Lust Knight

Chapter 458

Chapter 458: Not a Request

Chapter 458: Not a Request

A new day is born in Portgreen City. In the streets, people celebrate the prosperity of the King and his many Queens joyfully.

In the purple world, those many Queens sleep on the King's large bed with pleased expressions after several hours of marital fun.

In the great royal castle, Ron is very happy with Lucien's visit and prepares another banquet for Kara's birthday in the main hall on the second floor.

But in the corridors on the third floor, two women walk with weary eyes and dark circles; it is evident that they did not sleep well the last night.

In fact, Eve and Donna didn't sleep for a second. They spent the whole night thinking about various things, and although they can go several days without sleep due to their power level, the lack of sleep still leaves their bodies tired.

They walk together and, in silence, to the kitchen, looking for a good breakfast to strengthen their bodies. Then they smile as they go down the stairs and see a majestic breakfast waiting for them in the hall.

"Your Majesty, Ma'am." The servants quickly kneel as they greet Eve respectfully.

"Your Royal Highness, Ma'am." So they greet Donna in a very respectful way too.

Donna smiles, showing her sharp teeth like fangs. "This is much better than living in that damn cold fortress where we were treated as weapons. I could live like this forever."

Eve nods. "I like this too, and I wish we could live like this..."

Then a familiar and full of affection voice comes from behind them. "We are going to live like this, or rather, much better than this, when we are all together and well; I promise."

Lucien's voice arouses the feminine feelings of every woman in the hall, and even his sisters are not entirely immune to that. If that weren't enough, he stands behind his sisters and hugs both of them by the shoulders.

"Good morning, dear sisters." He talks and kisses their cheeks, making the other woman almost die of jealousy. It is a pity that Envy is not there to absorb all that demonic energy.

Eve blushes as she tries to force her body not to get horny, which is very difficult. "Morning, Luciā€¦ Did you sleep well?"

Donna blushes even more. "Morning, brother... where are the girls?"

Lucien starts walking toward the table while continuing to hug his sisters. "I really managed to sleep for a few hours today. I think it was because you are with me, and it makes me more relaxed."

"And the girls..." He knows that explaining their current situation will make his sisters more embarrassed, and teasing them looks so fun.

"You know, we spent the night getting stronger, having fun, doing things of husband and wife, you can call it what you want. Anyway, they just started sleeping a few hours ago and are too exhausted to get out of bed."

"..." Eve and Donna get even more flushed while they can't stop their minds from imagining many women in bed with exhausted expressions, and somehow, they are sure that even asleep, there must be smiles on their faces now.

"You could just say that they will come later." Eve comments.

They arrive at the table, and he stops hugging his sisters to get a piece of bread and eat. Then he teasingly smiles at Eve. "Yeah, they'll come later... a lot, like every day, you know."

Donna starts laughing and quickly turns her face away as she sits down at the table and starts eating a piece of cake, but Eve doesn't like Lucien's bold response at all.


She slaps him on the shoulder. "Damn Luci!!! Can't you think of anything but naughty things?!?"

"Not when I'm happy." He quickly responds while picking up two cookies on the table and tossing one to Donna, who picks it up in the air.

Eve fears she is completely losing her morale as a big sister and quickly tries to slap Lucien again.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

But no matter how hard she tries, he can easily dodge her blows, making it clear that his agility grows a lot every day due to his 'hard work' with his wives.

He flies over the table and sits on a chair next to Donna. Eve realizes that running after him doesn't do any good, so she sits at the table too but gazes at him with a fake upset look while actually mentally praising him for his growing power.

Before Lucien can get any more food from the table, Lust materializes her body on his lap, picks up some cookies, and starts giving them to him in the mouth.

While Donna rolls her eyes, Eve shakes her head. "Is that the kind of posture a wife should have at the table? Especially when not at home?"

Lust smiles as she sticks her finger completely into Lucien's mouth to give him a cookie, and he sucks on her finger. "I don't care what others think, but what is good for my husband and me."

While Eve sighs, Pride materializes her body sitting on a chair. "Lust has always been like that, a shameless woman."

Wrath materializes her body on a chair next to Donna and takes a cookie while smiling at her. "Do you want me to do something like that for you?"

Donna ignores Wrath as she picks up more cookies from the table. "Don't speak nonsense."

Lucien smiles as he sees the Sins interact with his sisters. Pride and Wrath are not kind at all, but they look more and more like a big family.

After eating some cookies, Lucien takes a mug of coffee and gets up. Eve quickly makes a sad expression. "Aren't you going to have breakfast with us?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, but I also want to see how the city is doing while we are here. We will continue the journey right after lunch." He explains.

"I see..." Eve comments as she looks at Donna, who is trying to look away. "But before you go, you should talk to Donna; she wants to say something to you, right, sister?"

Donna panics because she doesn't know what to do and also doesn't understand why Eve said that. [Wasn't she against it?? And now, what should I do?!?]

Lucien notices that Donna is shy and hesitant, which gives him an idea of what she wants to talk about. Then he smiles kindly at her. "Come with me; let's walk around the town and talk."

"Mm." Donna gets up, picks some cookies from the table, and follows Lucien while looking at Eve with a thoughtful expression.

He walks toward the corridor and winks at Eve as he passes her. She shakes her head and continues to drink coffee, but her lips curve in a gentle smile.

Lust, Pride, and Wrath look at each other before they return to the souls of their hosts. That situation is unlike anything they have ever experienced, which makes everything seem more exciting.

As they walk towards the castle's exit, Lucien and Donna are respectfully greeted by all the castle's servants. While all men avoid looking at her body, women gaze at him with excited and dreamy expressions.

Donna doesn't like those looks as she can feel that all women want to steal Lucien only for them. [I believe that almost all women have this kind of feeling... everyone wants to be the only one with him.]

"Luci... I..." She tries to start the conversation but doesn't know what to say.

"My King!!!" When they arrive at the castle gate, Ron approaches them with a happy expression.

"My friend." Lucien taps Ron on the shoulders in a very friendly way.

So Ron greets Donna in a very respectful way, too, before speaking to Lucien. "You're going to stay for lunch, right? I'm taking care of everything so Kara can eat all her favorite foods."

"Yeah," Lucien nods. "I'm just going for a walk around town while you're done preparing the feast."

"Sounds good," Ron comments, but then he makes a thoughtful expression. "However, I don't think you will have a peaceful walk as everyone will want to greet the king and will probably follow you around town."

Lucien understands that his fame in Portgreen can disrupt his conversation with Donna, so he thinks about something while his body starts to glow with gray energy.

Donna and Wrath feel Lucien using Envy's energy, but they don't understand what he is doing. Then they see Ron's expression changing to shock.

"How do I look?" He asks Ron.

"You... it... you..." Ron can't believe he just saw Lucien change his body completely, making his horns and wings disappear and his face change to that of a simple man.

But to Donna, he still looks the same, so he quickly explains. "I changed my appearance, but it only works on people with a power level below mine."

"This is an incredible skill," Ron comments. "It would be perfect for spying."

"I'm sure of that." Lucien laughs. Then he signals to Donna as he walks out of the castle. "We will be back soon." josei

Donna follows Lucien while trying to see any changes in his body but notices nothing except the fact that he is channeling Envy's demonic energy.

"Can Amelia do it too?" She asks as she walks beside Lucien.

He quickly nods. "I think so. I still don't have a lot of control over Envy's energy, but this is easy."

Wrath and Donna are surprised at the way Lucien uses another Sin's demonic energy. "So this is how it works? I mean, can you really use all of Amelia and Sophia's skills that easily?"

"Not quite," Lucien explains. "I don't know exactly how it works, and even Lust doesn't seem so sure about it either. But yes, Sophia, Amelia, and I share our power. I think that at some point, they will be able to use my demonic energy to use any of our abilities."

"That looks really incredible..." Donna's eyes shine as she thinks out loud. "I think that is the real meaning of fighting side by side as a united family."

Lucien smiles. "Yep, only together will we be able to overcome all this shit that was thrown at us."

"Mm." Donna agrees as she continues to walk alongside Lucien through the streets of Portgreen City.

Everyone around them sees Lucien as just a simple person as they have no way of knowing that he is the Handsome Devil due to his disguise. But Donna draws a lot of attention because of her incredible beauty, and many even recognize the similarity between her and her brother.

However, her brutal aura makes everyone sure that approaching her is not a good idea. Also, she walks carrying her great red ax to train her control over soul weapons and also gives one more reason for anyone to hinder her time with Lucien.

Lucien is happy to see how happy and peaceful the people of Portgreen are. He knows how important that Kingdom is to Cassidy and shares her concerns.

After a few minutes of silence, he realizes that Donna is not going to start the conversation, so he does. "So... you don't look sure about it."

[Does he know what it is about?] She wonders.

"Ehh... well..." Donna doesn't know how to ask for his help, so she remembers that he promised to do something for her and that request could be anything.

"Do you remember that you promised to fulfill a request from me?" She asks.

"Yes," He nods. "Do you have something in mind?"

"I want you to help me get stronger." He speaks quickly.

"That is not a valid request." He responds quickly too.

Donna is perplexed. "Why???"

He stops walking and smiles at her with a loving expression. "Because helping my beloved sister must never be a request; it is my duty as a brother and something that I will always be happy to do."

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