Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

Fade Chen shook his head and smiled softly: "It has nothing to do with me, or Qiuyue, you sing well. Your singing, I'm drunk. When will you sing to Brother Chen again." novelbin

Zhang Qiuyue was shy, With his head down, he said, "When will Brother Chen want to hear, I will sing to you."

"Then I want to hear it now?" Fade Chen smiled.

When Zhang Qiuyue looked at the scenes of people around, he was a little shy and said, "Here, there are too many people here, I,

I-- " "Then we go to a place with few people!" Fade Chen took Zhang Qiuyue's hand with a smile And walked out.

Behind him, the students of Long An University could not help but make a sound of coaxing.

"Qiuyue, where are you going? Going out with your boyfriend again."

"Qiuyue, tonight's gala, you will not participate!"

"Qiuyue, pay attention to safety at night! Some measures, don't forget."

Zhang Qiuyue Listening to these words, she suddenly blushed blushingly, turned her head to stare at the classmates behind, and then left with Fade Chen holding hands.

The two walked all the way to the secluded side road of Provincial University. Fade Chen stopped and smiled: "There are fewer people here, you can sing in

Qiuyue ." Zhang Qiuyue looked at the pedestrians passing by from time to time, still feeling a little shy He pinched the clothes corner, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, he would start singing aloud.

But at this moment, a figure came and said, "Zhang Qiuyue, Mr. Chen."

Fade Chen and Zhang Qiuyue heard the sound and turned their heads to look over. As soon as they saw this figure, their faces suddenly fell.

"What are you doing here?" Fade Chen said directly. Because this person is not someone else, it was Zou Yan who deliberately hit Zhang Qiuyue before.

Zou Yan glanced at Fade Chen's eyes, and he was trembling with horror, and he quickly apologized: "Mr. Chen, I, I am here to apologize to you. The previous thing is that I am wrong, I should not be right Like Zhang Qiuyue, I got it wrong, please, forgive me.

I-- " Zou Yan said tremblingly, lowering his head and trembling continually.

After all, this one in front of him, but even the deputy director Zhao is not a big man. A little student of her, in front of such a big figure, even an ant is not counted.

Fearing being retaliated against by such a big man as Fade Chen, Zou Yan was very upset and wanted

to go, and finally came here to apologize to Fade Chen and Zhang Qiuyue.

However, at this time, in the face of her apology, Fade Chen looked cold and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Zou Yan was even more frightened, not paying attention to the passers-by's amazed look. He kneeled directly in front of Fade Chen, and began to kowtow for mercy. "Mr. Chen, Zhang Qiuyue, I was wrong. "

Fade Chen couldn't see her like this, didn't mind this little thing, waved her hand, and said coldly:" Get up, I don't want to see you again in the future, you leave! "

Zou Yan was amazed, then immediately amnesty , Quickly nodded and said "yes", then shouted "thank you" in his mouth, and left quickly.

Zhang Qiuyue looked at the panicked Zou Yan, and then looked at Fade Chen. After all, although she knew that Fade Chen was not an ordinary person, she did not expect that Fade Chen's status was so high.

For a time, the little girl's mind was surging, and unconsciously thought of certain things. "My little man from the countryside, follow Brother Chen, will not make Brother Chen shame!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Qiuyue looked involuntarily sad.

Fade Chen looked at Zhang Qiuyue's face, his eyes turned, his mind was surging, he took Zhang Qiuyue's hand, and shook his hand slightly, laughing, "Qiuyue, your song, haven't you sung me yet?"

Zhang Qiuyue came back to look at Fade Chen and wanted to speak, but the strange feeling in her

heart made her unable to sing.

Seeing this, Fade Chen squeezed Zhang Qiuyue's face with a smile, and said softly: "Qiuyue, don't think too much. No matter who I am, no matter what I do, I am your brother Chen."

Zhang Qiuyue's heart was warm, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she nodded, sweetly said: "Brother Chen, I will sing to you."

Immediately, Fade Chen took Zhang Qiuyue's hand and the two strolled on the tree-lined path on campus , The clear singing voice flew out, intoxicating.

After strolling with Fade Chen, Zhang Qiuyue went back that evening and attended the celebration party with classmates and teachers.

At the evening party, Sun Yi and Ding Yi, two judge teachers, plus people from major entertainment companies, swarmed and grabbed Zhang Qiuyue.

However, when Zhang Qiuyue revealed her relationship with Fade Chen, all the entertainment companies suddenly retreated. Because they know that the Weitian Entertainment, which is gaining momentum recently in the provincial capital, is behind Fade Chen.

If Zhang Qiuyue really wants to sign up with the entertainment company in the provincial capital, then it is very likely that Weitian Entertainment.

However, the two teachers, Sun Yi and Ding Yi, were sincere. They found Zhang Qiuyue and chatted again, hoping to join Zhang Qiuyue in their school.

In this regard, Zhang Qiuyue was difficult to decide for a while. After all, she is now a student of Long An University. If you really follow Sun Yi or Ding Yi, then you must transfer. It also means that she really gave up her original major and officially embarked on an artiste journey.

Such a big event, Zhang Qiuyue is definitely undecidable in a short time. Therefore, she still did not immediately promise the two teachers.

After the celebration, Long An University gave the team three days off, allowing them to play well and relieve the fatigue caused by the intense training during this time.

Suddenly, the trainees of the entire team, like the wild horses, flew into the provincial capital and had fun.

On the side of Zhang Qiuyue, Fade Chen promised her long ago, and after the performance, she will take her to the provincial capital to play.

So, in the past few days, Fade Chen specially accompanied Zhang Qiuyue and played all the major scenic spots in the provincial capital. It's delicious, fun, almost tried it all.

Nineteen-year-old Zhang Qiuyue, since growing up, seems to have never experienced such a pure happy time.

The three-day holiday soon reached the last day. Tomorrow, Zhang Qiuyue will return to Long'an City.

That evening, Fade Chen drove Zhang Qiuyue to Brother Liu's "Longjiang Sanxian" store.

After the investment of Fade Chen and the operation of professionals, the old dilapidated “Longjiang

Sanxian” shop of Liu Lao and Liu Big Brother was renovated at this moment and became a three- storey antique wooden building.

Buildings exuding the fragrance of wood, red lanterns fluttering in the wind, waiters in Han clothes, and ornaments carved with dragons and paintings, all enhance the style and grade of the storefront.

It can even be said that after this period of operation and publicity.

This "Longjiang Sanxian" store has become the latest hot store in the provincial food court. Many foodies and foodies in the industry are famous for trying this ancient delicacy.

In a short period of time, the shop's business has been very lively.


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