Love The Psycho

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Initiating Intimacy 1

Everyone sat around the table and Aaron Saint opened the wine and poured it into their glasses. He reached August's glass and poured a small amount in it and August frowned saying ''why is my glass just small while everyone else is almost full?''

''You misbehave when you're drunk, you should drink less''. Aaron said putting the bottle down. August pouted and glared at him. She felt wrong.

August turned to Liyah and realised Liyah and Leo were in their own world and she became even angrier. She turned her face away angrily emptying the small wine Aaron poured into her glass and removed her phone.

Leo noticed the tension between Aaron and August and tapped Liyah using his eyes to signal her to attend to August.

Since they were at the cultural centre, Leo noticed Aaron was looked trouble but he brushed it off. Looking at Aaron now, Leo became worried and stood up, he tapped Aaron's shoulder and pointed outside the yacht. Aaron Saint got up and followed suit leaving the ladies.

''Man, what's wrong with you?'' Leo Martins asked as soon as they got outside standing by the edge facing the vast sea. ''I noticed from before that you looked trouble. What's wrong?''

"Is it that obvious?'' Aaron Saint asked as the breeze brushed against their skin, though it was already summer, been in the sea still felt chilly.

''Yes, even August is finding you annoying? What's it?" Leo said.josei

''I found out this morning that the governor has ties with Mandy Myers and Lorca Don Marco. Remember, I told you about her leaving the country by sea three months ago right?''

''Yes, but I must say she really is sly. Even I didn't manage to get who her backer was. Don't tell me, it was the governor all along?'' Leo asked seriously and Aaron nodded his head.

''Yes, I asked a private detective based in Macau to investigate everything about Mandy Myers because that was where she went to. Apparently, during the time I was finalising the collaboration with the state governor for the cultural village project, he was in constant contact with that woman''. Aaron explained.

''When did you find out about all of this?'' Leo asked again.

''This evening while at the centre. After I received your call, I got an email from the private detective. From the findings he got, this so-called collaboration wasn't a simple one at all. The state governor intends to make a marriage alliance with my family''

''And if that happens, Mandy Myers will still be able to get access to your family. Wow, she really is a tenacious one. But, why does your grandpa insist on letting her off? That woman is vicious''. Leo said angrily.

''I know, but, it seems grandpa is working on something on his own. He wants to be the one batting heads with Mandy Myers. After all, her revenge is deep rooted. She won't stop right now. I have already thought of a way to get her into her own trap''. Aaron said as he pushed his hands into his pockets casually.

''You mean, by joining her in her own game?'' Leo asked.


''What are you going to do about August Maijune? Do you still intend on pretending to not know she has feelings for you? Man, she is a woman. If you want her, then, you better act fast before is too late. If you don't make her yours before she regains her memories; is going to be even tougher then. Don't say I didn't warn you''.

Meanwhile inside the yacht.

August kept pouring the wine into her glass and drinking it all as she berated Aaron Saint. Liyah watched her and could only sigh. The girl was dead drunk already.

''How could he treat me this way, mm? Big sis, am I not pretty? He pretends to be nice to me yet he hates me. why is he nice to me then? So, that I will get confused? If he seduced me, shouldn't he take responsibility? Wow, what a jerk he is''.

Aaron Saint and Leo Martins entered and saw a drunk August insulting Aaron Saint to Liyah. Liyah saw them and shook her head. Aaron Saint walked to them saying ''is already late. Let's stay here and go back home tomorrow''.

''Okay, Liyah and I will use the room on the left. You don't need to worry about us''. Leo said as he pulled Liyah up from the sofa.

''Aaron, you're my best friend but I love August like a younger sister. If you don't get your act together and hurt her, I'm coming for you head. Do you hear me?'' Liyah said and turned to Leo ''hubby, let's go''. Leo nodded and held Liyah's hand sending her to their room.

There were three rooms inside the yacht. Two at the right side and one at the left side. Aaron watched Leo and Liyah go into their room and lifted August towards the right wing room.

August kept speaking nonsense, cussing Aaron even as he put her on the bed. August held his collar and pulled him towards herself and they both landed on the bed with Aaron on top of her.

August blushed and asked drunkenly.

''You, prideful jerk, Aaron Saint. Be honest with me. You were trying to seduce me when you asked me to start sleeping with you on the same bed right? If you did all kinds of shameless things in order to seduce, why are you not taking responsibility? Am I ugly? Why don't you like me after making me fall for you?''

Aaron Saint sighed and tried to get up and August pulled him back this time, making their faces to be closer than before. ''You are drunk, August Maijune. You won't be able to remember any of this tomorrow and I am not a man who takes advantage of drunk women''. Aaron said.

''Why? Is it because you find me repulsive?'' August asked and poised her lips. Aaron's concentration drew to her lips as he tried hard to remain sane.

''No, is because you are too beautiful and I want you to remember everything I will do to you. You are lucky you're drunk, August Maijune''. Aaron said and stood up going to the bathroom.

He removed his clothes and stepped into the shower turning it on. He washed his face and took a quick bath before wrapping a towel around himself and got out of the shower. He opened the door and got out of the bathroom and saw August Maijune sitting on the bed looking at him with a flushed face.

''What's wrong with your face?'' August pointed at the bathroom and Aaron turned and looked. It dawned on him that the bathroom was a transparent one and one could see through it when someone was in the shower. That explained her reddened appearance. She seemed to have seen his nakedness just now.

August looked at Aaron as he stood by the door wiping his face with the towel. All the alcohol seemed to have dissipated the moment she saw him in the shower. She didn't feel drunk anymore but rather flustered. Did it mean that when she also goes in to bath, he would be able to see her that same way? The more August thought about it, the more reddened her face became.

Aaron put the towel away leaving the one wrapped around his waist and turned to open the mini closet in the room. The rooms in the yacht were always stocked with clothes so that their visitors would be able to change anytime they wanted. These clothes could be taken away by the visitors since no one would wear them again anyway. Aaron pulled out a pair of pyjamas and a blue nightgown fell from the closet.

The blue nightgown was a transparent one and when Aaron picked it, August saw it and pointed at it saying ''what is that? Don't tell me that is the only one inside the big closet?'' After checking the row of clothes, Aaron turned to her saying ''it seems to be the case''.

''I am not wearing that. Never. We are not lovers or anything, how can I wear that and sleep next to you?'' August said.

''I think this is also too transparent and long to fit your petite body. You can just sleep without clothes for tonight, then''. Aaron said looking at her nonchalantly. Her exaggerated behaviour just now made him really want to tease her.

''What?'' August looked at him shock. ''Wait. How can you just say that so casually? Is it that you don't find me attractive enough so even if I walk away naked you wouldn't look at me or your self-control is so great that you can sleep next to a naked woman without having negative thoughts? Or is it that you…you…you intend to sleep on the sofa outside?'' August asked.

''What do you think, August Maijune?'' Aaron asked putting the nightgown back and picking the pyjamas to wear.

''Tsk. You must really find me unattrac…'' August couldn't complete her sentence because the moment she turned, she saw Aaron removing the towel from his waist. ''Aaahhh, my eyes''. August ran into the bathroom and locked it. Aaron chuckled and tied the towel tightly around his waist before turning away to wear the pyjamas.

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