Love The Psycho

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: I don't have a grandson like you

That is how most people are. We feel that as long as we put the blame on this and that person, things will get better. We think it will make us feel a lot better if we were to blame someone else for the consequences of the actions we took.

More often, we tend to live a delusional life with the mind-set that if we just push the blame on another person, everything else will go away along with it. As long as this person or that person takes the fall for us, things will be easier and when things don't go our way, we resort to desperate measures. As the saying ''desperate people do desperate things'' doesn't fall far from humanity.

Josh saw that Mimi was lost in thoughts and put the glass of water on the table and sat closer to her. he touched her hand gently and Mimi snapped out of her trance. She forced a smile and took the glass gulping down its contents at once. She finished and placed the glass on the table and turned to Josh saying ''I want to meet August Maijune. Can you arrange a meeting with her for me?''

''This, why do you want to meet her? I don't think is right to meet her right now, Mimi''. Josh said.

''I know, but still I need to meet her. I have to make her drop the allegations about my father. Josh, please don't try to stop me. This is the only way I know how. As long as August Maijune drops the charges against my father, we will be able to figure out how to handle the rest''. Mimi insisted.josei

''Mimi, it won't be easy arranging a meeting with August Maijune. She is being protected by Aaron Saint and as you know, we don't have the best kind of relationship right now''. Josh said.

''Then, go to your grandfather. I believe he can help us''. Mimi said holding tight unto Josh's hands.

''Okay, I will see what I can do. but, I can't promise you anything for now. Tomorrow morning, I will visit my grandfather and have a good chat with him''. Josh said assuredly.

''Thank you Josh, I knew you could help me out''. Mimi said and leaned putting her head on Josh's shoulder with her eyes closed. Meanwhile, Josh was having a lot of thoughts ongoing in his mind.

Things have become even complicated and he felt his plans were going to backfire once again. His sole purpose for getting closer to Mimi Garcia was because her father was the governor and that alone could have looked good on his resume in trying to get into his grandfather's good books. If he managed to marry the governor's daughter, it could have been much easier to go back to the Saint family.

Old Master Saint disowned him when he found out his relationship with Mandy Myers and took everything away from him.

Josh Saint believed the only reason he was still alive was because his grandfather allowed it. If not, it wouldn't have been difficult for Aaron Saint to get rid of him. He wanted everything but ended up losing even the little he had. He purposefully approached Mimi Garcia because he wanted to still prove to his grandfather that he was still useful. Who knew the governor was even more greedier than he thought and wanted to bite more than he could chew?

Mandy Myers wasn't a simple woman. She was someone who wouldn't hesitate to throw you at the middle of nowhere when you were no longer useful to her. Taking his situation and that of Rowena as examples. That old hag completely ignored and abandoned them after they outlived their usefulness.

Josh somehow felt satisfied hearing what happened to Mandy Myers because of how she disregarded him after he did everything she asked him to. Even betraying his family and the woman he loved. He lost his Liyah to that arrogant jerk Leo Martins. Josh Saint looked aimlessly at the ceiling.


It was still about some few minutes to 8:00AM when old Master Saint was awakened by the butler who informed him about the presence of Josh Saint in the hall.

Old Master Saint didn't quickly attend to him. Instead, he took his time, washing up and changing into a presentable attire before going out. He had planned to visit Aaron Saint and August Maijune that morning to find out how his granddaughter in law was doing after the audial yesterday. He didn't think that a human alarm would wake him up before his clock alarm did. It put him in a very bad mood.

Imagine an old man in a bad mood early in the morning? It was not a sight one would want to see. Yet that was exactly what Josh saw and witness. The first time his grandfather who had always looked at him with eyes filled with affection to now look at him with eyes filled with nothing but disgust.

It broke Old Master Saint's heart to see himself acting this way towards one of his own but Josh had pushed him to the wall. Siding with his enemy, plotting against his own cousin, trying to harm his ex-girlfriend. These were crimes he couldn't turn a blind eye to even if he wanted to. He had always turned a blind eye to him when he did a few bad things. When he took money from the bank without accounting for it.

Using his authority to intimidate and even act rashly towards his staff, Old Master Saint didn't say anything. But the last straw was when Aaron brought him evidence on his alliance with Mandy Myers. It had hurt him so much. It had made him wonder where he went wrong in bringing him up.

Both Josh and Aaron's parents died early in life. His only two sons died with their wives leaving their two sons, his grandchildren behind. It wasn't something he prepared himself for but still he didn't allow the pain of losing his precious sons to make him lose focus.

Aaron and Josh's parents died together with other 50 people when they went cruising at the sea at a friend's wedding ceremony and Old Master Saint had to take the responsibility of bringing up the two of them. With discipline and diligence, he managed to turn them into fine young men and became the envy of his age groups. But, Josh suddenly became greedier as he grew. Wanting everything Aaron had, stealing everything Aaron had.

At first, Old Master Saint thought it was perhaps because he pampered him too much but now that he was thinking back, he never did or went wrong in how he raised the boys. It was just that, if a child was meant to be a headache, it didn't matter how hard the parents tried or did their best. That child would simply be a headache.

When Old Master Saint entered the hall, he saw Josh knelling down and his heart broke. Though his heart broke, he knew he couldn't be seen as easy anymore. Josh had crossed his limits and had to bear the consequences. It didn't matter whether he was his grandson or not. He needed to learn and pay for what he did.

Josh Saint didn't look up at his grandfather in front of him.

In fact, he dared not look at him for fear of angering him. He kept to his knees with his head lowered down.

''Who allowed you into this house?' Old Master Saint finally spoke with a voice laced with anger and disappointment.

''Grandfather, I let myself in. Please don't blame the butler''. Josh said softly.

''Who is your grandfather? I only have one grandson and that is his place I am going to right now. As for you how let himself in, you should let yourself out same way. Don't turn the cool ambience of this house into a filthy ground''. Old Master Saint said and turned to leave.

Josh held unto Old Master Saint's leg as he walked away.

''Please, forgive me this once. I have reflected on all the things I did and I resent myself for going against my own family. Please, grandfather, I promise that I will shed away my own skin and put on a new skin''. Josh said as he crawled on the floor. He had completely forgotten about Mimi's request.

Well, it could not be said that he had forgotten, it was rather he wanted to save himself first. He figured it was best to save himself than risk it by asking his grandfather to help save the governor. The governor had gone against his grandfather by joining hands with Mandy Myers to kidnap August Maijune who was now his grandfather's granddaughter in law. He would be a fool to come and plead for such a person in the first place. In short, it was better to save himself first.

As for Mimi Garcia, she had nothing to her name anymore so it was easier to let her go. He couldn't allow her to ruin his life.

''Ah''. Old Master Saint chuckled. How many times did he use this trick? Anytime he called Josh to warn him, that was the speech he always gave. It was like an anthem now and Old Master Saint felt he could almost remember every single word in that whole sentence.

Indeed, it was his wishful thought to think that his grandson was finally repenting. Turning to face Josh, Old Master Saint said sarcastically.

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