Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Fade Chen didn't say much, nodded and said: "If you want to open, open, what help is needed, despite the opening, I will arrange it for you immediately."

Wei Tian smiled embarrassedly, said: "Feige, Kaiwu The museum is not so anxious. Before opening, I would like to visit my second uncle's friend to see the actual situation and then decide how to get it. "

" Site inspection, not bad. Okay, you go to investigate first, come back Start again. "Fade Chen nodded.

Wei Tian had some inscrutable looks and said to Fade Chen: "Fei Ge, this, this--"

"What's wrong? Just say anything, when did your Wei Tian become such a mother-in-law?" Fade Chenlang said.

Wei Tian took a deep breath and said, "Brother Fei, I want you to go with me."

"Checking the martial arts, what do you want me to do?" Fade Chen felt a little strange.

Wei Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Fei, let me tell you the truth! Actually, there is one more thing to go there this time besides the inspection."

"My second uncle has an old friend in Hannan City By the way, the Wuguan was opened by him. But recently I encountered some troubles and it was difficult to solve them. So my second uncle thought of asking Brother Fei for your help. But

, he— " Heard this, Fade Chen is clear, Dao: "Uncle Long's friend needs help, you just say it, what is there to cover up, and also use the excuse of visiting the martial arts to test me."

Wei Tian scratched his head embarrassedly, said: "Fei brother , It ’s not you, you are too powerful. Now you are the first master of the provincial capital, both in terms of strength and status, have distanced us. So, so we feel a little— ”

“ Again, inspect the martial arts, Kai Wuguan is also true, not an excuse. "Wei Tian then added another explanation.

Fade Chen understood the feeling that Wei Tian said, and he quickly improved, making these people around him feel a sense of distance. So the relationship between them, unconsciously, slowly became alienated.

However, as Longan City's first stop on its downhill, Uncle Long and Wei Tian also helped themselves a lot. It was not a big deal for Fade Chen to help out this time.

Patting Wei Tian on the shoulder, Fade Chen asked: "What trouble did Uncle Long's friend have, please tell me."

Wei Tian froze for a moment, then he showed his joy, and said: "Feige, this is the case Yes, my second uncle ’s friend, called Zhu Qing, is a well-known veteran warrior in Hannan City, and his second uncle ’s status in Long’an City was similar. ”

“ However, Zhu Qing and my second uncle are not In the same way, he did not choose to start a

company and secretly do those things. Instead, he opened a martial arts hall, took his disciples, and cultivated and taught them. Although these forces have not expanded much in recent years, he has cultivated a lot of excellence in his hands

A disciple of the martial arts . " " But just a few months ago, a disciple of Zhu Qing ’s Yongqing martial arts institution wounded a foreigner because of his bravery . As a result, the foreigner seemed to have some identity and called a group of people. The disciple was beaten up and beaten half-handicapped. He is still lying in the hospital. "

" That disciple's talent is good, plus the fact that the foreigner is indeed at fault. Zhu Qing was very angry. Come in person and beat the group of foreigners Meal. The results did not expect, things become significant. " "

Qing Zhu himself beaten because foreigners had been arrested relevant departments. Fortunately, Zhu Qing business for so many years, some relationships and ultimately cost a lot of effort out. Only to find himself The martial arts hall was ruined by the group of foreigners, and the disciples were wounded for more than half. "

" Zhu Qing wanted revenge, but the people in the relevant departments stared at him, and he couldn't do it at all. And the group of foreigners, every day They will arrogantly come to challenge. Even in other local martial arts halls, there are many people who have fallen into the ground and took the opportunity to suppress the Yongqing martial arts hall. "

"My second uncle traveled over there, learned the matter, and notified me." Wei Tian spoke out in one breath.

Fade Chen said, frowning, and said in a deep voice, "This group of foreigners is too much."

Wei Tiandao: "Feige, you mean, you agreed!"

Fade Chen nodded and said, "This kind of warrior-like Zhu Qing It's worth helping. "

Wei Tian was overjoyed, grabbed Fade Chen's hand, and excitedly said:" Feige, great, thank you so much. "

" Okay, don't be so excited, it's not a big deal. "Fade Chen With a smile, he took his hand out of Wei Tian, and then asked, "When will we go?"

Wen Yan, Wei Tian's face immediately showed an embarrassed expression, said: "The message my second uncle gave me The sooner the better, but I have to send my second aunt back, which may delay some time,

so— " Fade Chen waved his hand and said:" In this case, then I will go by myself, and you will come later. "

" Well, Yes, yes. I will arrive as soon as possible. "Wei Tian said quickly.

Fade Chen joked: "It doesn't matter if you don't do it as soon as possible. After all, your skill is also a cannon fodder."

Wei Tian suddenly looked bitter, and said: "Fei Brother, you don't hit people like you. Although compared with you , I'm still far away. But among the ordinary martial arts, my current strength in the later stage of the Huang level is already very good. "

" Haha, in the later stage of the Huang level, there is progress. Not bad, not bad! "Fade Chen patted Wei Tian's shoulder, laughing.

Wei Tian suddenly clenched his fists and said: "Fei Ge, after this time, I have to work hard and I must improve my strength. Otherwise, my strength, following Fei Ge, will be conspicuous for you. what!"

Fatty Huang, who had not spoken next to him, immediately glared at Wei Tian and said, "Tiange, if you say you're fine, why pull other people in too! Your strength at the later stage of Huang is so disappointing, Was n’t I without the chicken power to even give Fei Ge the right to shine shoes

? " " Isn't it! Yellow fat man, I always let you learn martial arts, but your three-legged cat's kung fu has learned it until now, still I didn't learn one trick. "Wei Tian vomited.

Huang Fatzi waved his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it. I'm not suitable for studying martial arts. Other things are more suitable for me, such as entering the entertainment industry, talking with female stars and having sex with little girls. It's the life I want. "

" You guys, too lazy to say you. "Wei Tian shook his head.

Huang Fatzi immediately leaned in front of Fade Chen and said: "Brother Fei, you promised to help Tian Ge, why not help me."

"What do you want to do?" Fade Chen asked.

Huang Fatzi said: "Brother Fei, I want to open an entertainment company in the provincial capital. Expanding my Huang family's business."

"Yes, yeah, trivial things. I turned around and told him that." Fade Chendao.

"Fei Ge is Fei Ge, worthy of being the first master of the provincial capital. Fei Ge, I respect you a cup." Huang Fatzi took the wine glass.

"Feige, I also toast you a cup." Wei Tian immediately toasted.


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