Love The Psycho

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: The Governor's Daughter 2

Leo Martins turned and looked at Jenny's shoes and shook his head and turned to look at Mimi Garcia's shoes. Because, August's jeans were short and ripped, the lower edges of the jeans could be easily pulled out. Jenny's shoes were block and short heeled and therefore didn't have the ability to have such impact on August's knees while Mimi Garcia's shoes were about 25 inches and had a bit of rough edged diamond crystals at the end which was capable of attracting loosed end offs. And also, August's jeans strings were on Mimi's shoes which made she was the one who tripped August.

Her intentions were clear and the evidence was also clear. Yet, these two ladies thought they could fool them. Making one to fall and take the blame was typically what Mimi Garcia was capable of. So, it didn't come as a surprise to both Aaron and Leo what was happening now.

Aaron Saint ignored them and looked towards the path Liyah and August took. He was anticipating seeing August Maijune and had no time to deal with those two.

''Mr. Saint, Mr. Martins, my friend regrets her actions just now. If you forgive her, I will make sure I teach her properly how to behave. Please, on account of your relationship with my father the governor, can you let this go? After all, the girl didn't seem to be badly hurt?'' Mimi Garcia said looking at Aaron Saint.

Liyah and August walked out and got to them. August wore the purple dress Liyah had been making since she was at the hospital, August looked beautiful in it and Aaron Saint broke into a smile as he stretched forth his hand to hold her.

August smiled and put her hand into Aaron's hand and lowered her face shyly. Mimi Garcia would be a fool to not have notice everything. Her face was now ashen as her nails dug into her Gucci bag.

Leo Martins stood by Liyah and put his arm around her waist saying casually "Wifey, shall we go now?'' Liyah smiled and nodded her head.

''Aaron, let's go''. Liyah said to Aaron and he nodded. Aaron turned to look at Mimi Garcia and said before leaving ''just as you said, based on the long standing relationship between your father and my grandfather, I won't pursue this case, but next time you want someone else to take the fall, at least get rid of the evidence. We are not fools. Next time, you will be hearing from my lawyers and not even your father the governor will be able to save you. Miss Garcia''. Aaron Saint looked at her heels and walked away with August in his hands.

Mimi Garcia looked down and saw the strings of jeans robes on her heels and cussed angrily. She looked at their retracting figures and frowned madly. She stooped her feet and walked out and Jenny who was kneeling stood up and ran after her.

Mimi Garcia bumped into a man as she hurried out of the centre and her bag fell to the floor. The man picked it up and smiled as he handed the bag over to her saying ''here you go, Miss''. Mimi Garcia took the bag and their hands slightly brushed against each other. She looked up and saw the man.

He was handsome and smelt nice and felt somewhat familiar. Mimi Garcia felt that she knew him somewhere but couldn't remember. She wasn't someone who remembered people that easily unless they were either important or useful to her.

Josh Saint smiled knowing he had her attention and said ''I heard the daughter of the governor was a beauty but I never thought you would be this beautiful in real life''.josei

''Do I know…you?'' Mimi Garcia asked carefully and saw Jenny standing at a distance not daring enough to get close.

''I am Josh Saint''. Josh Saint introduced himself. At the mention of the Saint family name, Mimi Garcia's face changed immediately to a cordial one. She had heard about the other son of the Saint family but she had never met him before. She only knew him as a playboy who loved women, but he wasn't bad looking at all. Mimi Garcia was pleased.

If one Saint didn't appreciate her, then, the other Saint would. She wouldn't lose this opportunity at all.

''Hi, I am Mimi Garcia''. Mimi Garcia stretched forth her hand and introduced herself politely with a smile.

''What do you say, shall we find a good place to get to know ourselves better and maybe have a bottle of wine? I recently got my hands on a very good wine?'' Josh Saint giving Mimi Garcia a flirtatious smile.

''Okay''. Mimi Garcia accepted.

''Then, shall we? My car is outside''. Josh Saint said and Mimi Garcia nodded her head. She glared at Jenny at the corner and went out with Josh Saint.


August Maijune ran towards the yachts the moment Aaron pulled over and she got down. This was the popular Level up sea boarding yacht village in D-City. August had only seen it on TV never did she think she would ever get to see it real life.

Level up sea boarding yacht village was a popular resort centre that hosted a lot of celebrity programs in their yachts. It was an extremely expensive place that if one wanted to host a program or have a family time, one needed to book it probably a year or two ahead of time because of its high peak patronage.

Liyah whose hand was held on tight by Leo as they walked towards their yacht could only chuckle as she looked at the silly behaviour of August Maijune.

''Wow, Aaron Saint, is this place heaven? I always thought the reporters were just hyping it, I didn't know it was really this beautiful in real life''.

Aaron Saint shook his head and held her hand pulling her away with him towards their yacht. The manager of the place walked over to them to welcome them himself.

These were high profile people, hence he had to do it himself. The manager smiled happily as he spoke to them.

''Mr. Saint, Mr. Martins, everything is ready for your usage. If you had called earlier I would have made the preparations even more deserving''.

''This is enough; you don't have to stress about it. We just wanted these beautiful ladies to have a nice time, hope we didn't inconvenience you though?'' Leo Martins spoke.

''Not at all, Mr. Martins, it is our honour to be able to host you. This way, place''. The manager said and walked in front leading them to their yacht.

August left Aaron's hand as he was walking and pulled Liyah from Leo aside to gossip. The two men looked at them and shook their heads taking the lead as the two ladies held unto each other closely behind them.

''Big sis, what's the occasion today? I had no idea we were going to do all this? Say, did you know about it already and didn't tell me?'' August asked suspiciously.

''No, I'm equally surprised. Leo called me after you left and told me about the cultural centre stuff but he never told me about coming here. I guess it was something Leo and Aaron prepared for us''. Liyah said.

''Really? Say, he is always nice to me but I feel that he is especially good to me tonight. Is he going to confess his feelings to me? Wow, but, I'm totally not prepare for that?'' August said as she smiled.

''Get out your high horse kiddo. We are here to have fun. Who said anyone was going to confess to you?'' Liyah hit August's head.

Aaron Saint and Leo Martins stopped in front of the entrance of the yacht waiting for the ladies. Liyah and August walked up to them and they stretched their hands towards them. Leo helped Liyah inside first and Aaron also helped August inside the yacht.

The yacht was called blue princess, it was a new ship that the centre had just gotten and Aaron and the rest were the first people to use it. The got inside and saw that the place was indeed well prepared. It had a two long water-bed sofas sitting across each other with a local bamboo table crafted atheistically. There was a wine fridge fully stocked with various types of wine. There were also a lot of different local and exotic fruits on a round basket at the table.

August Maijune stood beside Aaron Saint and whispered to him ''you knew we were coming here, why did you make me waste time preparing supper? Now, all these goodies won't be able to enter my stomach''. August pouted after saying that.

''I just love to eat anything made by your hands''. Aaron Saint said casually turning away towards the fridge, making August's heart to start a marathon on its own. Was he flirting with her just now? August thought as the smile on her face broadened and reddish. Liyah sat on the sofa whispering sweet nothings with Leo and her eyes chanced upon August and she shook her head. It seemed this silly girl's mind was going wild again. Liyah kissed Leo on his cheek and stood up walking towards August.

August wrapped her hands around her cheeks blushing and Liyah stood beside her and said ''you are like a fool when you are in love. August Maijune, how didn't I know this about you before?'' August turning looking at Liyah with a sheepish smile. She wrapped her hand around Liyah's waist seemingly in a good mood. Liyah looked at her and shook her head.

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