Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Therefore, some clever classmates have already started secretly to please Zou Yan.

"Don't mention what Qiuyue! Just her, and I want to compare with Zou Yan, it is not a grade at all.

Is it good?" "That is, Longan University has arrogantly claimed to win the championship, now, I don't think I can enter the top ten Go. "

" That Zhang Qiuyue didn't show up, wouldn't it be because we watched Zou Yan's performance, and I was afraid. "

Zou Yan said modest words on his mouth, but his heart was very proud, with excitement in his eyes. color. I secretly said: "Zhang Qiuyue, Zhang Qiuyue, fight with me, and ultimately lose you."

"There is that man, dare to beat me. When I signed the company of Mr. Liu, I will definitely dig you out, good Learn a lesson. "Zou Yan thought viciously.

Just when Zou Yan and they had a lot of discussion, at this time, on stage, the dance of Long An University had been performed for nearly three minutes.

The soothing and melodious music is accompanied by a gentle dance, and the look and feel should be good. But at this time it became more drowsy.

More and more people were leaving, and even the voice of speech was remembered in the auditorium. Everyone was obviously not very interested in this final performance.

But when everyone was disappointed, all of a sudden, someone noticed that a girl suddenly appeared on the stage.

The girl in a pale green dress with a ponytail and a little powder on her face seemed very pure and pleasant.

The girl took the microphone, and slowly walked over in the dance of everyone, calm eyes looked forward, and her eyes were deep and clear, then slowly opened her mouth and sang, "Ah-"

such an opening, suddenly like a clear spring. Flowing out of the mountain stream, it seems that a clear breeze is blowing in the midsummer, like the white snow flying under the warm sun in winter.

The scene that was gradually noisy, with the girl's opening, suddenly became quiet. Almost all of them were stunned, and then couldn't help but cast their eyes on the stage.

At this time, the girl's singing continued to flutter out, fresh and pure, and people couldn't help but merge into the singing, and then flew up, as if coming to the quiet mountain village, the whole state of mind could not help calming down.

People, listening to the singing, gradually indulged in it. With the singing of Zhang Qiuyue, the gentle dances around it also appeared to be particularly harmonious and beautiful.

In this way, unconsciously, people seemed to take an intoxicating journey with the song, swimming in the quiet mountains and forests, flying over the vast grasslands, and swimming in the broad sea.

When the last breath of the song soared into the sky, Zhang Qiuyue and the dancers began to bow and thank.

The audience suddenly recovered, and then slap desperately, bursting with warm applause. At the same time, bursts of cheers and shouts skyrocketed into the sky, overturning the entire stadium.

Audiences who were about to leave the show were all excited and excited at the moment.

"This song is so beautiful."

"The sound of nature! I finally know what the sound of nature is."

" What is the name of the singing girl, the voice is so beautiful!"

"Not only the voice is not, you see her looks It is definitely a first-class beauty! "

" That is, it is very pure. If I look at it more, I feel my heart pounding. "

" No, she is my goddess in the future. "

The audience was enthusiastic, and the jury seats were also excited at the moment. The judges who were originally prepared to close the game now have their eyes lit up one by one, and even talked directly.

This situation made Zou Yan, who was very proud in the background, at this time his expression could not help but froze.

The students who had been talking about it all closed their mouths at this time.

They looked at Zou Yan's cold and ugly face and exclaimed comfortably.

"Zou Yan, you don't have to worry. Although, although the show is pretty good, it is worse than ours."

"That is, that Qiuyue, you can't compare with Zou Yan."

"Yeah, Zou Yan, don't be discouraged. You are now a star, and she is not a person of the same level. "

In their comfort, on the podium, the judges reached the final score.

The host announced aloud: "The last team, Longan University, the final score is-98 points."

"Wow", heard this score, the scene was completely lively.

"Ninety-eight points, this is the championship!"

"Not only the championship, but also, this score, the second place of eighty-eight points, completely dropped a very tenth, it is terrible."

"Too powerful, Long It ’s no wonder the finale is here, An University! ”

“ Zhang Qiuyue is so powerful, Goddess Zhang Qiuyue, I love you. ”

At this time, Zou Yan's face was almost ugly, and his eyes were fierce, his fists clenched tightly


But, at this moment, the stage is not over yet.

Originally, after the host reported the score, it is time to announce the ranking and award ceremony.

But at this moment, on the jury seat, an old man with gray hair suddenly stood out. He took the microphone and said to Zhang Qiuyue: "Little girl, what's your name?"

Zhang Qiuyue froze, and then responded obediently: "My name is Zhang Qiuyue." The

old man heard the words, nodded, and then said: "Qiuyue, I introduce myself. My name is Sun Yi, the dean of the Provincial Conservatory of Music. Now, I want to officially invite you to join the Provincial Music The college became my disciple of Sun Yi. "As

soon as this remark came out, Zhang Qiuyue had not yet responded. The audience at the scene was shocked at first, and the buzzing of the discussion sounded.

"Sun Yi, did not expect to be Master Sun Yi."

"Master Sun Yi is a big figure in our Chinese music industry. In our provincial music industry, Master Sun Yi is even a figure of the fighting class."

"Really, He's so powerful? "

" You are so ignorant, Master Sun Yi doesn't know! Tian Yi Song Yi, Prince of Love Song Lin Bai, have you heard? They are all Master Sun Yi's students. "

" What, so powerful? Then this one Qiuyue, isn't it too lucky. "

" It's more than luck! Did you hear that Master Sun Yi said she accepted her as a disciple, not a student? "After

hearing the comments from everyone around, everyone understood the weight of Sun Yi's words and couldn't help but get excited one by one.

"It's too powerful to be recognized by Master Sun Yi?"

"Goddess, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and promise!"

"Under Master Sun Yi's door, there is absolutely no future!"


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