that rises and fizzles out, the thunder and lightning that fills the sky and the tremors that shakes the Earth

All over the world, all kinds of phenomena had happened because of the aftermath of the world expansion.

And somewhere, on some island, there is a man wearing a black tight robe looking at something with his glowing blue eyes.

His hair floats like there is the forces of nature holding it up. His body seems to surrounded by misty glowing orbs, like a will o wisp.

The Laws of the world obeyed his will.

This man looks upon a hill.

The hill was tens of thousands of miles away from him. But his eyes could see it almost like he was there, on site. His eyes seem to be analyzing the place, analyzing the Hill

And this hill had become a congregation place, revolving around one man there who was sitting in the air, emanating Time energy from his body.

The people surrounding that man is all people that the observer recognize.

There is the Golden Speedster Will, Divine Archer Sofia, The Three Great Generals of Pandemonium, and many others, helping that person on the hill maintained his power of Time.

The one looking at the hill frowned.

‘Can he truly last a week?’ He thought to himself.

The one that is on that hill is Jean the Time Monarch. And the one looking at the hill is none other than Death Monarch

He looks at that hill for a few seconds, and he closes his eyes.

There is a fire in his heart right now as he clenches his fist before releasing it back like he forcefully calms his heart down

His thought is now full of ideas as the determination that he has would be converted to effort to save her

‘I will get you back’ he thought to himself as he clenches his fist.

There is anger in his heart. And that anger is not directed toward the Demon King. And it was not directed at Jean. It was directed at himself.

Katarina, one of the women in his life that he never wants to hurt is now harmed because of him

There is a feeling of guilt but there is mostly anger. He takes a deep breath as he calms down his heart.

He then opens back his eyes and his eyes is now calm.

‘There is a lot of thing I need to do and not enough time’ he thought to himself. Azief then look at his side and he frowned.

Not far away from him is a man who is muscly and is looking at Azief with a complicated expression

This person is Boris, the sister of Katarina.

He is wearing his thick bear robe and his body still have wounds that he had sustained from fighting the demonic horde of the Seresian invaders.

But he disregards all of that, ride his griffin and exhausted his energy to supply his griffin with power so that he could meet with Death Monarch and ask for his help.

Because this matter relates to his sister. He could ignore everything for his sister. Even his apparent dislike for Azief could be ignored for a moment

Boris observe Azief the moment he arrived here.

He saw Azief had avert his gaze.

Azief might be looking forward but Boris know for people of Death Monarch level, the things he could see and the things that other leveler could see is different.

His gaze might be able to envelope the whole world so much so that nothing could escape his sight.

That is terrifying in itself.

But Boris stand his ground. Because this man, this person feared by all the Great Powers of the world is the one responsible for the Demon King to kidnap his sister.

If anything happens to Katarina, Boris did not know how to live in a world without his sister. He heard Death Monarch declaration. But that is worthless until the result is shown to him.

The wind blows as there is another storm forming in the distance.

This time it is a storm of water, a tornado in the ocean that rises up because of the breath of some gigantic sea creatures that tries to rise up from the bottom of the ocean.

The tornado of water is coming toward the area.

Boris felt a little bit intimidated.

Azief realizes it as he gazes upon that water tornado and immediately it fizzles out as the area around the water turns red.

With one gaze, he had exploded the entire being of that sea creatures. Boris sighed.

he could not be afraid of Death Monarch right now. Instead of being afraid he is actually angry with Azief.

Sighing he said to Azief

‘I still don’t like you. But she……she loves you. I hope that means something to you’ Azief did not reply but he knew what Boris is trying to say.

He is telling him not to betray the feeling of his sister. Azief nodded and then he said to Boris

‘You don’t have to try to manipulate me to try saving your sister. I would still go regardless of anything’

Boris then nodded. Behind him, is his griffin playing with the grass with its large sharp claws waiting for Boris to ride it again.

‘What should I do?’ He asks as he look at Azief. Azief was also thinking of the same thing. Since he had a week to plan, he should make use of this week to the fullest.

‘How about the Republic?’ Azief ask Boris and Boris simply said.

‘I care more about my sister’ Azief raise his eyebrows and said

‘That is not a good trait for a leader’

‘I seek for power to protect my sister. That had never changed’ Boris reply. Azief look at Boris like he was looking at a new person.

He is quite different from what Azief thought he would be. It is just testament that people could continue surprise you

Azief mind is full of thoughts right now. he needs to make many moves now. Since he has a week, things should be made clear as fast as possible.

Then he said

‘You should stabilize the Republic first. Relocate the people that would come out from the Mirror Dimension of the Arrayist Sage. Make sure the Crime Alliance did not do anything and look out for those gray organizations. Try to determine where they are right now’

Azief clearly had his ideas about the organization that would target him during these period of times.

They would not pose a threat to him, but time is precious. And Azief won’t have time to deal with many of this gray organization especially the Crime Alliance.

He continues saying

‘The world has expanded and this is far from over. The energy that pour into Earth is not yet fully digested by the World Orb. There would be many more changes in a couple of days. More mystical places might suddenly appear in some empty space on Earth and even spatial crack lading to some empty dimension or pocket dimension is not out of the question.’

Pausing for a second, he then continued saying

‘And this many lands that have appeared would expand even more. As such, I believe there is a lot more places for these gray organization to grow hiding in the many lands and new continents that sprouted out. There are even some places that could hide from my Divine sense because of its mystical properties. For these areas, manual surveillance needed to be done. Make sure the Great Power dominance over the other is not threatened. Calm the seas and make sure the skies are not covered with flying beast. That is what you can and should do now’

‘Will it help my sister?’ He snorted and Azief simply said

‘It would help me. And helping me is helping your sister right now.’

Azief could guess that there would be people who would try to distract him this week so that when he does go to the Seresian world, he would be unprepared.

After all, his enemies wanted him to die.

And after the spectacle of his power these people that is hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportune moment probably wanted him to die even more.

After all, they too wanted to shine in this era.

And as long as Azief is still the strongest person in the world, their time to shine would not come.

Of course the solution for such a problem is simply for him to not go and save Katarina.

But, like most people thought, that is not something that Azief would do. Regardless of the cost, this is the right thing to do. josei

Even if it isn’t, Azief would still do it. Because it is Katarina. Even if she goes into Hell, Azief would go and try to save her.

He closes his eyes for a moment and he saw Katarina smile in his mind and that smile make him feel pain. If Katarina were to suffer for him, he would feel even more guilt.

Then how could he stand in front of her without any feelings? He sighed inwardly. Boris then walk away and he flew to his griffin who was waiting for him. He then simply said

‘I will make you my mortal enemy if you fail to save my sister’ Azief reply

‘If I fail to save her, that failure is enough to destroy me’ he said and Boris frowned.

Who knows what his feeling is when he heard what Azief said and what is contained in that gaze. He could only sigh


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