Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029

As if worried that Vicky was going to say no to her, Aurora immediately added, “I’ll pay you rent money and… I can cook three meals a day. I promise I won’t cause you any trouble.-

Vicky already found Aurora very tiring after spending the whole day shopping with her, yet she was asking to stay at her place now. There was no way Vicky could say yes to that.

“I’m sorry. It wouldn’t be convenient for me if you stayed at my place. It’s best if you stay somewhere else,” said Vicky without hesitation.

“Vicky… I only came back recently, so I don’t know anywhere I can go. I really have nowhere else to go.” Aurora looked at Vicky with her big sad puppy dog eyes. “Please let me stay at your place for a little while. Pretty please?”

Vicky shook her head. “Don’t you have a fiance? You can stay at his place.”

“No. It’s not appropriate for us to stay under the same roof when we’re not married yet,” said Aurora in a small voice.

Vicky was a little shocked by what she said. “But you guys are engaged to one another! Why would it be inappropriate?”

“My parents are very conservative. They think it’s wrong for me to stay with him when we’re not married yet. So…” Aurora looked at her. “I can’t stay with Tyler.”

“You can ask him to find you a place to stay.”

Aurora shook her head. “No. My parents will think that I’m living with him. Besides… it’s not just them. I’ve been brainwashed into thinking this is wrong, too, so I can’t… stay with him even if I wanted to.”

“You can stay in a hotel, then. They have security there.”

“No… I’m scared of staying alone…”

Vicky was starting to get a headache. “Miss Starling, it’s really not that convenient for me if you stay at my place.”

“Why?” Aurora looked at her pitifully. “Is it because this used to be Tyler’s house? Don’t worry. I don’t mind at all. I’m actually quite curious as to what the house looks like.”

“I’m really sorry.”

Aurora’s voice became even more pitiful as she pleaded,” Vicky, just for a while. Please?”

However, Vicky’s resolve was absolute. She would not give in no matter how much Aurora pleaded.

In the end, Aurora had no choice but to sadly part ways with Vicky.

The exhausted Vicky finally reached home.

She put the shopping bags on the sofa. Aurora insisted that she accept the gifts and even went to the extent of threatening her, saying that she would follow her home if Vicky did not take them. Thus, Vicky had no choice but to accept the gifts.

She was so tired that she did not even have the energy to go upstairs. She slumped down on the sofa and closed her eyes to rest for a while. Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs.

She opened her eyes in horror, only to see the tall and strong Tyler dressed in a white bathrobe walking gracefully down the stairs. That further spoiled her already bad mood.

“Why are you still here, Tyler?”

Tyler glanced at her and answered, “Where should I be, if not here?”

“You should have left a long time ago.” “And go out naked?” asked Tyler coldly.

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