Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590

A thought crossed Aurora’s mind as she said, angered,” Vicky stuck to Tyler’s side the whole time he was sick, yet he couldn’t control himself and hurt her every d*mn time. Has she ever complained? She would’ve never given up if there was another option. There was once when Vicky got drunk and she let it slip that Tyler was mutilating himself. What else was she supposed to do?”

Noah sighed. “They both have their reasons for doing things.”

Aurora was becoming increasingly agitated. “Tyler is successful now and has a rich fiancee. But when he finds out that his fiancee cheated on him, he decides to take it out on Vicky. That’s just so wrong. Besides, no one knows just what horrible fate awaited Vicky if Harvey didn’t get to her in time on the day she was confronted by the reporters. Why would the reporters be there in the restaurant if no one tipped them off?”

Aurora scoffed. “Tyler called those reporters there to insult Vicky—it must be! I heard that the questions raised by those reporters were so confrontational that they kept calling Vicky an immoral homewrecker. Not one person condemned Tyler for cheating. If it weren’t for that accident, Vicky wouldn’t be engaged to Harvey. In a way, it was Tyler who brought them together.”

Noah was not sure how to respond after hearing this.

Indeed, this incident had been the turning point that led

Vicky to choose Harvey. Judging from Aurora’s words, it was clear that Vicky had attributed the cause of this incident to Tyler. If that was truly the case, Tyler had not acted very honorably.

The joint announcement of Vicky and Harvey’s engagement immediately sparked a new round of discussions.

The news about Vicky being a mistress was completely debunked.

Over the years, Harvey’s popularity had risen significantly. His impressive wealth, striking looks, and enigmatic aura had captivated numerous women. However, despite his popularity, Harvey remained single for all these years and had not even been rumored to be dating anyone.

There were rumors that Harvey once had an unrequited love -a woman who saved his life in his early years-but she did not return his affection, which led to him remaining single.

There were also stories of Harvey being engaged once, only for the engagement to end disastrously due to his exfiancee’s actions. After that, he became traumatized by the idea of marriage and focused solely on his career.

The truth behind these rumors was a mix of fact and fiction.

Still, these speculations and rumors did not affect the preparations for Vicky and Harvey’s engagement.

One day, Harvey called Vicky to pick out an engagement ring.

They went to a jewelry store, and Harvey said to Vicky, “The engagement timeline is a bit tight this time. Designing and crafting the ring will take some time, and we might not have enough time for customizations. Let’s get a dedicated pair of wedding rings once we’re married.”

Vicky did not object and simply nodded. “Alright.”

Back when they were initially engaged, Vicky and Harvey did not share any emotional connection, so their assistants handled the preparations and the rings. However, things were different the second time around, and Harvey wanted to personally choose the wedding band.

As they entered the jewelry store, an enthusiastic attendant welcomed them. “Good day. What type of rings are you interested in?”

“We’re looking for engagement rings,” Vicky said.

“Please follow me this way.”

Vicky and Harvey caught the attention of the perceptive attendant with their elegance, so the attendant led them to the upscale jewelry section.

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