Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

As soon as Zhao Hai heard this, he froze for a moment, and then laughed, "You said she knew a great person, and warned me not to act. Then you let that great person come over to see, I want to see, he How amazing. Haha. "

The rich and young people around there also made a laugh.

"Ha ha, a small city to a poor student, said understanding what powerful people? Ridiculous."

"Her powerful people, to the front of a small sea, it is just a messenger."

"This will not Is it the village head of your village? In the village, he is really powerful. Haha! "The

rich and the young laughed, and the teacher's face became more and more ugly, but he became more and more anxious. , Where is your big brother? You should contact him soon. "

Zhang Qiuyue knew that the teacher was talking about Fade Chen, and he immediately moved. She knew that Brother Chen was in the provincial capital, but the young sear seemed to be not an ordinary person. Zhang Qiuyue was a little worried, if he notified Brother Chen. Brother Chen really came over and was bullied by Zhao Hai, what should I do!

The teacher saw Zhang Qiuyue's hesitation and hurriedly said: "Qiuyue, don't hesitate. Call the man over here, he may have a way."

Zhao Hai They saw the appearance of the teacher and Zhang Qiuyue. Interested, I want to know who

is the powerful person that Zhang Qiuyue knows.

Some of the rich and young feared that the world would not be chaotic, and they all came up with ideas.

"Hai Shao, let's let them call the powerful person. I want to see it. It's such a powerful person!"

"That's right, I'm afraid that the powerful person will see us when we are young and scared. You have to kneel immediately. "

" Haha, that's interesting, I'm looking forward to it! "

All the rich people said with a smile, Zhao Hai thought of it at the moment, he looked at Zhang Qiuyue. With a thought in my heart, this autumn moon seems to admire the powerful character as his last hope.

And if he waits for that powerful person to come over, then he steps on his feet and humiliates him. Break all of Zhang Qiuyue's last hopes. By then, this girl should be reduced to her own plaything, and there will be no resistance to it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hai looked at the teacher and Zhang Qiuyue and smiled: "I will give you a chance to call the powerful person to come. I am interested in meeting him."

"This--" Zhang Qiuyue is somewhat Stunned, hesitated.

The teacher hurriedly urged: "Qiuyue, what are you still hesitating to call?"

Zhao Hai also had a very interesting look and smiled: "Call me, I want to see what is so powerful The character? "At

the urging of everyone, Zhang Qiuyue bit her lip, then took out her mobile phone, found a number, and dialed it out.

There was a silent silence, everyone was waiting to answer the phone, and Zhang Qiuyue started calling.

But suddenly, a ring of telephone rang suddenly from far and near, sounding as if at the door of the exercise room.

At this time, everyone at the scene was stunned for a moment, and even Zhang Qiuyue was puzzled.

"How is it? That powerful figure in here?"

"No less rich is to live by it?"

"To that's the case, that would be big flush of the Dragon King Temple ah!"

Zhao also some scared Hey, Turned his head and looked at the rich and young people, with a look of inquiry.

The rich and the young shook their heads, and the thin monkey quickly explained: "Hai Shao, not everyone. Who's cell phone must be, it happened to be a phone call, it just happened."

Hai Shaowen said, nodded, thinking that this is possible.

Immediately, he turned his head back and looked at Zhang Qiuyue, with a smile on his lips: "Why, that powerful character, hasn't answered the phone yet? Don't be afraid." The

teacher heard the words, and he looked a little bit dumb, Zhang Qiuyue's Red lips bit out a red mark slightly.

But at this moment, the ringtone of the phone was getting closer and closer, and it seemed to have entered the training room.

At the same time, a cold voice sounded, "Who is saying I dare not!"

Hearing the voice, everyone could not help but turned their heads and looked over.

Immediately, they saw a young man in his twenties walk in with a cold expression on his face.

Student teachers in other schools saw this person, and they murmured secretly.

"He's that great person?"

"Isn't it possible! It looks very ordinary, and it's too young to look like a great person."

"That is, compared with the rich and young, completely It's not a level of existence! "

" This is over, the girl's backer is defeated, what else can be done. "

Other people who do not know Fade Chen are still discussing, but at this time, students and teachers

of Long'an University But he was full of surprise and surprise.

"Come, really come!"

"Chen, Mr. Chen actually came."

"This came too fast, too incredible."

Zhang Qiuyue was even more surprised, froze for a few seconds, and then the tears of surprise flowed down, and could not help but cried out: "Brother Chen!"

Fade Chen's figure flashed lightly and quickly came to Zhang Qiuyue's side He hugged Zhang Qiuyue, hugged her in her arms, and gently rubbed her head, softly comforting: "Qiuyue, don't cry, Brother Chen is here, it's okay, it's okay."

See Like this, everyone was stunned again, and some people were surprised that this person was really Zhang Qiuyue's backer.

Some people envy the intimacy and sweetness of the two.

Of course, there are still people who disdain and sneered: "Oh, hurry up in front of Hai Shaoqing, I am just looking for death."

But, just when many people are waiting for Zhao Hai to pack this man in anger.

At this time, Zhao Hai and other groups of rich and young men all changed their faces. Looking at Fade Chen, they gritted their teeth and said, "It's you!"

Everyone was surprised, and they didn't expect that Zhang Qiuyue's backing was even Zhao Hai knew them. For a time, the scene was full of curious glances, and they all shot towards Fade Chen.

At this time, Fade Chen also looked at Zhao Hai coldly, and they said with a cold voice: "It seems that the previous lesson seems not enough!"

Wen Yan, Zhao Hai suddenly looked white, could not help but touch his own. The hat seemed to feel a little pain in the scalp. At the moment, his face looked extremely ugly.

Around the rich and young, now one by one began.

"Fade Chen, how dare you talk to Hai Shao!"

"Hai Shao let go of you before, you dare to come over, are you looking for death?"

"Roll over immediately, kneel to Hai Shao and admit your mistake, and then The woman obediently offered it, maybe Hai Shao was happy and could spare your life. "

During the speech, the bodyguards brought by the rich and the young rushed out one by one, and surrounded Fade Chen.


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