Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Vicky’s gaze fell on Tyler’s bathrobe.

“Where are your clothes?”

“I threw them away.”

“You did what?”

“You caused my clothes to reek of alcohol last night. Not to mention they were all crumpled up after what we did. You don’t seriously think I’ll go out dressed like that, do you?” asked Tyler coldly.

He had a thing about cleanliness and would not be caught dead in yesterday’s clothes. In fact, he would immediately change into a new set of clothes should he get just a tiny speck of dirt on them, so Vicky knew very well he would not wear his old clothes out today.

After a few seconds of silence, she finally said, “You could’ve asked your assistant to bring you a change of clothing.” novelbin

“As if.” Tyler looked at her. “That would be as good as announcing our relationship to the whole world.”

Vicky frowned. “Your assistant works for you, so I’m pretty sure he won’t be going around telling everyone about it.”

Besides, why should Tyler be afraid of his assistant finding out when he was not even afraid to let Aurora see him coming out of Vicky’s room?

“What would my assistant think of me if he found out that I’m still in contact with my ex-wife?” asked Tyler coldly.

Vicky was speechless.

Tyler was being completely unreasonable.

She fell silent for a moment and then said, “Fine. I’ll go buy you some clothes right now.”

She then walked to the door, but Tyler stopped her.

“Where are all the clothes I left here?”

“I’ve already thrown them away.”

Tyler’s eyes darkened and his voice became even colder.” Who gave you the right to throw them away?”

“We’re already divorced, so there was no need for me to keep any of your things around.” Vicky looked at him. “I packed up your stuff and sent a text to Harry, asking him to come pick them up. However, he never came, so I had no choice but to throw them away.”

Tyler noticed that his things were gone from the mansion when he came over last night. There was only one pillow on the bed, and even the toiletries and towels in the bathroom were only meant for one person.

All his things were completely gone from the room. It was understandable for Vicky to get rid of all of his things, and yet, for some reason, he could not help but feel annoyed at her.

His tone became even harsher, “Those were my things, and you should’ve asked for my permission instead of Harry’s before throwing them away! Some of the documents are work-related and—”

Vicky cut him off before he could finish speaking.

“I’ve already kept your work documents for you. They’re stored in your study, so there’s no loss there for you. In fact, you should take them home with you today.”

Tyler’s eyes darkened.

Seeing that he did not say anything else, Vicky went out to buy him some clothes. She knew what size he wore, so it took her no time at all to buy his clothes. In order to avoid him complaining, she bought him two sets of clothing and went straight home after that.

Once home, she went into the living room, only to find it empty. Tyler was nowhere to be seen at all. She carried the shopping bag upstairs and entered her bedroom. It was empty too. After thinking it through, she went to Tyler’s old study. After knocking, she pushed open the door and went in, and found the room to be dark. He was not in the study too.

‘Did he leave while I was out buying his clothes?’ she wondered.

She suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. She had spent the whole afternoon shopping with Aurora, so it was already very late by the time she came back with Tyler’s clothes.

A silvery-white streak of lightning flashed through the air all of a sudden and the sound of thunder followed not long

after. Then came the rain, crashing against the full-length window before falling down to the ground.

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