Love The Psycho

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Every woman's dream man

August frowned and looked confused as she held unto the plate of pancake tightly. Her frown and displeased look was so obvious that even Aaron Saint noticed it from where he was sitting. Aaron Saint got up and walked to the dining table standing before her but she didn't even notice it.

Aaron Saint looked at her carefully and pulled the plate out of her hand bringing her back to reality. August looked up and saw Aaron Saint in front of her and stepped back. He was too close for comfort.

''What are you thinking about so seriously? The food will get cold at this rate, August Maijune. Sit, let me do the service''. Aaron Saint said and pulled a chair out for her. August Maijune sat on it still a bit out of it.

Aaron put the plates of pancakes on both sides and put the spicy chicken in the middle. He picked the cutlery by August's side cut the pancake into small pieces before saying ''eat, I have something to show you after this''.

August Maijune looked at him confused and curious at the same time. She picked her cutlery saying ''what something is that?'' August started digging in.

''Finish eating first''. Aaron Saint said.

Because she was anticipating something, August managed to eat her food in less than five minutes and also ate most of the leftover chicken hurriedly. Aaron tried to stop her numerous times but she ignored him and ate hurriedly anyway. josei

Finally, she was done and satisfied. Her tommy came out and she bilged saying ''at this rate, either I will put on weight or get indigestion''.

''Well, at least you have self-awareness. I thought your brain was fried''. Aaron said making August to frown and glare at him. Aaron was still eating slowly, taking his time chewing every single piece. The way his hands moved as he held the chicken thigh was too mesmerising for August to not want to look.

Those lips munching on that chicken thigh, August sighed. She was openly drooling now with no self-esteem left. Indeed, love really makes people do all sorts of crazy stuff. How could she be so captivated by a single act of chewing meat to the extent that she wished she was that piece of meat itself?

In her mind, she was being held by him like that piece of chicken and chewed on, lost in her own world, August didn't even notice when Aaron had finished eating. She was busy having the time of her life in her thoughts to even notice the table been cleared. August Maijune kept smiling to herself and blushing all by herself.

Aaron Saint finished washing the dirty dishes and went back to the table. He was now seriously wondering what kind of dream August was having to be smiling and acting like that. He was a grown man who had experienced a lot of things and he could tell that the girl was probably having naughty wild thoughts and he was somewhat happy that it was about him. He had not been blind to all her actions and attitude lately. Her behaviour was akin to a girl who was in love. The way she stared at him when she thinks he wasn't looking was so obvious and funny to him but he didn't say anything.

Now was not the time to tell her about his feelings. He wanted to relieve her off her feelings of insecurity and the past before. Even though he couldn't wait to claim her and make her his, he still had to wait for the right time and now wasn't it.

Aaron Saint knocked on the table three times bringing August out of her reverie. August snapped back and looked at Aaron Saint whose face was so close to her and blushed.

''What kind of naughty dream were you having in this broad day night, August Maijune? Surely, it wasn't about me, right?'' Aaron said. August flushed red and stood up turning away as she spoke.

''No, why would I have dreams about you? Are you that handsome? Hm tsk".

''Come with me''. Aaron went to the hall and picked his car keys and phone before going out. August snatched her phone from the table and removed the apron before rushing out to catch up with him.


Aaron Saint pulled over in front of a building that read 'D-City Cultural Village'. He got down and August followed suit. A valet took the keys from Aaron and drove the car to a proper parking place.

August saw Aaron entering and ran after him. She got to him and held his hand. Aaron stopped and looked at her and down to their hands. August immediately pulled away and Aaron held unto her hand tightly, now the one holding hers. August smiled and walked in a slow pace with him. Aaron Saint place his left hand in his pocket as they walked into the cultural centre and August copied him putting her hands into her jeans. The jeans she was wearing was not a long one, it was short but not too short and only exposed her knees and her blouse had a micky mouse drawn on it.

D-City Cultural Village was a place where all of D-City's heritage was placed and stored. While in Macau, Aaron Saint won the contract to be a partner and collaborate with the City's governor to launch the annual D-City cultural day which was to fall on a few days' time. During this time, people from all over the country would come to celebrate and visit the cultural village to see and pay homage to the people who served the country selflessly.

Portraits of worthy people who have passed on and some who were still alive were hanged on the walls with a little history of their contribution to the city so that everyone could read and appreciate them.

This year, the governor specially added two main figures in the business world and military world to the list of worth honours. They were Sir, Nickolas Saint and Sir, Randel Martins. Aaron and Leo's grandfathers.

Though, tonight was not the opening night, people who were VIPs got access to the cultural centre based on their status, so it was not surprising to see or run into other important figures there. That is why, Aaron wasn't surprised to see a certain woman there with a group of her rich friends and gave a frown.

When Aaron Saint and August Maijune got into the art centre, August was so thrilled by the things she saw that she immediately ran to where Aaron Saint's grandpa's photo was. Aaron Saint immediately felt an emptiness the moment the small hand slipped away and his mood turned gloomy and cold. Looks like bringing her out here was a bad idea. She ran off to look at another man's photo the moment they got there.

Aaron Saint watched August Maijune from a distance as she stood in front of his grandpa's photo. He watched as the girl traced the photo seemingly in a good mood. His phone buzzed and he removed it and received the call from Leo turning his back on the girl ''Oh, yes, we are here. Come straight inside when you and Liyah arrive''.

August Maijune was so engrossed in admiring the picture of Old Master Martins that she failed to notice the ugly looks directed at her by the governor's daughter and her two friends.

Mimi Garcia was the only child and daughter of the state governor of D-City Mr. James Marcus Garcia. She was the pride of her parents and was not in the city until a month ago when she came back from abroad after studying for 6 years straight to get PHD in national criminology and psychology.

August traced her fingers on the giant portrait smiling and murmuring to herself ''wow, I didn't know grandpa was such a great person. He looks even more handsome in this portrait. Good genes really flow in the Saint family".

''That's right. The Saint family is full of good genes. His grandson, Aaron Saint inherited every single trait from him''. Mimi Garcia said as she walked and stood beside August Maijune.

August Maijune turned and looked at Mimi Garcia from head to toe confused. Where did this one too come from? And who was she talking to? Me? As August stared at Mimi Garcia, one of her friends, Jenny looked at August disdainfully asking ''who are you?"

Maybe, because August had a naturally baby face and looked a little younger than most of her peers her age, people often thought she was still young, maybe still 18 years old. It was no surprise that the lady in front of her called her out with such a tone, but August was not offended at all.

After all, she indeed looked small, but still August chose to ignore her and turned to look at the photo. It was apparent, these ladies were out for blood.

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