Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

However, it is not that Zhao Hai no one took the initiative to post it. After all, everyone looked at the respectful appearance of those rich and young to Zhao Hai, and it is not unusual to know that Zhao Hai ’s identity is not unusual. But Zhao Hai really looks down on ordinary beauties.

Looked in the crowd, and finally, under the remind of the thin monkey, Zhao Hai found the pure girl of Longan University.

But when Zhao Hai saw the girl's first glance, her eyes narrowed suddenly, and her eyes brightened immediately.

Because he discovered that this is indeed a pure girl. An extremely refreshing ponytail, a plain cheek, and the slightly frowning, slightly timid expression in the eyebrow. Let Zhao Hai be sure at a glance that this is indeed an original pure natural girl.

In an instant, Zhao Hai determined his goal and walked towards the ponytail girl with a smile on his lips.

Zhao Hai has long been the focus of attention of the rich and the young and the girls. At this moment, he moved, and everyone's eyes suddenly looked over. When they saw Zhao Hai walking towards Zhang Qiuyue, everyone's expressions were different for a time, and the emotions in their hearts were constantly changing.

Some people were jealous and dissatisfied, and kept pouting.

Someone secretly worried that Zhao Hai did something extraordinary.

Fortunately, there are people who can save themselves from suffering.

Under the attention of everyone, Zhang Qiuyue also found Zhao Hai walking towards him, suddenly showing a panic on his face, shrinking back, trying to hide in the crowd.

However, Zhao Hai was aiming at her, would she let her escape, and walked directly towards Zhang Qiuyue.

Seeing that Zhao Hai was approaching, the leader of Longan University frowned, came over, stopped in front of Zhao Hai, and said, "I'm sorry, may I ask what you want to do?"

Zhao Hai pointed to Zhang Qiuyue, Laughed: "I want her to play with me."

Zhang Moon heard that, more nervous, and quickly shook his head and whispered:. "No, I do not"

led teacher once said:. "I'm sorry, she does not want, but please leave"

Zhao unmoved , Shook her head, smiled and said: "She doesn't want it now, that's because he doesn't know me yet, and she will agree immediately when she knows me."

Then, Zhao Hai continued to march towards Zhang Qiuyue.

The teacher who led the team stopped directly.

Zhao Hai suddenly looked dissatisfied, and sneered: "Keep off!" The

leader teacher wanted to say something. The bodyguard brought by Zhao Hai rushed over directly, and took the leader teacher away.

Then, Zhao Hai came straight to Zhang Qiuyue, extended his right hand, and said with a smile: "Beauty, hello, my name is Zhao Hai, can you get acquainted with you?"

Zhang Qiuyue was very nervous, shrunk and shook fiercely. He shook his head and said, "No, I don't!"

Zhao Hai was so angry when he saw Zhang Qiuyue's nervous appearance, but became more and more interested. Because the more she is, it shows that the girl is more and more pure and pure. It is definitely a rare original product. You can get it yourself and have fun.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hai raised a smile on his lips and said, "This beauty may not know me yet. Then I will introduce myself."

"My name is Zhao Hai, and my dad is the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Culture. I Also working in the Ministry of Culture as the deputy chief. "At the

remarks, everyone at the scene could not help but be surprised, especially the girls who worshiped gold, their eyes were bright.

Such a high position, this identity of Zhao Hai, can be said to be the second generation of top officials in the provincial capital. The identity is one level higher than the rich and less around.

For a time, some of the girls around the rich and young were touched faintly, and even wanted to leave from them and plop into Zhao Hai's arms.

However, Zhang Qiuyue didn't know much about these, and didn't feel much. He shook his head directly: "I, I don't know, I just want to practice, I don't want anything else."

Zhao Hai froze for a moment, then continued: "Speaking of practice , I have one more thing to say. "

" I know the beauty you are rehearsing this time, you are going to participate in the National Day Art Show. Just to say, this time the provincial city National Day Art Show is my father's charge. On the day of the performance, my dad will also go live to watch your performance. "

" Anyway, we have to know each other. It's better to know them in advance, or to communicate. "Zhao Hai told Zhang Qiuyue.

Here, Zhang Qiuyue hasn't answered yet, and the eyes of countless girls around him will be golden. This Zhao Hai ’s identity is so tempting, the second generation of top officials, and they can also manage their literary and artistic performances. This is a really good opportunity!

For a time, countless girls could not wait to speak for Zhang Qiuyue and immediately agreed to come down.

After all, not to mention the wealth and wealth of Zhao Hai, even if he pleases him a little. Let him help to help in this literary and artistic performance, which will be a huge help for their future.

However, amid all look in the eyes, Zhang Moon still no special response is still required, the channel: "No, I'm not interested I just want good exercise, you leave.."

Heard, field Zhong couldn't help but sigh of regret.

The confident face of Zhao Hai, the expression on his face was a bit stiff at the moment. It seemed that he didn't expect that there would actually be a girl who would refuse such good conditions.

Zhao Hai Leng Shen Kung Fu, Zhang Qiuyue shrunk, moved his steps, ready to leave from the side.

Zhao Hai, who had come back to see him, suddenly shrank his eyes and stepped over to catch Zhang Qiuyue directly. He said, "Where do you want to go?"

Zhang Qiuyue was afraid and said: "You let go , I, I want to leave. "

" Leave! "Zhao Hai shook his head and smiled," Today, you have to accompany me well, otherwise, you can't live without it. "So

, Zhao Hai reached out and grabbed Zhang Qiuyue's wrist will take her away.

Zhang Qiuyue immediately exclaimed, struggling and said: "You, you let me go, I don't want to be with you, you let me go."

The teachers and other students led by Longan University also rushed over now, wanting help.

But before they approached, Zhao Hai waved his hand, and the bodyguard he brought rushed over to stop the teachers and students.

Seeing that Zhao Hai was about to forcibly take Zhang Qiuyue away, everyone at Long'an University couldn't help but worry.

Then, the teacher thought of what to Zhao shouted: "... I, I tell you that you do not move the Moon, Moon know a powerful person and if you tamper with absolutely no good end,"

in faint, teacher I thought that Zhang Qiuyue knew the relationship with the big guy in Long'an City was unusual. Although I don't know if the big brother can come to the provincial capital, can he resist this Zhao Hai Zhao son.

But in such a critical situation, the teacher could not care so much, and could only take this out and say something.


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