Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Chapter 383

Seeing that the voyeur had a swollen nose and bruised face, there was only a hum. Fade Chen kicked him away and shouted, "Go

away, give me how far I can go!" The voyeur scrambled and ran away in a hurry.

The guy looked at the figure disappeared, Fade Chen mind a little trimmed some of this anger, "Damn, I have not seen the beauty, almost let the kid to read. Fortunately, when I had time."

Hearts Thinking in anger, Fade Chen picked up the bricks on the ground and prepared to plug them back. As a result, he accidentally saw the swaying figure inside. Fade Chen suddenly swayed, and his thoughts began to fly.

"Otherwise, I'll take a look. It's my wife, it shouldn't matter!" Fade Chen's heart emerged involuntarily.

"Cough, like this, it seems not very good." Fade Chen tangled.

Tangled in my heart, at this time, there was a sound of whizzing water in the bathroom, Fade Chen suddenly moved in his heart, the secret path was not good, "Hurry up to decide, otherwise the wife will finish washing."

So, Fade Chen out of his pocket A coin whispered to himself: "Just toss a coin to decide."

"If it's the front, I'll take a look; if it's the back, I'll take a look; if--if I stand, I will not watch it. "

" Cough, this is fair! "Fade Chen said to himself, and then tossed the coin upwards.

The coin turned rapidly in the air, and after reaching the highest point, it began to fall, and finally fell on the ground with a click.

Fade Chen glanced down, suddenly dumbfounded, because the coin snapped and fell directly into the soft soil, standing upright.

"God, are you playing with me?" Fade Chen wanted to cry without tears, and then stomped his feet as if he hadn't experienced.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and the coins fell.

Fade Chen picked up the coin, coughed dryly, and whispered to himself: "Cough, it's frontal, you can look at it!"

Then, Fade Chen leaned in and looked through the hole.

Suddenly, Fade Chen saw the smoke in front of her, a shadowy figure immersed in the hot spring, the exposed head down, the slender neck, the white shoulders, and the arc hidden in the water.

With Lin Qiuhan's movement of raising his arms occasionally, the straight arc occasionally reveals his true appearance, and suddenly Fade Chen's nose is hot, and there seems to be something flowing out.

In this way, Fade Chen almost stared at the beautiful scenery without turning his eyes.

At this time, Lin Qiuhan also seemed to be washed, stood up from the water, and instantly showed his perfect figure in front of Fade Chen.

The blood in Fade Chen's nose could no longer be restrained, and he shed silently. Fade Chen, at this moment, can't take care of his nosebleed, looking at the beautiful scenery with his eyes, fearing to miss a little.

Although Fade Chen and his wife have been intimate twice, but to observe carefully his wife's body, there really is no chance.

The wife wiped her body, then stepped out of the pool, ready to go out.

As a result, she slipped under her feet and the whole person fell to the ground with a click. Knee knocked on the hard ground, and immediately bleed.

Fade Chen could see the scene where blood was washed away by running water. For a time, Fade Chen's heart tightened, and he couldn't care about watching the beautiful scenery. , Quickly rushed towards the bathroom.

"Wait," Fade Chen pushed open the bathroom door, rushed in with a potion and gauze, and said nervously, "Qiuhan, you--"

As a result, before finishing a sentence, Fade Chen looked dumbfounded at the little beauty who was wiping her body in front of her eyes.

Because here is not Lin Qiuhan's bathroom, but Su Momo's bathroom. When Fade Chen came in, Su Momo was sitting on the edge of the bath, wiping his body with a towel. So, the positive scenery fell

into Fade Chen's eyes completely.

Su Momo didn't expect the bathroom door to be pushed open at once, first stunned, then instinctively screamed.

Seeing this, Fade Chen was screaming badly, and a stalking stepped forward, covering Su Momo's mouth, and quickly said: "Mo Mo, don't call, don't call, it's me!"

Su Momo recovered. , To see clearly that the person is Fade Chen, suddenly relieved a little. But then I looked down at my smooth body, and immediately blushed, and hurriedly pulled the bath towel to wrap myself, stared at Fade Chen, vigilantly, "Brother, don't you want to bully me, I tell you, my sister is next door, If you dare to mess up, I will shout. "

Fade Chen quickly waved his hand and explained:" Momo, no, I never mean that. This is just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding. "

" Is it really a misunderstanding? Then you Why did he break into my bathroom? "Su Momo stared at Fade Chen, his face alert.

Fade Chen quickly raised the gauze and potion in his hand and said, "Your sister fell, and I will give her the medicine. I'm too anxious and accidentally went wrong."

Su Momo saw this, and he believed it Nodded, "Oh, that's what it is! Brother-in-law, then go quickly!"

Fade Chen suddenly absolved, quickly got up and ran out.

Looking at the figure of Fade Chen's escape, Su Momo untied the bath towel, looked down at his body,

and sighed, "Huh, I was seen twice by the stinky brother-in-law. He can't be cheaper anymore."

Fade Chen escaped from the desert and walked to Lin Qiuhan's bathroom next door. He instinctively tried to push the door in and ended up reaching out. Then he realized that he seemed to have no reason to come in and deliver medicine directly! After all, normally speaking, I wouldn't know that Lin Qiuhan had been injured. If I went in directly, wouldn't I just admit I had peeped.

Suddenly, Fade Chen covered with black thread, turned around and took the potion and gauze to leave. As a result, it happened that, at the moment, the bathroom door opened, and Lin Qiuhan walked out wrapped in bath towels.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man standing at the door. Lin Qiuhan was startled. Then it became clear that Fade Chen was relieved, but then he was curious and said: "Why are you here?"

"I, I just wander around, wander around!" Fade Chen said.

"Wander around casually, and come to the bathroom door. You shouldn't think--" Lin Qiuhan suddenly pulled his bathrobe, and then saw the gauze and potion in Fade Chen's hand. It was even stranger. "You just wander around and still bring gauze and potions?"

"This-this, I just bring it casually!" Fade Chen couldn't find a reason.

Lin Qiuhan frown, then see their knee is bleeding, Fade Chen look at the hands of the medicine, what seems to think, Deng Xiang Fade Chen, Qi Gugu said: "You peek I take a bath!"


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