Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Fade Chen was in a hurry, looking for an excuse to cover up the past, but to see Lin Qiuhan's increasingly cold eyes. I can only tell the truth. I caught myself inadvertently by the voyeur, and then found Lin Qiuhan fell, and then came to deliver the medicine.

Of course, it still needs to beautify some aspects. For example, when I was plugging back the bricks, I accidentally saw Lin Qiuhan fall, and then came to deliver the medicine immediately. I didn't see anything else.

Lin Qiuhan was relieved when she heard that someone had peeped and could not help but startled, and knew that the other party had not succeeded.

At this time, Su Momo heard the sound and came out wrapped in a bath towel. He asked, "What voyeur?"

Lin Qiuhan told Su Momo about the voyeur, and asked her to be careful. Of course, the scene of Fade Chen's fall was seen.

Su Momo was surprised when he heard it, and then exaggeratedly shouted: "Oh, someone peeped. It's terrible. If you peek at me, I won't take him lightly! You say yes, brother-in-law!"

With that said, Su Momo looked at Fade Chen intentionally. He blinked slyly.

"Well, yes, yes!" Fade Chen suddenly became bigger and nodded vaguely. Then he opened the topic and said, "Wife, you see your knees are still bleeding, hurry and apply medicine, otherwise it will not be

good to leave scars."

Hearing will leave scars, Lin Qiuhan was tense, and then turned This topic made Fade Chen take the medicine.

After finishing the potion and sending the second daughter back to the room, Fade Chen was relieved and secretly said he had escaped.

In the evening, the three had dinner together. Then, in the evening breeze, walk out.

Standing on the middle of the mountainside, looking at the scenery below the mountain, the scenery is quite good.

As he strolled, Su Momo's eyes fell on a lively small market. Suddenly, I came to find the staff of the villa to find out.

It turned out that the small market was a small gathering prepared by villagers nearby for the sacrifice of traditional festivals. At the rally, some traditional handicrafts and food will be sold, as well as some traditional program performances.

When Su Momo heard it, he immediately became interested and took Fade Chen and Lin Qiuhan to go to the market to play.

Lin Qiuhan was in a good mood and nodded. As for Fade Chen's opinion, it is not important at all, just go shopping with the second daughter.

The hill is not high, and the speed of going down the mountain is fast. The three men walked for more than ten minutes and came to the small market.

As expected, it is a traditional gathering with special characteristics. There are a variety of traditional gadgets on the roadside stalls, clay figurines, sugar blowers, and straw rope decorations. Although it doesn't look very delicate, it is also very interesting. It made Lin Qiuhan's eyes shine. It seems that when he was a child, he thought of a good time.

As for Su Momo, the target of attention is all kinds of traditional cuisine. The small market is not halfway, and there are a lot of small skewers in the hand, and the big bowls and small bowls are full.

When I eat something that I like to eat, I squint and grinning. When I met someone I didn't like, after taking a bite, I threw it to Fade Chen and let him clean up.

So, Fade Chen held a string of dried tofu with a bite in his left hand, and a charred eel in his right hand. No matter what the taste was, he could only stuff it into his belly.

As the night rose, various lanterns were lit up in the small market, and suddenly there was a little more traditional scenery, and there were more and more tourists around.

Moreover, the tourists here are basically those who travel to the mountain side, so the pockets are relatively generous, and the shots are also generous, which makes the small vendors smile.

The small market is small and there are so many tourists, so although it is lively, it is not noisy and the atmosphere is quite good.

Lin Qiuhan and Su Momo, the two big and small beauties, suddenly became the focus of everyone.

They came all the way and did not know how many people turned back. As for Fade Chen who followed them, they were perfectly ignored.

After eating a lot, Lin Qiuhan and Su Momo wiped their hands and then went to the bathroom. Fade Chen can only carry something that has not been eaten, and waits for them while nibbling.

As a result, Fade Chen suddenly heard Momo scream, "Tell you, don't follow me, be bored!"

Fade Chen immediately frowned and walked quickly. Then I saw a man who was one hundred and eighty kilograms, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, with completely disproportionate facial features. At this time, he was standing in front of Su Momo, expressing affectionately: "This lady , From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. "

" I believe that when you see me, you will fall in love with me. We are a natural pair, a pair of heavens . We are destined to be together in this life. Beautiful lady, can you accept my love? "

Do n’t say Su Momo, it is Fade Chen. At this moment, seeing the man ’s affectionate confession, I feel in my stomach. After a while, the food I just ate was almost spit out.

Su Momo said a little helplessly: "Sorry, I have no interest in you at all."

"How could it be? This is impossible, I am so handsome and full of content, how could you not be interested in me." The guy was still in the room After licking his shiny and smooth hair, he shook his head handsomely and smiled confidently, "Oh, I know. You must be shy, so I dare not admit your love to me in a large public meaning. " " Do

not worry, I'm a people person. I will not let the girls take the initiative, I take the initiative to declare to

you, please accept my love it! "the man smiled and the Soviet Union Momo Road.

Fade Chen is almost stupid. He doesn't know where this guy's confidence comes from. The face is even thicker than himself, and it can be called the master of the shameless world.

Su Momo patted his forehead with a speechless expression, wanting to leave quickly. But the man immediately followed.

Su Momo's face swelled with anger, almost anger. At this moment, she saw Fade Chen coming over, suddenly her eyes lit up, and rushed over, one arm around Fade Chen, intimately attached to Fade Chen, the soft and tender body squeezed Fade Chen's arm , So that Fade Chen's body suddenly became hot.

"Momo, you--" Fade Chen felt his throat dry and whispered.

Su Momo whispered: "Brother-in-law, pretend to be my boyfriend. This guy is so annoying, help me get rid of him."

"Here, this is not great!" The wife was in the bathroom not far away If you come out and see this scene, who knows what will happen. Fade Chen's scalp suddenly tingled.

Su Momo didn't care so much, he held Fade Chen's arm tightly and pressed his body softly, even pulling Fade Chen's bracelet on his waist, whispering: "Brother-in-law, what's the matter? bad you did not have before posing too. Besides, I make you this is an advantage, does not enjoy what you have. "


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