Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

The ponytail girl is Zhang Qiuyue, she heard the words, nodded, and then practiced silently on her side.

After all, she has no dance skills, so she still lacks in dance movements. If this can be complemented and the fusion of singing and dancing, the performance of this time is absolutely good. When the time comes, we will definitely win a good place in the literary and artistic performance. Won the honor for herself and Longan University.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qiuyue worked harder, and at the same time remembered the phone call to Fade Chen just yesterday, and he was more firm in his heart. "On the day of the literary and art performance, Brother Chen will also go to watch. Seeing the most beautiful side of me. "

As Zhang Qiuyue worked hard, suddenly, a burst of applause sounded, and then a footstep came in.

"Yes, yes, they are all beautiful women!"

Everyone in training heard the voice and couldn't help but read them all.

Then they saw a group of young men walking in leisurely. The appearance of this group of men is pretty good, but at this time, the eyes with greed and lust in their eyes make many students feel uncomfortable and can't help but turn their heads away and don't want to look at them.

However, this group of men did not converge. Instead, their eyes were more unscrupulous and looked up in the practice room, searching for their favorite beauty.

The teachers in several schools saw the disappointment, and they could not help but came over and asked aloud: "Excuse me, do you have anything?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said, "It's okay. We were just outside. I played and heard the beautiful music here, so I was curious to come and have a look. "The

teacher who led the team heard and said:" We are rehearsing for the show, the time is relatively tight. It is not convenient to receive a few people, I'm sorry.

This is obviously the meaning of sending off guests, but Zhao Hai and others did not leave, but continued to walk in and said at the same time: "Without your reception, we are watching next to it."

Several teachers heard the words, suddenly Dissatisfied, said: "I'm sorry, a few, our training is very tight, can not be disturbed, so please leave a few."

This statement is already very obvious, but Zhao Hai they did not mean to leave, but directly toward The girls who were practicing walked over and looked at them up and down, and from time to time they made the sound of "yes, good, okay" as if they were picking goods.

Such a situation naturally makes many girls dissatisfied. The teacher who led the team also frowned, his voice increased, and said: "Several, please don't interfere with our practice, leave immediately. Otherwise, I will call the security guard."

Wen Yan, the rich and the young could not help but say A burst of laughter.

Then the skinny monkey out loudly: "Do you know call security What is this place, we are in what capacity, I would like to call security to catch us, I'm afraid, are you finally take the person yourself??!"

"Do you - "The teacher and the students frowned for a while.

The rich and young men immediately continued to laugh and laugh.

The rich young man Liu Liu from the previous list was in this style at the moment. He exposed the brand name of the clothes directly, then drew out a thick stack of banknotes and said to the girls: "I will not turn around and talk to you directly. and let us know you are ready to students of the National Arts Festival, the provincial capital we are people, play in the resort, now a little bored, so I want to ask a few beautiful women to accompany us to play together. who wants to now come here. "

a Listening to this old Liu's words, the faces of the students and teachers on the scene could not help changing.

Someone's face was cold, and he glared at old Liu with a look of contempt.

But some people could not help blinking their eyes, and their eyes fell on the clothes of the famous Liu brand and the red and bright banknotes.

Although some people are excited, it may be in front of everyone. Even if they are excited, most people will not stand up, so when Liu shouted, no one stood up.

Upon seeing this, old Liu felt that his face could not hold, and then found out a stack of banknotes, and then said: "Oh, I forgot to say, my dad is the deputy director of the Provincial Urban Construction Bureau. Play? "

Wen Yan, many girls suddenly lost their eyes, and could no longer control, came out with a smile, came to Lao Liu, and said with a smile:" Brother, I am willing to play with you. "

Lao Seeing this, Liu immediately smiled, and continued: "Who else, come together, everyone play together."

Suddenly, several girls came out.

Seeing this, some of the teachers who led the team couldn't help but look dull, and came over and whispered: "What are you doing, you still don't return to the team?" A

few girls were unmoved, but they justified, "Teacher, we trained For so long, I ca n’t take a break, we just went to take a break. ”The

teacher Shen Sheng shouted,“ Do you know, what do they want you to do? ”

A girl sneered and disdained,“ Teacher, I ’m afraid I know better than you But, we are willing. "

" You, you are like this, I will expel you from the ranks. "The teacher shouted.

The girl said: "Teacher, get fired. Just train so hard. Isn't it because we won the award for what kind of performance is it? The good brother is now the best dignitary. How are we? "

Be happy instead of doing it!" Then, several girls hooked up with old Liu and left with a smile.

When the teacher saw this, he was so angry that he looked dull, but he couldn't help it.

Instead, the other rich and young, seeing the old Liu succeeded, suddenly acted one by one.

Some learned old Liu's simple and crude methods, directly revealing his identity and belongings, and immediately hooked up with a few beautiful women.

Some are slightly euphemistic, those who say love, sing a song, and they can also hook up a few beauties smoothly. After all, everyone knows that this group of rich and young came together and can play in this resort. Even if you do n’t say it straight, the identity and net worth are definitely not bad. If you take it, you will definitely be right.

For a time, the originally intense training venues were completely chaotic at the moment.

The girls who worshiped gold were originally a little bit shy because of the large number of people, but now the scene is open, and they do n’t care anymore. They take the initiative to give each other a hug, and even became intimate at the scene.

The teachers were gloomy and angry. But there is no way, besides, there are even a few good-looking teachers who are directly hooked up by some special hobby rich and young, and the atmosphere of the scene has completely changed.

In a short time, almost every rich and young have hooked up a few beautiful women.

In the end, only Zhao Hai was left, and there was no one around him.


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