Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Upon seeing skinny monkey, squinting his eyes, deliberately low voice, look to Zhao, the appearance of mystery: "The? Small sea, to say, there is beauty, and also some sea less you do with it,"

"and I Does it matter? What does it matter? "Hai Shao was also curious.

The skinny monkey explained: “You ’ve heard about it, Shaohai. In the past few days, the National Day Art Festival will be held in the province, which will be held at the Provincial University.”

“Well, I know. My dad is responsible for this. I've heard. "sea less," but this extravaganza there any good, uniform dance recital, bored to death. I graduated from elementary school do not read. "

less rich heard around a lot, too little Head, obviously not very concerned about this kind of thing.

But the thin monkey explained: "You have little idea, Hai Shao. This National Day art show is different from the previous one. Because this show is not hosted by the Ministry of Culture and the Education Bureau. It also united with several major entertainment companies in our provincial capital and co- organized them together. "

" United Entertainment Company? "At

this point, everyone was a little surprised and looked at the thin monkey.

Skinny Monkey said: "It is a joint entertainment company, so the scale of this literary show is much larger than before, bringing together 32 universities in the province. "

" Moreover, not only the scale, but also the specifications and treatment are higher. Not only the awards of the Ministry of Culture and the Bureau of Education in various honors, several major entertainment companies have also offered generous incentive conditions. Once they perform in the art performance Excellent, it is very likely to be signed by the big entertainment company immediately, focusing on training. So, this literary and art performance can almost be regarded as a new star trial. "

" Therefore, various schools attach great importance to this and choose to form a team The students are not the top students of the art school, or the school flowers of the school. There is absolutely nothing to say about the appearance. They are all beautiful women. "

Hearing the thin monkey's words, Zhao Hai couldn't help but shining his eyes and indulged in. Many rich and young people around are also rolling their throats, can't help swallowing.

Zhao Hai looked at the house behind him again and asked, "Those beautiful women, are they there?"

Skinny Monkey said: "Well, only a part. Because the art show is about to take place, some school teams rent It ’s used as a place for rehearsal. ”

“ Hai Shao, there are three universities rented here, with a total of more than 30 beautiful women. I have deliberately inspected it before, and the quality is good. Especially the one led by Long An University. Still a freshman, from the countryside, with a clean look, a good singing voice, and absolutely good goods. "After

hearing this, Hai Shao was more excited." Good, good, it's my type. Monkey, you The second time did a good job. "The

thin monkey smiled quickly:" It's a trivial matter to solve your worries for you. "

" Go, go, let's go. I can't wait. "Zhao Hai excitedly said.

Behind them, a group of rich and young were also excited, eager to move, and scrambled towards the other side.

The thin monkey hurriedly replied: "Young Master, everyone, I know everyone is in high spirits. But I still have to remind you that these are serious student girls, not pheasants in nightclubs. It ’s time for everyone to rely on their own abilities. ”At the

words of the thin monkey, the rich suddenly burst into laughter.

"Monkey, what you say, because of who we have the ability, you also used to worry about it?"

"That is, I hit a pile of money in the past, I do not believe they did not throw herself obediently."

"Oh, old Liu, It ’s said that these are student girls. You still use the nightclub to make money, it ’s too vulgar, indecent, indecent! ”

"What's indecent, I call it straightforward, simple and straightforward, and come up hard. It's better than Lao Huang's sour love poems."

"That's not necessarily, these student girls, just eat this set. Wait a minute, look at how I took them down with love poems. "

Everyone laughed for a while, and then photographed Zhao Hai from time to time.

"However, if you want to talk about the skill of picking girls, the most powerful thing is still our young sea."

"That's not it, but the sea is like a thousand people. How can we be comparable!"

"The sea There is no charm at all. There is no one to stop. When the time comes, the group of student girls will not give their arms! "

" That is, let's say that this time, the conditions are more beneficial to Haishao! After all, this time The direct leader of the literary show is Hai Shao ’s father. When the news comes out a little bit, the group of women will not pounce! ”

“ Oh, Hai Shao still needs this trick! Hai Shao goes to that stop That's the biggest aphrodisiac! "

Zhao Haiyue listened to the growing heat in her heart , and she couldn't wait any longer. She accelerated the speed directly and walked towards the house.

When Zhao Hai was excited, Zheng Yu made a phone call here and said to Fade Chen: "In this manor, the car outside can't come in casually. The person I called will take a while to come."

"Wait, car Come, you go first. "Zheng Yu said.

Fade Chen nodded and walked towards the entrance.

Zheng Yu shouted at him, pointing to the back position, and said, "Not over there, over there. Going

from the back door, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Fade Chen knew that Zheng Yu was worried about walking through the front door. , And encountered the rich and young people, causing trouble, so deliberately let yourself go through the back door. Even so, Zheng Yu is after all speaking for himself.

So, Fade Chen nodded, changed direction, and walked towards the back door.

At this time, in the house behind the resort, a group of young girls were training nervously in the exercise room.

Among them, a group of tall and beautiful girls are dancing and dancing in the area where Longan University is training. In front of them, a beautiful girl with a ponytail and a beautiful face, holding a microphone and singing.

The girl's voice was clear, and as soon as she exited, it seemed to be a clear spring in the mountains. It refreshed her heart, and the whole person seemed to enter the mountains with the singing voice.

After a song, the rehearsal teacher clapped hands and gave everyone a break. Then I found the girl with ponytails and started to give extra guidance. "Qiuyue, your singing hasn't been spoken now. It's nice, great, and perfect."

"However, your dance moves are still a little stiff. Do n’t be shy when doing movements, let go of the movements more and let the movements match your singing. That way, the effect will be better. ”


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