Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Outside the door, listening to the sound of her daughter sobbing and weeping, Mrs. Wei sighed, shook her head, and said, "Ling'er, don't blame your mother for breaking up. Some people and things are not enough if they are intentional."

Fade Chen returned home, his wife had already gone to work, but he was relieved by some guilty conscience, and he didn't have to deal with his wife's interrogation.

Go home to take a shower, and then make up a beautiful sleep.

When Fade Chen was awakened by the ringtone of the mobile phone next to his pillow in the afternoon, he looked at the person on the phone and connected the phone and said, "Hey, Wei Tian."

Wei Tian's screaming voice came, " Brother Fei, what happened to you and my sister last night. My sister took a month's leave as soon as she came back today, and then took a plane to travel. "

" What! Sister Ling, she took leave to travel. "Fade Chen Startled, I felt that my brain couldn't turn around.

Wei Tian guessed thieves on the phone: "Brother Fei, you shouldn't have forced my sister to do something last night and broke her heart, so

I just-- " "Fart, what nonsense you are. I am that kind of Man who forced people? "Fade Chen scolded.

"No coercion, it should be voluntary. Such a thing will not happen!" Wei Tiansi asked.

Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then recovered, saying: "Your kid is thinking about nothing, no coercion, no volition, we haven't done anything at all, don't talk nonsense."

"Brother Fei, you can stay last night At night, I did n’t do anything? Why do n’t I believe it? ”Wei Tiandao.

"Your sister, if you don't believe me, believe me or not, I will beat you up and you will believe it." Fade Chendao.

Wei Tian hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, okay. Brother Fei, I believe, I believe you are not good? My small body, I can't stand your fist."

"Okay, don't be foolish. Let's say, what happened to your sister on vacation?" Fade Chen asked.

Wei Tiandao: "Brother Fei, I don't know much about this. Otherwise, let's meet and say, just right, I still have something to ask you."

"Okay, let's meet and talk. You set a place, I Come here immediately. "Fade Chendao, then hung up.

But at this moment, Wei Tian hurriedly shouted: "Wait, Brother Fei!"

"Is there anything else?" Fade Chen frowned.

Wei Tian looked hesitant, and he couldn't speak, "Feige, this, this--"

"Your boy, if you have something to say, let's release your ass." Fade Chen sneered.

Wei Tian put on a cautious, thief tone, and said, "Brother Fei, last night, my sister was such a big beautiful woman alone with you. As a result, you didn't do anything. I have some doubts. Do you have some problems in that respect, or say, you do n’t like women. "

Fade Chen was shocked, and then burst out, screaming:" You have problems. Your kid, now dare, dare to open me It ’s a joke,

I ’ll wait to see you later , there are good things for you. ” Wei Tian quickly asked for mercy:“ Feige, do n’t, do n’t. I ’m kidding, kidding. ”

“ You wait, I ’ll be here soon. ”Fade Chen Pang hung up the phone, then got up and hurried past.

When Fade Chen arrived at the appointed restaurant, Wei Tian had arrived and was waiting for him. Fade Chen took no time to hold Wei Tian and knocked twice on his head, "Your kid, dare to make my joke."

Wei Tian immediately hugged his head and begged for mercy, "Brother Fei, don't, I was wrong I will never dare to make a joke in the future. "

Fade Chen politely knocked a few times.

Wei Tian cried out: "Yellow Fatty, what are you looking at, come and save people!"

Then, Fade Chen saw Huang Wei Huang Fatty came over with a smile , shouted "Feige".

"Yellow Fatty, why did you come to the provincial capital?" Fade Chen was a little surprised and released Wei Tian and asked Huang Fatty.

Yellow fat man laughed: "Not a brother and days together provincial capital development development." novelbin

"Come provincial capital development, yes," Fade Chen, "but, yellow fat, you really have to come out of the"!?

Last of the Han River City Yes, Huang Fatzi and Wei Qingqing fell in love like a drunk, only to find that Wei Qingqing only used him. The incident of that time made Huang Fatzi take a big hit. After returning to Long'an City, he was depressed for a while.

Now, seeing Fatty Huang walked out again, Fade Chen couldn't help being concerned.

Yellow fat man smiled and said: "Allen, do not worry, I think has come out now, even the kind of woman is Wei Qingqing some beautiful, and almost Xunsimihuo, enough ridiculous.."

Fade Chen beat Patting Fatty Huang's shoulder, he said: "There is nothing ridiculous about feelings. It's good to come out."

Wei Tian saw this and sighed in a joke: "Fatty Huang, now Fei Ge is the same as before You are sympathetic to the same disease, so you have deep feelings! "

" Ah, Brother Fei, you have been cheated by the woman too. "Huang Fatzi screamed for a while.

Fade Chen quickly waved his hand and said no.

Wei Tian then explained what happened to Fade Chen and Wei Ling, and then told Fade Chen that Mrs. Wei was holding Wei Ling talking this morning.

Hearing this, Fade Chen roughly guessed. It should be Mrs. Wei ’s talk that helped Wei Ling deliberately stay away from herself, so she took leave to leave.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen couldn't help but sigh for a while, he couldn't tell what it was like.

Seeing this, Wei Tian said, "Brother Fei, do you want me to tell you my sister's address? His ticket was bought by me, and I know where she went. You are now chasing it and it's too late."

Fade Chen shook his head and said "Now, Sister Ling, he needs to be quiet, and I also need to be quiet. Some things, time may give us an answer."

" Oh , you just said on the phone, there are other things, what is it? , Now? "Fade Chen asked.

Wei Huang fat days and looked at each other, then look to Fade Chen, said:. "Allen, is this, we want to enter the provincial capital to development" ,

"Dragon Group and Huang entertainment companies to enter the provincial capital, can ah , I have something to help, despite speaking. "Fade Chen said.

Wei Tian shook his head and said, "Brother Fei, not the Dragon Group. Rather, I want to open a martial arts hall in the provincial capital."

"Kaiwu Hall? How did you think of this?" Fade Chen was a little surprised.

Wei Tiandao: "I was influenced by my second uncle."

"Uncle Long? He contacted you?" Fade Chendao.

Wei days nodded: ".. My uncle this time travelling out battles, often family ties and I know from him, a lot of places outside of the Warrior have to do their own martial arts"

"martial arts compared to the company, The cohesion is stronger, and the selected martial arts talents are more powerful. I want to develop on martial arts, so I want to open a martial arts hall. "


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