Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

"That's good, that's good!" Fade Chen bent over and covered his crotch, crawling out of the tent slowly.

After a good activity at the top of the mountain, I sweated out, and finally put down some natural reactions.

When he returned to the tent, Wei Ling was dressed and was sorting out the tent. Fade Chen hurried forward to help, neither of them mentioned the matter of sleeping together last night.

After tidying up the tent, the two immediately went down the mountain, then moved things into the car, and then drove home.

All the way back to the urban area, Fade Chen sent Wei Ling to her doorstep, preparing to send her upstairs.

But at this moment, Mrs. Wei, who returned from morning exercise in Tai Chi suit, just walked in from outside and saw the two standing at the door and could not help but greet: "Linger, Xiao Chen, are you back?"

"Uh! Back "" Fade Chen nodded and said.

Mrs. Wei heard the words, a flash of light flashed in her eyes, her expression moved.

Fade Chen suddenly froze in his heart, and the secret path was bad. When I answered back just now, didn't I admit that I was with Wei Ling last night, I just didn't do anything by myself!

Wei Ling was also aware of this at this time and could not help but look nervous, and made a look at Fade Chen to let him leave. Then he took the initiative to hold Mrs. Wei, said: "! Mom, you are so up early morning exercise ah"

Wei not salty not pale lady said: "Last night until late at night, you never go back, I worry not sleep, so get up early "After

hearing this, Wei Ling and Fade Chen felt as if they were on their backs, feeling that they were completely seen by Mrs. Wei, and they were uncomfortable.

Fade Chenqian laughed twice and said, "Mrs. Wei, I have to go to work, so I will go first."

"Well, be careful on the road." Mrs. Wei nodded.

Wei Ling also beckoned to Fade Chen and watched Fade Chen leave. Then she helped Mrs. Wei back home.

Just entered the door, my mother sat on the sofa, and then said in a cold voice: "Linger, you come and sit with me."

"Mom, I haven't washed?" The always serious and calm manager Wei, now in front of Mrs. Wei, looks like The child is generally nervous.

Mrs. Wei said: "Simply say a few words, it is too late to wash."

Wei Ling had no choice but to sit beside her mother in anxiety and smiled: "Mom, what do you want to talk about."

Mrs. Wei opened the door and went straight Dao: "Last night, you and Fade Chen went out to spend the night?"

"No—" Wei Ling instinctively wanted to deny it, but when she looked at her mother's harsh eyes, she nodded, and said, "Well, I am With Fade Chen. "

Mrs. Wei's eyes changed when she heard this.

Wei Ling seeing this, quickly waved explained: ".. Mom, although we spend the night together, but not the kind you want overnight, but simply just overnight, we are nothing happened,"

said, Wei Ling will own and yesterday Fade Chen went all the way to the top of the mountain to watch the stars, and told Mrs. Wei one by one.

After listening to Wei Ling's story, Mrs. Wei eased her face slightly. But the tone was still a bit cold, "Ling'er, although nothing happened to you yesterday. But do you think that your behavior is appropriate? You also know that Fade Chen is married, and his wife is Lin Qiuhan you know."

Ti When Fade Chen got married, Wei Ling couldn't help suffocating her expression, and her breathing felt a little slow. She took a deep breath,

remained silent for a moment, and then said: "No, it is not suitable." Mrs. Wei said: "You know it is not suitable, you should keep a distance from him after that. Whether you take the initiative or take the initiative , This relationship should not continue. Do you understand? "

Wei Ling nodded difficultly and said, "Mom, I understand!"

Mrs. Wei said, "Just understand. From now on, you won't meet."

"Mom, this, I-this is impossible, we After all, it's a colleague, in a company, and still so familiar, if-- "Wei Ling defended.

Mrs. Wei said in a deep voice: "Did you not understand what I said just now? Although you know that your relationship is not appropriate, as long as you meet, you can't control yourself at all. Some things will happen when the time comes. So, I asked you not to meet him, at least during this time, absolutely not to meet. "

" I, I-- "Wei Ling felt a pain in his heart, an inexplicable heartache came to his heart, the whole People feel breathing pain.

Mrs. Wei looked at her daughter's distressed feelings, and she felt distressed for a while, but she still said seriously: "Ling'er, Mom knows how to love someone. But falling in love with an unsuitable man is not a happy thing. Let go This way, it ’s good to you and to him. ”

Wei Ling was silent for a while, and the tears in her eyes dripped involuntarily. The tears gently slipped over the white cheeks, and the pear blossoms brought rain, which was heartbreaking.

At the moment, Mrs. Wei ’s eyes were also red hot, but she still said aloud: "Over the company, I asked Wei Tian to give you a month's leave. During this time, you will either take a good rest with me in Long'an City, or Go out for a walk by yourself. "

Wei Ling sat on the sofa for a while, finally nodded and said to her mother:" Mom, let me go for a walk. "

" You can figure out the best! "Madam Wei sighed for a while, and then again Some worried instructions, "Don't go too far, it's nearby, we can take care of you, and it's safer."

Wei Ling smiled softly and took Mrs. Wei ’s hand, saying, "Mom, you can rest assured, I will walk in a few cities nearby. I have been too busy in many places before, and I have never been here. I have a chance this time. It ’s better to walk around. Besides, Dad is n’t going outside, maybe I can meet him when the time comes. ”When

referring to Wei Jinlong, Mrs. Wei ’s face was somewhat blamed and sweet,“ That old fellow, A lot of years old, still learning other young people. Said to go out and do not look at his body, hum! "

At this time, instead of Wei Ling comforting her mother," Mom, don't you Dad blamed. Dad, he has worked so hard for so many years. At this age, it is easy to have this idea. We naturally have to support him. "

" Also use you to say, if I don't support him, can he walk out? "Mrs. Wei Staring at Wei Ling, "Okay, don't comfort me, you take care of yourself, have you heard it?"

"Got it, Mom. You don't have to worry." Wei Ling smiled and said, "Mom, climbed the mountain last night , not how to sleep, I go back and get more sleep to go. " "

go Go! "Mrs. Wei waved.

Wei Ling smiled and returned to her bedroom, but as soon as she closed the door, the smile on her

face disappeared. The tears in her eyes could no longer be suppressed, and she shed silently.

She knew that what her mother said was right, she shouldn't go on like this. But she couldn't suppress her feelings towards the man. At the moment, there is no solution to this contradiction.

So, at this time, only tears.


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