Love The Psycho

Chapter 120

Chapter 120: The story of the cat and the mouse 1



Aaron and Leo rushed into the hospital and met Kash at the emergency ward standing by the beds of Liyah and August.

"Kash, what happened?'' Aaron Saint asked looking at the IV drip connected to the ladies.

''They were drugged. We found a date **** drug also known as Ketamine in their blood, Aaron''. Kash said. ''Come with me to my office. I have already asked the senior nurse to keep watch. They are safe here''


''I think is something they ate, but we will find out more when the results from the forensic department comes out''. Kash said.

''Something they ate? August sent me a photo of some dishes that they ate at Din Restaurant this evening''. Aaron said.

''Aaron, we don't have much time. We have to go there and catch whoever is responsible for this''. Leo Martins stood up ready to go.

''Kash, please take care of them. We will be back'' Aaron said and followed Leo out.

Meanwhile at din restaurant.


Alex, the waiter who served Liyah and August tended in his resignation letter suddenly to the manager.

:'Why are you suddenly quitting, Alex? Am I not paying you enough?'' the manager asked.

:'Is not that, sir. My mother is seriously sick; I need time off to take care of her''. Alex said putting the letter on the table.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door of the office and Alex and the manager turned looking at the door. One of the waiters walked in and spoke to the manager.

''Sir, Mr. Aaron Saint and Mr. Leo Martins are here to see you" at the mention of the big names, the manager immediately stood up.

He was flustered and confused as to why they would suddenly come to his restaurant but all the same said ''let them in. Alex, let's talk after they are gone''. Alex nodded and before he got leave the door opened again and in walked Aaron and Leo with the police.

''You are the manager here, right? One of your staff poisoned my fiancée and his wife'' the manager's eyes widened and Alex got alarmed. He started walking towards the door subtly.

''Sorry, sir, that is impossible'' the manager said and Alex suddenly pushed the policeman at the door and ran out.

''I guess we got out culprit''. Leo said and ran out after him.

Police Station.

After bringing Alex to the police station, he told them everything about what happened and they checked the CCTV cameras and found out it was Lorca who did that but in the middle of the questioning Aaron received a phone call and went out to answer it.

''Hello, Kash are they awake?'' Aaron asked but Kash suddenly said.

''No, actually August Maijune is missing'' Kash said over the phone and Aaron sighed and bit his lips.



Aaron Saint, Leo Martins and Kash watched the CCTV camera footage.

In the footage, August Maijune got up from the bed and looked at Liyah who was laying by her. She covered Liyah probably with quilt and picked her phone and credit card from the bag and put them in her back pocket before leaving the ward. She opened the door to the stairs and went out through the back door exit.

Next, the head of security showed them the footage from the underground parking lot and they saw August Maijune walking out of the hospital, from her movements she made no efforts to hide from the cameras as if intentionally allowing herself to be seen as she walked out. Aaron Saint watched the footage silently and seriously. Something seemed to click in his mind and he sighed making Leo Martins and Kash to turn to him.

''Should I send my men to look for her?'' Leo Martins asked. Just then, Aaron Saint's phone rang and he removed it from his pocket and looked at the ID and answered immediately.

''August Maijune, where the hell are you? Don't you know that you have been drugged and needs to stay in the hospital? Where are you? Tell me!!!''. Aaron said in one breathe.

There was a moment of silence before a tsk and a voice followed ''you haven't changed a bit Aaron Saint. That's a relief, totally my style. I am Maijune and you don't need to worry about me'' Maijune said and chuckled while the sound of a gum could be heard. Aaron Saint had kept the phone on loudspeaker so Leo Martins and Kash heard what she said and looked at each other perplexed.

''Where are you?'' Aaron Saint asked again.

''Listen to me and don't interrupt me Aaron Saint. You said you will be responsible for everything I do and as long as I have you I can kill anyone I want, right?'' Maijune asked seriously over the phone.

''Yes, I said that''. Aaron Saint responded.

''Aaron Saint, do you trust me?'' Maijune asked.

''Yes, I do'' Aaron Saint replied.

''Then, I am about to put that trust to test. Three days, just give me three days. I will settle this on my way and return on the third day. Don't look for me. I won't do anything against the law, I am just going to do a big service to the nation and when I return you can do whatever you want to me. I don't care''. Maijune continued ''I might need to buy some things so the card is with me. Also, I won't forgive whoever dares to harm Liyah Myers''.josei

''Maijune, I don't care what you do, but please be safe and come back to me in one piece:'. Aaron said making Maijune to nod over the phone subconsciously.

''Mm, I promise to be safe. Aaron Saint I love you''. With that the call ended. Leo Martins and Kash looked at Aaron Saint curiously.

''Isn't your love too dangerous, Aaron Saint?'' Leo Martins couldn't help asking.

''I love her for the dangers she makes me go through every time. Makes life less boring, also don't look for her. She will come back herself''. Aaron Saint said and stood up making Leo Martins and Kash to look at him speechlessly.




Sitting on the roof and looking down at the villa surrounded by bodyguards at every corner, Maijune smiled and sucked on a popsicle while humming a song seemingly in a good mood, she had long changed into her signature black pants and blouse with a black cap.

Maijune looked at the four more popsicles by her side and frowned murmuring ''they are melting soon. Looks like I have to eat all of you before I pay my uncle a visit after all, I have lots of time on my hands''. She looked at the bodyguards that kept walking to and fro the compound and chuckled. Her thoughts at that moment was her uncle was surely a coward who thought he was a lion.

After sucking two more popsicles, the other two melted and she left them on the roof and stood up and walked towards a wall. Maijune said before jumping over the wall ''is time to tell the story of the cat and the mouse''.





It was midnight and Mai was still in the laboratory doing researched. Though she looked straight sitting on the chair, if one looked down they would find out that her legs were shackled against the table she was leaning on.

At the age of 15, Lorca had kidnapped August Maijune's parents and locked them up in a semi-basement room in the villa. Mai was shackled against the tables in the laboratory and made to research on a new drug that her father failed to finish before breaking down.

Mai's face looked so pale and worn-out and her eyes were like blood shot that could gush out at any moment. Her entire condition looked feeble yet she just sat there pitifully mixing samples and testing the results. A total of ten bodyguards stood guarding the door, five inside and five outside. It was like they feared that the girl might escape the moment they let loss.

A woman in her forties entered the laboratory with a tray of food. The food was plain rice and soup and a glass of water. She walked to the table and placed the food beside Mai and said 'Miss, your food is ready. You need to eat something if not your body will not be able to hold on for so long. You have been inside here for the past month and only eats once a day but today you haven't eaten anything. Aunt is afraid your body will give way, soon''. The elderly woman said.

''Is it still hot, your stomach will not hurt when you eat it'' the woman added. She watched as Mai concentrated on testing the sample a piece of artificial male private parts. She added a little of the liquid in the bottle to it and the thing erected. The woman watching blushed and looked at Mai but she didn't even flick and continued.

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