Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

Chapter 534

But as soon as Fade Chen looked at the ranks and cheering crowds, his face suddenly sank. Because it is the team of Longyuan University where Zou Yan is located. And the fans who shouted are the ones that Zou Yan paid for before.

Although many people who know the inside story scoff at this, most of the audience at the scene did not know the inside story at all. Seeing that Zou Yan had so many fans, she couldn't help but be curious and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Even the judges on the judges' seat couldn't help wiping their glasses at this time, their expressions were solemn.

In the warm cheers, Zou Yan took the Longyuan University team to the stage, and the program they performed was dance.

The music sounded and the cheers gradually stopped. Zou Yan stood at the center of the main dance position, accompanied by the explosive electronic dance music, and suddenly shook off the short leather coat, suddenly showing a smooth waist.

Then, the whole of her, accompanied by the most exciting dance music, began to dance wildly.

Later, like Zou Yan, the other team members took off their coats and only wore small wrap chests and shorts, exposing a piece of white skin and dancing vigorously.

The explosive dance music, coupled with the bold movements of these beautiful women and the thighs

of the white flowers, instantly ignited the atmosphere in the field.

Many spectators followed the rhythm of the stage and began to beat and shouted. The shout was also wave after wave, and the scene was extremely warm.

In the end, with the last tail, Zou Yan's slender legs kicked a neat movement, ending the whole dance.

Immediately, there was a burst of warm cheers and screams on the scene, and with the professional fans invited by Zou Yan, the atmosphere reached its zenith.

Even the judges on the podium, many people at the moment were all glowing with excitement.

Finally, the score came out, the total score reached 88 points.

Such high scores once again caused a warm cheer on the spot. After all, the previous team even had fewer than 80 points, not to mention that it was close to the high score of 90 points.

Zou Yan took the team members, bowed with a smile, thanked the audience and the judges, and then stepped down.

At this time, Fade Chen also had to shake his head gently, and said in secret: "To say how difficult this Zou Yan's dance is and has artistic value, it's totally impossible to talk about, that is, it is almost the same level as the previous team."

" But on the performance level of the scene, especially the bold and sexy action of such a beautiful woman like Zou Yan, it immediately attracted everyone's attention and made everyone irresistible. "

Thinking of this, Fade Chen had to sigh. This Zou Yan invited fans to hype, and it really worked.

Fade Chen thought about it, and the next team came to power. Their program is also a dance, which was originally considered a qualified quality. Under the contrast of the previous dance, it lowered a lot of impression points. In the end, only a 68-point minimum score was obtained.

The next team performed a song program, but avoided the hot dance of Longyuan University, and the score also increased a bit, reaching 77 points, but it can only be regarded as average.

In this way, a number of teams have completed the performance, which are basically qualified works, and the score is basically within the previous range. It's just that the Provincial University's school performed an ancient dance, but it was ingenious, which made everyone feel bright, and finally got the second highest score of 85 on site, second only to Longyuan University's 88.

As the show went on, the remaining teams became fewer and fewer. In the end, only Longan University ranked last.

With the host's report, the team of Long An University came to the stage.

A group of beautiful women in dance costumes came to the stage, soothing music sounded, and the beautiful women began to dance gently.

The movements are graceful and soothing, but the overall rhythm is relatively slow. Although the dance movements can be seen as hard work, but compared to other teams, it can't make a big difference.

Therefore, the overall dance looks quite good, but the atmosphere at the scene is quite deserted.

One is this kind of dance program, everyone has already watched it. The second is the end of the game. Several hours have passed, and everyone feels a little tired. There is not much interest in this soothing dance.

As a result, some of the audience in the auditorium have gradually withdrawn.

Even the judges on the podium were not so focused. Some are drinking water, some are using pens, and even some are using mobile phones.

Seeing such a situation, the participating teams and the audience concerned about the scores have already been discussed at this time.

"It seems that the result has already been decided. Longyuan University must be the first."

"It was already set, OK, then Zou Yan is too sexy. When dancing, I was so anxious."

"It seems that this times most out of color is a brilliant Zou. several major entertainment companies who should take action now. " "

should not be, they have acted. " "

worthy champion, this game is not over, has already begun I robbed it. "

" The provincial dance of the Provincial University is also good. This time I won the second place. "

" Yes, especially the girl who led the dance, although not too beautiful, but very classical, It looks like a

fairy out of the painting. I like it very much. "

" I remember when I voted online. Zou Yan was first and the second was a girl from Long'an University. Why didn't you move? "

"Who knows? At the time of voting, the girl was a little strange on the list, maybe it was a vote." When

everyone was discussing, in the background, everyone at Longyuan University was surrounded by Zou Yan, with an excited face Smile.

"Long'an University is the last one, and we can win the championship when their points come out."

"Actually, we can determine the championship without waiting. You see the reaction on the spot, how could they win us."

"That is, that Longan University, which was blown out before. What is Zhang Qiuyue trying to suppress our Zou Yan, it is a joke." When

Zou Yan was mentioned, the eyes of the students could not help but change, towards her It seemed that envious eyes appeared in his eyes. Because just now, several provincial big entertainment companies have already thrown olive branches to Zou Yan, and have created conditions that they are envious of. They can sign the contract as soon as Zou Yan agrees.

It can be said that Zou Yan now has embarked on the road of fame. What awaits her will be Kangzhuang Avenue where the brokerage company is famous. The gap between her and the classmates around her will definitely increase in the future.


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