Lust Knight

Chapter 369

Chapter 369: Big Plans

Chapter 369: Big Plans

Following Sophia's will, her big floating pillow goes to her, taking Lucien. She smiles when she sees that he is enjoying her fluffy pillow. "Do you like it?"

"For sure." Lucien quickly responds and then makes a curious expression. "What exactly is it?"

Sophia quickly explains. "It is a magical artifact that I found on the world I was in, which I believe is a moon of this world. This pillow appears to be an artifact from another world that was lost there for my luck."

"I see," Lucien comments as he strokes the floating pillow.

"You know... this could be our new bed from now on." Sophia giggles while she blushes a little.

Lucien sits on the pillow and taps an area next to him, indicating her to sit there. She quickly jumps on the pillow and hugs him.

He kisses her on the cheek as he speaks. "But I have a big bed in our house waiting for you."

Sophia doesn't know about the purple world, but it doesn't matter to her because her house will always be beside Lucien, and his bed will always be her bed too.

"I'm looking forward to getting there." She brings her lips near to his mouth, begging for more kisses.

But as soon as Lucien starts kissing Sophia, Ko jumps onto the floating pillow as she comes turns in the form of a cute little tigress.

"Hahahaha... Hey you!" Lucien laughs as he starts to pats little Ko on his lap.

"So adorable!!" Sophia is fascinated with little Ko and begins to caresses the cute kitten too.josei

Amelia makes an upset expression while feeling less 'feminine' compared to Sophia's gentle charm. Of course, she also feels jealous of little Ko, on Lucien's lap, as well as all his wives.

Sloth smiles. "Okay, guys, now is not the time for this. We need to talk about that army of angels coming. After our enemies are dead, we can relax and enjoy each other."

"Tsk!" Wrath makes a mocking sound when he hears Sloth's words. "Speak for yourself. The battle is the only relaxing thing I want."

Lust smiles. "I bet Lucien wouldn't mind having a few sparring sessions with you later. If you behave well, of course."

Wrath smiles with an expectant expression as she remembers Lucien's incredible strength and speed. "Alright! That seems like an excellent idea. I would enjoy breaking some pretty bones of his body."

After saying that, Wrath feels all Lucien's sisters and wives, especially Donna and Eve, become very angry. Just as other sins can see auras of their specific feelings, now she sees a big red cloud around all those women, while only Lucien remains calm.

The other sins know that Wrath is just provoking them to generate demonic energy, but Lust and Envy are still angry because they know that she will really try to hurt Lucien to cause anger in everyone who loves him.

But of course, to do that, Wrath would never try dirty tricks as Envy could do, but just fair combats, and in that situation, they are sure that Lucien will have all control of the fight due to his agility and senses so much superior to hers and Donna.

Pride shakes her head at Wrath with a sorry expression, knowing that she won't have a chance against Lucien, and then looks at him again. "So, about the angels..."

Lucien smiles at Anne and Elsie before stroking the Ghost Lady's hilt. "You will not believe these coincidences..."

Then he tells the whole story of how he received Adeline's diary, found the Ghost Lady, and was attacked by Melitta. Although they don't know if the angels were involved in the death of the women who are now the Ghost Lady and the other cursed weapon they are looking for, or if they were involved in the attack on Adeline in her homeworld, the angels are looking for those cursed weapons now and maybe other races too.

Lucien also talks about the crystal mine being a portal from the Brown Star and that the angels are also looking for June after he and Eve explain about the fight with the first group of angels.

When Lucien finished explaining the situation, he quickly looks at Eve. "Is June alive?"

Eve nods. "Yes, I managed to get some information from her, mainly about her master, and then I saw the lights in the sky... She is under the surveillance of Luise and Sabrina, going to Portgreen with my troops right now."

"Sabrina..." Lucien thinks aloud as he remembers the bear-girl from his troops who went with Eve's group to serve as a messenger to inform Ron in Portgreen.

"I will not return her to you." Eve smiles provocatively at Lucien.

"Why?" Lucien makes a curious expression despite knowing why Eve would not give up such a promising soldier.

Eve quickly explains. "I think that due to your demonic energy, my aura has a much greater impact on her. She is already in the second layer of the Mortal Realm and advancing quickly towards the third."

Lucien smiles as he shakes his head. "Oh, big sis... you don't understand the potential that we have here."

While Eve is confused, Elsie approaches her and bows respectfully. "My great Queen."

Elsie talks and acts with a lot of respect because she likes Eve a lot, but she also can't hide her happy smile for being Lucien's wife, and her tail excitedly wags next to the little one who still needs to grow up.

Eve was with Elsie a few weeks ago and can already see a huge advance in her general power. She is also in the Earth Realm second layer, but her real power is already much greater than that, in addition to her growing a second tail, which is definitely her special ability awakening.

What happened to Sabrina was similar to Elsie, but while Eve just improved the power of the cute bear-girl with her aura and it had a better effect because Sabrina's body was very boosted by Lucien demonic energy, he merged Eve's energy with his and Envy's energies inside Elsie's body, making the whole process much better. The current power of Sabrina and Elsie may seem similar, but the fox girl is actually much stronger than the bear-girl.

While Eve is shocked by Elsie's explosive improvement, Pride suggests a plan. "Just let him train all the troops, and when we go to fight, we use our aura to make them even stronger."

Lust shakes her head. "But in the end, the troops would be loyal to Lucien in the first place and would want him to lead them."

"We can lead together, wasn't that the plan?" Eve looks at Pride.

"Yes, we do." Pride nods, shocking Wrath again.

"No way..." Wrath's mind starts to get as confused as Daisy's. She never saw Pride being so passive before. If it was already absurd for Pride to say that she respects Lucien, accepting to share the troops' leadership with him is even more impossible to believe.

Lucien continues to caress little Ko and Sophia while looking at Pride. He loves his wives and big sis very much, but leading the troops in battle alongside Pride seems so fucking incredible.

However, things are not so simple. "I think this is the best idea, but I can't train so many troops now. Giving my energy to all my troops is already challenging, let alone double and triple those numbers."

"What will you suggest?" Pride asks.

Lucien quickly explains. "I also want to leave good troops here in this world to protect these people, but my focus is on creating an army to follow me in other worlds. I know that for that, we will need a portal with many resources, which should be impossible to find in this world, but..."

"That life crystals mine..." Everyone thinks the same thing while Sloth comments out loud. "With all the resources of that mine, a lot of hard work, and an experienced alchemist, we could create a portal for approximately two thousand five hundred people."

He nods. "I also would take many people in the Purple World, which would make the process a little easier."

"Yeah, it can work." Sloth agrees while looking at Daisy. It seems that Lucien already knew about her, and it is easy to deduce that it is because of the little vampire next to her mother.

Lucien looks at Pride again. "So my plan is to we both focus on my troops and wives, which added are just over two thousand people right now. You could bring some women from your troops, but most of them would remain in this world."

Pride makes a thoughtful expression. If they joined their troops, the end army would be loyal to both of them, but if they focused entirely on his troops, it would be like her working for him and not genuine cooperation.

Lucien notices Pride's hesitation. "You are still seeing us as separate components when we are a united family. We will not be apart again, and my forces are also the forces of my sisters."

Elsie nods. "True. We are going to be together from now on, so there are no armies on different sides."

Pride agrees with Lucien and Eve, but she still has thoughts of getting him to accept her as a real leader. It can be said that she is very ambitious now.

Then she nods. "Okay, we will do that with your troops, but I will choose how and when to use my aura."

Lucien nods. "We will always be facing the same enemies, so there is no reason why we won't agree on that."

Wrath is again surprised that Pride continues to agree to follow Lucien's leadership, despite that being actually cooperation.

Lust and Envy already expect that to happen because they know that it is impossible to resist Lucien for a long time, so accepting it faster is a sign of cleverness.

Sloth has no significant reaction as she expected that leadership change as soon as she saw Lucien fighting. But of course, she also agrees with such 'cooperation' where everything will orbit around him.

"So, what're the next steps?" Pride asks Lucien while clearly thinking about something too.

Lucien quickly explains. "We have approximately two days before the other angels arrive. We don't know their numbers and power, but we have to be prepared for everything."

"We must bring all the troops you have here." Wrath comments.

"No." Lucien and Pride talk together before smiling at each other.

Lucien signals Pride to speak, then she explains. "Eve's troops are still not really in the Mortal Realm, and even if they were, they couldn't get here in two days. For this fight, we can only use Lucien's troops."

"After that, we can allocate half of Eve's troops in Portgreen and in the Alliance to defend our people while we..." Lucien stops speaking while he is still thinking about it.

Pride is curious about Lucien's future plans. They thought they would stay in this world for a long time, but they became stronger faster than they expected, and they are almost all together in less than a year, already facing enemies of a medium world.

"Yes..." Pride agrees. "Let's focus on defeating these angels now, and then we see what comes next."

Lucien looks at his wives and sisters while Pride looks at the other sins. Everyone nods, agreeing with their plans.

"So..." Wrath comments. "What about to do right now? Shall we sit and wait for the angels to come?"

"I need a few hours to bring my troops here," Lucien responds.

"Yes, it will be better for us to wait here because I believe they will follow the first group of angels." Pride again agrees with Lucien.

"But we still have about two days..." Lust comments as he smiles at Lucien.

Lucien smiles too. "Ehh... when my group and I stopped to fight the angels, we were in the middle of a wedding ceremony, so I would like to finish that before the angels arrive."

"A wedding ceremony??" Sophia's eyes shine and reflect the stars in the sky.

"Yep..." Lucien slowly kisses her lips as he speaks. "Do you want mar..."

"YES, YES, YESSS!!!" Sophia hugs Lucien tightly before he can propose to her.

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