Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1585

Chapter 1585

Chapter 1585

Chapter 1585 As Aurora expected, Avery had another trick up her sleeve.

“Could you please prepare a bath for Vicky and help her clean up? " Harvey asked.

Aurora looked at Harvey with conflicting emotions in her eyes, then nodded.

"Alright." Hot steam filled the bathroom, and Aurora gazed at Vicky, who sat silently in the bathtub.

There were times when Aurora opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped as she was unsure of how to begin.

Though Aurora was not there in person, Vicky's disheveled state indicated she had experienced something traumatic.

Looking at the bruises and marks on Vicky's body, Aurora's resentment toward Tyler grew stronger.

"Vicky." Aurora hesitated before speaking, "Have you considered...

giving Harvey a chance?" Her voice was gentle.

"Harvey has a strong foundation in Stoneford City.

Even Tyler won't easily be able to shake the foundation of the Sparks family.

Harvey announced your engagement publicly, so maybe...you should consider giving him a chance." Vicky finally responded, "I'm a divorced woman.

Harvey can find a better woman." "Vicky, if Harvey wanted to find someone else, he wouldn't have stayed single for so many years.

Over the past years, his efforts in his career weren't just for himself but for you as well." Aurora fixed her gaze on Vicky's eyes.

''He once said that he didn't want history to repeat itself, where his lack of strength allowed you to be taken away from him.

I refuse to believe that you feel nothing toward him." Vicky fell silent again.

Aurora continued, "I know that you haven't accepted anyone else because you still haven't forgotten Tyler over these four years, but Tyler isn't the same person he used to be.

He..." However much Aurora resented Tyler, she could not bring herself to speak ill of him in front of Vicky.

After all, Vicky still loved him.

"I know he's not the same person anymore," Vicky said helplessly.

"Ever since I made my choice, I've foreseen this outcome, but I don't blame him at all.

I'm just sad..." Her eyes reddened, but there were no tears in them.

"Forget it." She said softly, "You're right.

I should move on." After changing back into her clothes and stepping out of the bathroom, Vicky's emotions had settled.

Harvey had not left; he was sitting on the couch in the living room.

When she emerged, Harvey Sparks stood up.

"Vicky, are you okay? "W Vicky nodded at Harvey.

"I'm fine now.

About today...

Thank you." Harvey gave a faint smile.

"No need to be so polite with me.” Aurora looked at Harvey and asked, "You've become the hero who saved the damsel in distress and announced the good news.

It's trending on social media.

How do you plan to handle this?" There were generally two ways to handle this kind of situation.

The first was to ignore it, not respond, and let it fade away with time.

The second was to officially confirm the news.

What happened to Vicky was clearly orchestrated, and with so many eyes on her, it was hard to simply let time handle it.

Harvey turned to look at Vicky intently and asked, "What do you think, Vicky?" After a few moments of silence, she looked up to meet his eyes.

" Let's give this a try, Harvey." Stunned, Harvey doubted what he heard for a moment.

"Vicky, what did you say?" Aurora chuckled.

"Harvey, Vicky said that she wants to give dating you a try.

Think about it and—" Harvey snapped out of it and interrupted her.

"I don't need to think about it." He fixed his gaze on Vicky's face, his eyes filled with indescribable joy.

"Let's give this a try, Vicky."

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