Lust Knight

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: Overprotective Aunt

Chapter 368: Overprotective Aunt

From the penetrating look of Eve and her angry tone, Lucien knows that he will not escape a scolding this time with just words.

In that second or less than a second, he focuses all his remaining demonic energy, in fact, a good amount that he regenerated with Sophia.

He felt not only the pleasure of having his beautiful and cute sister again in his arms, added to the good news about him going to be a father, but Lucien can also feel the demonic energy of Sophia already inside his body, making him feel relaxed, a feeling that matches very much well with pleasure, plus an incredible boost in his life mana.

Lucien's body glows with purple energy, with a slight greenish sparkle as Eve disappears into a white blur.


No one has time to say a word or even understand what's going on, while Lucien also becomes a purple blur and is chased by the white blur around the group.

*Woooosh* *Woooosh* *Woooosh*

Eve pursues Lucien in circles around the group at super high speed while the others can only protect themselves from the strong winds as they are unable to follow their movements with their eyes.

"What the fuck?!?!" Donna and Wrath exclaim together while shocked by the difference in power between them and Lucien and Eve.

Wrath thought she was doing very well with Donna and would only be inferior in progress to Sloth and Sophia because they have a big head start, and Eve and Pride, of course.

Pride and Eve are really as powerful as Wrath and Donna expected, but how is it possible for the weak brother and the weaker sin to be able to be as incredible as they?

Lucien and Lust's performance makes Wrath and Donna see that they are not doing really well but falling behind. It is also evident that Sophia and Sloth will cooperate with Lucien to become stronger even faster, making Wrath and Donna fall even further behind.

Well, that's not exactly what Sloth's thinking right now. She just smiles as she watches Lucien shock them all again.

She always thought that her hosts could cooperate with Lust's hosts very well, and now will be the best time for that. And, of course, she also wants to have her shade of Lucien for herself and who knows, one day, to fulfill her deep desire to be a mother.

Sophia, Amelia, Envy, and Lust have the same proud expression as Lucien's other wives as they see that their hubby is already so amazing.

But Lucien knows that Eve is approaching him. Without enough demonic energies to make a mix of energies, he is a few power levels below her, which is actually stronger than Melitta while at the very beginning of Sky Realm.

Eve could have already reached Lucien, but she is restraining her power as she just wants to pull his ear and vent some of the frustrations of her heart. She would never really want to hurt her beloved little brother, even when he does things that are sure to cause problems for them.

When she is almost reaching him, Lucien flies to the sky, but Eve can now fly at super-speed and catch him before he goes far. The Ghost Lady comes out of Lucien's scabbard to defend him, but Eve quickies hold her by the grip and restrain her by force.

She holds him by the ear and knocks him to the ground while she falls on top of him and spikes the Ghost Ghost to the ground. "Luci!!! Can't you see how dangerous your actions are?!?!?!"

Lucien makes an expression of pain and regret to satisfy Eve's expectation about punishing him, but actually, that pain is nothing compared to what he endured from Melitta an hour ago.

"STOP IT, please, big sis!!" Sophia quickly approaches them and begs Eve to stop.

Eve looks at Sophia with a sorry expression. "I understand that you always wanted his affection, but this... a child in the middle of our screwed-up life..."

Lucien is unable to contain his smile when he realizes that Eve is not angry with them for having sex but concerned for the child. And well, he is also concerned about the future of his children in the midst of so many problems that they have.

But he and his family are getting stronger so quickly that soon they will have the power to solve such problems, and his children would have a good life.

Pride's eyes shine with expectation. "Think about it, Eve. Our hosts and we have never been able to have children before because our demonic energy is so chaotic and powerful. But now... Lucien is already soo powerful in Mortal Realm as Sophia is in the Earth Realm, so imagine how powerful their children will be."

Eve's expression gets even more furious as she looks at Pride. "Do you want to use their child as a weapon just like you and our father use us?!?!??!"

While Pride doesn't answer that question, Lucien strokes Eve's face. "We would never let that happen. You know, we are already stronger than our father, and before the child is born, we will have the power to kill the pope and any other Immortal Realm person of our homeworld."

"Luci..." Eve looks at him with a concerned expression. "The child should not share our problems. We cannot let that happened to us to be repeated with them."

He uses a hand to continue stroking Eve's face and, with the other, takes the Ghost Lady from her hand. "You and everyone here can see our potential. The child will have parents who love each other and will love them very much as they will have many aunts who will also love them and an army of powerful women to protect them as well."

Lucien's words make Sophia and his other wives imagine a beautiful future where they will not fear anything, and they will not have to fight like that and can just enjoy a peaceful life alongside their hubby and children.

The sins know that things will not be so simple, mainly because of the bloody rose. However, losing hope will not help, and Eve wants to believe that they really have the possibility of a good future.

While everyone is silent, Sloth profundly sighs. "We know almost nothing about the child yet, but it is very likely that they have characteristics of royal dragons, meaning they can take several, dozens, or even hundreds of years to be born."

Everyone pays attention to Sloth's words because even Pride respects her great knowledge. So she continues. "If more of Lucien's women are actually pregnant, which is very unlikely, a mix of energies with Sophia's demonic energy and life mana could be used by Lucien to help the babies develop faster, but that couldn't shorten that time for less than several years."

"Are you sure about that?" Eve asks as Lucien's wives look concerned. They certainly don't want to wait several years to have their babies.

Sloth slowly shakes her head with an honest shake. "No. Everything is theoretical when it comes to this issue. What we are doing here... what Lucien is doing is unprecedented, and that will change everything that everyone has ever known. Such concerns as the safety of the children are important but that is not even close to changing the whole universe."

"Fuck the universe!!" Eve shouts. "No one is going to use my nephews to any shit!"

"Not while they have such an overprotective aunt." Lucien smiles.

However, Eve doesn't smile but makes a severe expression as she pulls his ear again. "Damn, Luci!! These children will be born with so many problems and will be the target of many enemies because you couldn't keep your cock away from your sister's pussy!!"

Lucien quickly turns their bodies and gets on top of Eve while making a serious expression. "As long as any of my sisters want my cock, they will have it as well as my love and that is why we will be much stronger quickly so that these children have all possible protection and it doesn't matter if the whole universe comes after us, we will kill them all until there no remains a single enemy alive anywhere."

"But-" Eve sure agrees with Lucien's plan, but she still wants to complain about his methods.

Still, he seals her lips with his finger. "I appreciate very much that you already wanted to take care of this child as you took good care of us all this time. But now is not the time to freak out about something that is still a long time away. We have to focus on the present and getting stronger."

"..." Eve again agrees with Lucien's words, which makes her fear his next words.

He keeps talking. "An army of angels is coming here now, and I don't think we will have a problem dealing with them with our current power level. But other enemies, more powerful ones, can appear at any time..."

Lucien seductively smiles. "So we need to be prepared. Lust's energy and mine is the link that can mix our energies, making us stronger very quickly. Also, Sophia, Amelia, and Envy want this, so there's nothing wrong going on here."

Then he quickly looks at Donna before looking at Eve again. "I would never force anything on you or any of our other sisters, and we don't necessarily need to do it. As soon as Pride and Wrath are spreading their legs for me willingly, you will understand our true potential."

While Wrath makes an angry expression, Pride starts to laugh. "You shouldn't overestimate your capabilities."

"I don't do it." Lucien smiles confidently at Pride, which slightly moves her proud heart.

He looks at Eve again, expecting a good reaction from her, but he is confused to see that she is gazing at him with a timid expression while her face is very flushed with embarrassment and angriness.

"LOOK AT YOUR HANDS, STUPID BROTHER!!!" Eve exclaims as she moves her fist towards Lucien's face.

Lucien only now realizes that he had his hand over one of Eve's breasts while talking. He knows he won't be able to avoid that punch, so he squeezes her extremely soft and perfect breast while accepting the blow.

In an embarrassing state that Eve didn't know she could have, she hits Lucien with moderate force, breaking his already weakened defenses by the lack of demonic energy and throwing him back several meters.

Under Sophia's quick thinking, her floating pillow flies behind Lucien and catches him in the air. He falls down on the pillow while looking at his hand and thinks about how incredibly pleasant it was to touch the breast of his beloved big sis.

"Hahahahaha..." Donna starts laughing out loud as she finds everything very crazy. "You asked for it, Luci."

While Lucien enjoys the scent of Sophia lying on her fluffy floating pillow, Eve quickly gets up from the ground as she regains her calm.

She looks at Sophia with a sorry expression. "I'm sorry... I freaked out a little..."

"Just a little bit?" Sophia giggles and then hugs Eve again. "Don't worry; I know you're just concerned for the safety of our family. Also, I know that we don't help you while we're doing... things that siblings shouldn't be doing."

"Who said we shouldn't do it?" Amelia asks sarcastically. "We just need to kill everyone who disagrees with us, and then we can make any rules and break them."

"This is definitely a good way of thinking." Wrath nods. josei

Sloth smiles while finding the future possibilities very exciting, but she understands that Lucien will have a really tough challenge to convince everyone of the best way to make that works.

Lucien's wives are silent as they realize how complicated his sisters are. In fact, their whole situation is very crazy, so it is normal for some of them to freak out sometimes.

They just don't freak out because they allow Lucien to calm them down with his love whenever possible, and of course, they totally trust him and know that no matter what challenges come to them, he will always solve everything.

Daisy, on the other hand, lacks Lucien's support and is currently freaking out with everything she is seeing and hearing. [Are these really the seven great demons? The deadly sins? Is this boy... leading them?!?!? How the hell is that possible?!?!?!]


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