Lust Knight

Chapter 457

Chapter 457: Older sisters

Chapter 457: Older sisters

*Knock* *Knock*

"Donna, are you alright?"

While listening to Eve's voice behind the door, Donna panics, thinking that she heard her conversation about Lucien.

She quickly looks at Wrath with a concerned expression, and the great demon dematerializes her body, returning to Donna's soul.

"Yes, I'm fine; you can come in." She speaks.

Eve opens the bedroom door and sees Donna sitting on the bed with a strange expression. She also doesn't see anyone in the room, but she heard voices talking a few seconds ago.

"Were you talking to Wrath?" She asks. josei

"Yeah..." Donna replies as she tries to force a relaxed expression, which definitely doesn't work. "We were... talking about training, skills, and the like."

Eve looks at Donna with a loving and concerned expression as she walks over to the bed and sits on its edge. "Are you really okay? And what about your relationship with Wrath?"

"We're fine..." Donna replies as she looks away. "Why do you ask?"

She smiles. "We've always talked before... But since it all started, we didn't have time for things like that anymore. I just want to talk to you, my beloved sister."

Donna also smiles when she hears Eve's words. They've always talked about everything before, and it's weird that they haven't done that for a long time.

"I understand... In fact, I really missed talking to you. Things have been hard and... Wrath is not a kind partner that listens to me." She explains.

Eve settles on the bed, sitting in a lotus position in front of Donna. "Pride is also not very kind, and our conversations are almost always about her complaining."

Donna sighs. "It's so hard to deal with these demons... I don't know how Luci and Lust get along so well. I think he just adapted to the situation and accepted what we are now."

"We are still ourselves," Eve comments as she takes her sister's hand. "I know things are confusing, especially after Lucien, Sophia, and Amelia did those things... But we are still a family, and..."

"I know we are a family." Donna quickly interrupts Eve. "But you can't deny that we are no longer human; I feel different every day, closer to Wrath, and similar to her... after the contract, we started to become something else, and it looks like Luci was already prepared for that; it looks like he was just waiting to be... the real him."

Eve understands what Donna means. When she looks at Lucien and Lust, she doesn't know for sure who is the great demon and the host anymore.

She smiles. "Yes, it looks like he was made for this... not just to be Lust's partner, but also to lead the others..."

'Not while I'm here!' Pride speaks in Eve's mind, making it clear that she still considers herself the leader of the seven great demons even though she already respects Lucien a lot.

Eve ignores Pride's complaints and keeps talking to Donna. "I really understand what you mean. I also feel different every day, closer to Pride... I feel infinite arrogance growing inside of me, and everyone around me except my beloved ones seem less important insignificant ants..."

As she speaks, her aura spreads around the room, and Donna feels an instinctive desire to kneel and praise Eve. She has always loved and respected her big sis a lot, but now it is different. Eve looks like a supreme queen who surpasses all other persons in immeasurable ways.

And when Donna starts having trouble breathing, that aura disappears as Eve shakes her head and looks at her sister with a loving expression.

"But then, when I start to lose myself in these dominant feelings, I stop and think about my family, the ones I love more than anything... my siblings," Eve explains.

She strokes Donna's face. "You, Luci, and our other sisters are the reason for my life. All I do is to give you love and protection. So it doesn't matter if it is our father, Pride, or even this damn Bloody Rose, nothing is going to change the fact that I am above all, your big sis."

While Donna is touched by Eve's words, Pride is impressed. She knows how dominant her nature is and how it influences Eve, but even so, she remains true to her personality.

Well, Pride chose Eve mainly for her personality and not the fact that she was older and stronger than her siblings. Yet, Eve continues to impress Pride with her physical and mental strength.

"It seems easy when you talk like that..." Donna comments. "But you don't understand how difficult it is for us to resist these feelings. You, big sis, are so strong... but I'm not like that; I'm going crazy with this chaotic energy growing inside me."

Eve put her hands on Donna's shoulders. "You have to control that energy until we figure out how to stop it. I wish I could help you with that, but only you can control your energy. No one can do it for you."

Donna makes a thoughtful and hesitant expression. "He can... he can help me..."

"Him? Who are you talking about?" Eve asks while she has an idea of who Donna is talking about.

"You know, Luci." She answers. "Sophia and Amelia said that whenever they feel this chaotic energy driving them crazy, they look for him, and..."

Her face starts to flush. "They do things... and then they quickly feel good, stronger, and in control of their own feelings."

Eve can't help but blush a little too as she imagines what things Donna is talking about. But then she quickly shakes her head. "Are you really serious about it??"

"This is not so wrong, right?" Donna asks. "You just said that we are still a family and we should help each other, so why is it wrong to let him help me?"

"That's not the problem." Eve sighs. "Is Wrath forcing you to do that? Pride told me something like this was going to happen. She said that Wrath usually demands too much from her hosts, and..."

She looks into her sister's eyes. "I know how you are feeling, Donna. I know you since you were just a kid, and I understand that you felt really bad when Luci fought Alexa. You felt weak and wanted to be able to help him, but this is not the right thing to do."

"I love you, big sis, but..." Donna looks into Eve's eyes. "You're wrong about it. You just agreed with me that we're changing, so why not accept our.. demonic and sinful side as Luci? Being stuck with old rules and stupid morals is not going to get us anywhere."

Eve shakes her head as she gets up from the bed and starts pacing around the bedroom. "So what is better to do? Indulge in this madness and fuck your brother as Sophia and Amelia??"

Donna's face gets even more flushed while she feels terrible about that. "It's not that..."

"You should be helping me to keep our family together, Donna," Eve speaks. "But do you want to contribute to this insanity? I don't know why Sophia developed such feelings for Luci, but Amelia was due to jealousy. What about you? You were always so strong, so doing it out of weakness doesn't make sense."

"But I am WEAK!" Donna screams and quickly tries to calm down. "I feel weak, useless, helpless... I saw my little brother being beaten over and over, and I couldn't do anything. I know that it was his plan, and Alexa wouldn't kill him, but what will happen when he is facing a real powerful enemy??"

"We will be there, beside him!!" Eve quickly responds. "We are going to get stronger and protect each other, as always!!"

Donna sighs. "You can't see it, sis... maybe it's your natural arrogance, Pride's influence, or the Bloody Rose... probably a mix of everything. But anyway, you can't see that you're too strong, but I don't. Without his help, I'm going to get further and further behind and just be a burden to you."

While Eve doesn't know what to do to motivate Donna, she continues. "I'm not saying I'm going to fuck him. I also don't have romantic feelings for him. But he can still help me..."

She explains. "He said that any pleasure could be enough to generate a lot of demonic energy. He can give me that mark, allowing me to have more time to train within his soul realm, and... I don't know, but I'm sure we don't need to do extreme things."

Eve understands what Donna means; she herself had already thought a lot about the advantages of having a soul contract with Lucien. Mental communication and the purple world seem to be very good benefits to ignore.

But with that comes the chance that their relationship as siblings could be completely ruined and that one day they will realize that they fucked it up.

"I will not stop you from doing this if you think it is the best," Eve speaks hesitantly.

"We could do it together..." Donna comments as she gets up from the bed and touches Eve's shoulder. "It's not wrong for us as siblings to become even closer... no shit, just family love."

"You know I can't do it..." Eve pats Donna's hand as she sighs. "I raised you; I saw you go from weeping little children to beautiful, strong young adults... I see Luci, you, and our other sisters as my children, and that's why I could never do anything like that."

Donna smiles lovingly. "Yeah, that's you, our big sis... always taking care of us and helping us to be better people. I've always admired you for being like that, and I won't stop admiring you even if you don't accept that we need to change along with Luci."

Eve also smiles as she walks towards the door. "It was a good conversation... I'll support you if that's what you want to do, so... just don't end up like Amelia, developing such feelings for him."

"I will not mess it up," Donna speaks in a determined tone. But a part of her, a profound part, is still confused about the feelings she experienced when she spent that time alone with Lucien on the day of his ceremony.

After leaving Donna's bedroom, Eve closes the door and rests her back on it while sighing and reflecting on that conversation. [I don't believe things are going this way... she will certainly end up falling in love with him too...]

While she fears that her family ends up too messed up, Pride speaks in her mind. 'You know she's right about the benefits of having a soul contract with him, right? Also, his energy seems very efficient in strengthening us... more than I could ever imagine.'

'You too??' Eve asks sarcastically. 'I thought you were against accepting help from others, especially from Lust. You said she was so weak, stupid, and immoral... and does now you want to beg for their power??'

Pride materializes her body in front of Eve and looks at her with an arrogant expression. 'We are not going to beg anything, EVER!! But think about it... all women evolve to better versions of themself after accepting his energy... what would we, who are already perfect, become with him?'

'Then do it yourself.' Eve speaks as she starts walking towards her bedroom. 'I would never stop you from fucking him. And he seems to really want to fuck you, so you can do it as much as you want.'

She shakes her head as he walks behind Eve. 'I just don't want to do it right now. I don't want to let him get too overconfident...'

'So let's stick to the plan.' Eve comments. 'Or am I not getting strong fast enough for you?'

'You are one of the best, if not the best host I have ever had. Probably due to the Bloody Rose.' Pride comments while knowing that Eve is very compatible with her, not because of the Bloody Rose, but because of her character.

But before Eve says anything, Pride continues. 'But what... if I say that by accepting his energy and fucking him, would you gain enough power to go now to your homeworld and destroy all your enemies there? No one in the whole Immortal Realm could face you two really together, and you could rescue her...'

"Really???" Eve asks out loud.

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