Love The Psycho

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: The story of the cat and the mouse 6

''Miss, please, can you promise me something? I am willing to lay my life down for you if it can help you to escape this hell''. Ali said.

''Don't say such a thing, Ali. You are the only one I have left. I don't know when I will get to see my parents and I don't know whether they are even alive or not, but, if I let anything happen to you under my watch. My mother will never forgive me because she knows that I am capable of saving you. This place is not for people like you. You are too soft and kind-hearted. Every night you stand by my door and during the day you guard the laboratory because you want to make sure that none of those men come into my room to molest me. How can I allow anything to happen to you? I don't care how many lives Lorca takes from me but if he ever tries to do anything to you, he knows I am capable of setting this place on fire. There are only three people I care about in this world. My parents and you. Don't you ever spout nonsense of laying your life for my sake. I will really kill you if you ever say that. Do you understand me?''

''Yes, Miss'' Ali responded and the door opened and the second in command walked in. He looked spitefully at Mai and turned to Ali and spoke.

''Are you going to spend the whole day attending to her? Do you think she is your only responsibility? Everyone is hungry, go and prepare our food''. The man said arrogantly. Ali stood up and picked the first aid box and went out. Mai smiled and turned to face the man. He looked at Mai and turned to and heard her saying.

''Did you by chance eat garlic and bitter leaves today, our captain?'' Mai asked sarcastically as she stood up walking to her dressing table.

''What?'' The man said angrily.

''Is really none of my business, but just that you sound bitter and your mouth is kind of smelly. Your saliva almost bathed my back'' Mai said as she picked an eyeliner pencil from the table.

''You little bitch. How dare you say that to my face?'' the man walked towards Mai and stretched his hand to grab her hair and Mai swiftly bent down and went behind him. She held his two hands together and pointed the eyeliner pencil towards his neck taking the man by surprise. The man wanted to push her but noticed the tip of the pencil looked very thin and sharp. Mai leaned closer to his ears and spoke.

''You are the one who shouldn't mess with me, captain. Do you want me to show you how I killed your men the last time? I don't mind repeating the scene for you''. Mai said and pushed the pencil deeper into his throat almost cutting into his skin.

''Do you think you will be able to escape if you do anything to me, you psycho? You will be dead and your parents will also die without knowing it was their daughter who caused their deaths''.

The captain said threateningly. Mai laughed and looked at him through the mirror. ''Go ahead and try if you dare, you little psycho'' the man added again.

Mai gave him a sly smile and immediately slit his throat lightly and blood came out. The man saw it and grew scared. ''Did you know? I only need to target your oesophagus and cut it off and that will be the end of your lousy life''.

Mai added and pierced his skin and the tip of the pencil broke and she threw him aside saying ''threats don't work with me. Next time I am going to really kill you. Get out of my room''. Mai threw the pencil down and went into the bathroom. The man coughed and touched his neck before going out. He covered his neck and went to his room. He couldn't allow those under him to see him that way. It will be too embarrassing. He had been boasting to them that he could kill Mai anytime but the one preventing him was Lorca, if his subordinates saw him, he couldn't be able to lift his face in front of them.

The captain ran to him and kept the grudge in his heart.josei

It was midnight when Mai woke up and turned on the lights in her room. She picked the envelope and went to open the door and spoke to Ali who was standing there ''come in, I need all the information on that man, right now''.

''Yes, Miss''. Ali went in and closed the door and joined Mai on the floor. Mai opened the envelope and saw a schedule which was for Aaron Saint and some other pictures. That night, Mai rad all the information she needed to know about Aaron Saint and drew up a plan. Ali also helped her by researching on the internet and got information about Aaron Saint.

It was 8:00AM in the morning when they finally finished and Mai yawned and stretched herself before standing up.

''You must be tired, get some rest Miss. I will prepare you a quick breakfast. You will go to the gym, right?'' Ali asked.

''Yes''. Mai responded.

''And you will read your favourite novel afterwards, right?'' Ali said.

''Do you even need to ask? I need to exercise and also read a romance book to be complete. We wouldn't want August acting up and spoiling our plans tomorrow, right?'' Mai said.

''Right. So, who are you today? Are you August, Mai or Maijune?'' Ali asked suspiciously.

''I don't know. But, I am August Maijune. Don't worry, I will make sure to not turn into a coward tomorrow and mess up. Our lives depend on this after all''. Mai said and walked to her closet.

''Then, hurry up and come down for breakfast''. Ali said and went out remembering the day August Maijune's mother told him that his daughter had three personalities.

She said ''Son, do you know the story of the cat and the mouse? What about the man who lived with the devil inside of him?''

''Tell me about the story of the cat and the mouse first, aunt'' he had replied back then.

''Son, once the cat and the mouse were good friends they were so affectionate towards one another and nothing could separate them. Every night, the cat would sleep till to dusk the following day while the mouse went out to hunt. The mouse would catch insects, lizards and other small animals and then it will go to the deepest part of the forest and bring vegetables.

Then, the mouse will cook the vegetables and the meat and turn it into a very tasty meal. You know the cat has excellent sense of smell, right?''


''Good, so at the time the food is ready, the cat will open its eyes and walk to the mouse and act pitifully. Because the mouse loved the cat, it will share the food with the cat and sometimes, the cat will eat more of the food than the mouse but the mouse never complained. It genuinely loved the cat and wished that it remained by the cat's side all the time''.

''That is not love, aunt. It feels more like slavery to me. Are you sure the mouse wasn't threatened in anyway?''

''No, not at all. It was genuine love that the mouse had for the cat. It was only that the cat didn't see the depth of that love''.

''Or maybe it just pretended to not see it?''.

''You are so intelligent like my daughter back at home. When I told her this story. She wanted to look for the cat and kill it''.

Laughter could be heard from the mouth.

''So, continue. What happened next?''

''Next, the mouse kept doing that for a long time hoping that the cat will see its suffering. But, one day, during its hunt, the mouse came across another cat who told the mouse that cats are naturally ungrateful beings. They don't belong to one person and that his efforts will never change the attitude of the cat. But the mouse refused to listen to that cat. So the cat told the mouse that, it should pretend that it didn't catch anything and return home empty handed and see what the cat will do. Off course the cat told the mouse that it will be the cat's next meal and that it should be careful not to get caught by the cat''.

''So, what happened next?''

''The mouse went home and did exactly what the other cat said. He had faith in the cat and was sure that their friendship couldn't be severed because of a single meal. But, the minute he finished explaining how unsuccessful it was at getting meal for the day, the cat got angry and pounced on the mouse ready to eat it. The mouse ran into hiding and their friendship ended there.

Since then, anytime the mouse saw the cat, it will run and the cat will also give chase''.

''That was so pitiful. The cat is such a bad friend''. The boy lamented.

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