Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584 When Avery saw the marks on Vicky's neck, it was not difficult to figure out that Tyler must have left abruptly to see Vicky.

The thought of that filled her heart with jealousy.

She wanted to use this opportunity to destroy Vicky's reputation, but Harvey's unexpected appearance ruined her entire scheme.

“No. This can't go on!" she mumbled frantically to herself.

There were bound to be flaws with hypnosis, and it was evident that Tyler still harbored feelings toward Vicky.

She thought back to how Tyler refused to touch her ever since the video of her with another man was publicized at their wedding.

° ‘If that's the case...’ She thought and narrowed her eyes viciously.

' If Vicky was to be seen sleeping with another man, Tyler would never touch that trash again!’ At this moment, Avery desperately wished she could arrange a few beggars to capture Vicky, but she was well aware that the public could not be easily fooled.

News of Vicky's affair with an ordinary man would carry low credibility.

After all, who would willingly give up a young and handsome man like Harvey, only to sleep with anyone ordinary? A brilliant idea formed in Avery's mind.

She picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Lincoln, when will you have time to come to Stoneford City?" "Huh?" Lincoln was surprised by Avery's sudden goodwill.

"Miss Yeager, are you considering my proposal?" “That's right." Avery's tone was casual.

"But before that, you have to do something for me." “What is it?" “Come to Stoneford City, and we'll talk in person." There was a few seconds of contemplation on the other end before Lincoln readily agreed.

"Alright." After hanging up the phone, Avery smirked sinisterly.

Tyler detested Lincoln above all, and if Lincoln was found sleeping with Vicky, Tyler would never touch Vicky again.

Even if Tyler regained his memory, there would be no chance of reconciliation with Vicky.

Lincoln's appearance and status rivaled that of Harvey's, so it would be convincing if the public was told that Vicky cheated on Harvey with Lincoln.

This would kill two birds with one stone; it would ruin Vicky's reputation and make Tyler detest her.

A hint of a sinister gleam flickered in Avery's eyes as she picked up her phone and dialed another number.

Harvey drove Vicky home.

Vicky remained motionless and showed no reaction the entire ride.

Upon arrival, Harvey lifted Vicky out of the car and knocked on the door of her house.

Aurora, who had been waiting for a while, was shocked by Vicky's disheveled appearance.

"What happened?! How did Vicky end up like this?" Harvey briefly recounted the events to Aurora, who sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness you arrived in time.

Otherwise..." Her voice faltered, and a trace of disgust flickered in her eyes.

"Tyler and Avery truly went too far!" When Vicky first left the building to meet Avery, Aurora saw the news that had been exposed online.

Considering that Vicky was to meet Avery, Aurora had an uneasy feeling and immediately contacted Harvey, asking him to check on Vicky.

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