Love The Psycho

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Traitor

''Ah''. Old Master Saint chuckled. How many times did he use this trick? Anytime he called Josh to warn him, that was the speech he always gave. It was like an anthem now and Old Master Saint felt he could almost remember every single word in that whole sentence.

Indeed, it was his wishful thought to think that his grandson was finally repenting. Turning to face Josh, Old Master Saint said sarcastically.

''You will shed away your old skin and put on a new one? Did you know? Only snakes shed their old skins and put on new ones and when they do, they become creepier and terribly scarier than before. Tell me, Josh. What are you to shed your old skin for a new one? Are you a snake? If not, then don't talk about shedding skin with me. I am so disappointed in you. I wonder where I went wrong in bringing you up. Did I even go wrong on how I brought you and your brother up? My son, your father wasn't anything like you. He and Aaron's father were close and inseparable.

How did you miss the way and became such a terrible person? To side with an enemy to bring your own grandfather down? You said you resent yourself? Continue to resent yourself then. Don't you know that I know the reason why you actually dared to come here? You are here because of the governor's daughter whom you have been sleeping with. I am never someone to give up on someone but, Josh you are the first to make me give up on them. The reason why you are not dead or in jail is because I stopped Aaron from doing anything to you. Consider it that you don't have a grandfather anymore and leave this place immediately before I change my mind and send you off somewhere far away''.

With that all said and done, Old Master Saint sighed and turned away, walking out with tears in his eyes. His decision to throw away his own grandson wasn't easy but it was necessary. Maybe, after sometime had past, he will be able to forgive him but not after he had really learnt a big lesson and know the harsh ways of the world. For now, he could only leave him to the hands of the deity to see if he could turn him into a decent human being first.

The Governor's quarters.

Mimi Garcia was in her room still attempting to get in touch with Josh Saint. Since he left that morning to go and speak with his grandfather, he still hasn't called her and her number was busy. She was so angry and frustrated that she screamed and threw the phone on the floor. she went out to the hall and looked around seeing no one in the hall. It was like the house had turned into the grave yard. It was quiet. After the news of her father getting arrested and his position revoke, all the people that used to crawl at their feet were nowhere to be found. No one bothered with her. No one wanted to speak to her or render help.

Mimi Garcia chuckled sinisterly and murmured ''ah, even the maids are all gone. Great, just great. August Maijune, wait till I show you who I really am. You think this is the end? Ah, what a joke. I still hold the key to you knowing who you really are. Looks like is time for me to come out''

Mimi Garcia went back into her room and removed her clothes before turning of the lights, revealing a black fox tattoo which had the words 'traitor' engraved in it at her back. She looked at the mirror with a darkened gaze and her lips curved into a half smile. She turned to take her bathrobe and the phone she threw on the floor started ringing. Mimi Garcia turned the lights back on and took the phone that was now under the bed and looked at it. the caller's name was displayed on the screen as Ambrose Garcia, her little brother.

''What do you want?'' she asked sounding pissed.

''Sis, about that girl. Do you still know how to find her?'' the voice sounded nervous.

''Why? Is the Black Fox Society still looking for their missing heiress?'' Mimi Garcia asked as a glint appeared in her eyes.

''Things are getting out of hand over here. I might have to come to D-City and hide till things settle for a while. The new King of the Black Fox Society is no one else than Carlos Ryan and he believes his sister is still alive. I met him a week ago at a club. He set a trap and I fell into it''

''You are so stupid. Always falling into traps. How is Blind? Does she plan to stay in Blue Town forever?''

''Sis, I don't know. Sis, please, save me. I'm scared that Blind might try to get rid of me when she finds out that I met with Carlos Ryan behind her back. Sis, things are getting out of hand here''

''Don't worry. The Black Fox Society will never find out about August Maijune because she is mine. I still haven't settled scores with her for what she did to dad'' Mimi Garcia said and sat on her bed.

''What happened to dad?''

''That old fool was arrested. I shouldn't have trusted him with such a big task. If the police finds out that I am the real brain behind LAKS, things are going to get messier. I might need to just get rid of him if I can't get him out of that damn jail''

''No, sis. You are not going to kill dad, are you?''

''What is his use if he can't even get that psychopath to work with us? Listen, I didn't betray the Black Fox Society to become a lame person who can't even grow on her own. Listen to me Ambrose Garcia. If you want to stay alive then you better not cross me or else, I will forget that you are my little brother and kill you. I will send someone to Blue Town, that person will keep you safe. Meanwhile, you must report to me whatever steps that Black Fox Society takes'' Mimi Garcia said and didn't wait for a response before she ended the call and psst.

''Are things finally becoming interesting? I was getting bored but now, it won't be for long. August Maijune, let's see who gets to have the last laugh.

Mimi Garcia said as she thought about her life as a member of the black fox society. She was just 10 years old when her mother took her to join the Black Fox Society. Back then, there was no heir to the throne and she worked hard to prove herself worthy to be the successor. She worked as a lab researcher for Got Al as an undercover so that people would not suspect her association with the underworld society.josei

Back then, they were working on an AL known as Alice. It was going to be a really good opportunity for Zias to get government sponsorship when Alice was finally launched but due to technical problems, the production of Alice was stopped abruptly.

Coming back to her senses, she smiled and went to sit behind her computer and turned the face time on. A man named Gastus appeared on the screen and she spoke.

''Gastu, how is Alice doing lately?''

''Miss, Alice is doing well. Apart from being able to understand speech and analyse and input information on its own, it is beginning to act more human, the only thing we need now is the rare blood transfusion that will allow Alice to be able to become a full human being with blood flowing through her veins. Miss, Alice is really amazing and I can almost imagine the kind of things we will be able to achieve when Alice is finally a living being. No one would be able to tell she is an Al'' Gastus said excitedly.

''That's good to hear. I am working on getting the rare blood from the host body. How is human Alice doing?'' Mimi Garcia asked.

''Human Alice is still emotionless. She only speaks to us when she wants something. Apart from that, she rarely comes out of her room''

''Don't bother her. she is extremely dangerous because of the medications we are giving her. she can't be provoked so tell everyone to be careful around her''

''But, Miss, why are you training Alice that way? She is too cold and her aura is extremely frightening''

''Human Alice is a part of my plans to get the host in. she will become useful when we are going to catch the host. Alice is trained that way because the one she is going to go against is just like that. a monster who only sees blood when she is angered. That's enough, keep your eyes on her and remember, don't let her have any sexual intimacy with any man before I return. The drug will kill her when there is any foreign being inside her body'' Mimi Garcia said.

''Yes, Miss. Hope to see you soon'' Gastus said and ended the fact time.

Mimi Garcia went into the bathroom to take her bath before she went to visit August Maijune.

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