Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Chapter 542

Therefore, when Fade Chen and Zhang Qiuyue came to the store at dinner time, there were already a lot of customers in the store, and even some customers lined up at the door.

Fade Chen didn't want to trouble Brother Liu because he didn't see many people in the queue, so he and Zhang Qiuyue walked to the end of the team and started to line up.

"Qiuyue, Longjiang Sanxian in this store is absolutely delicious. And, it has local characteristics, you should like it." Fade Chen chatted with Zhang Qiuyue with a smile.

Zhang Qiuyue looked at Fade Chen and smiled: "Well, as long as you ask Brother Chen, anything is delicious."

Fade Chen heard, and could not help but stretched his hand and pinched Zhang Qiuyue's cheek, saying: "Qiuyue, when is this I can talk, I'm coaxing you, Brother Chen, I am so happy. "

Fade Chen's intimate action suddenly made Zhang Qiuyue blush, lower her head, and said softly:" I'm talking about everything. Just brother Chen Together, you can eat whatever you want. "

Fade Chen heard a smile and couldn't help but stunned, and then joked:" Qiuyue, you want to be with me that way, wouldn't you like Brother Chen! "

Zhang Qiuyue was shocked. It was only a moment before I came back. Some words I said just now were too ambiguous. Suddenly, Qiuyue Zhang was blushing and quickly waved her hand to explain: "Brother Chen, I, I don't mean that. I know you are married, Miss Lin is also a very good wife. I have no

other ideas, I, I just— — "For

a time, Zhang Qiuyue didn't know how to explain it.

Fade Chen looked at some flustered Zhang Qiuyue, gently reached out and patted her head, and smiled: "No need to explain, I know, I'm joking with you. Besides, Qiuyue, you are my sister, like brother and me, it is normal That's right! "

Listening to Fade Chen, Zhang Qiuyue nodded, and his nervousness calmed down. However, some strange emotions came out in my heart, "Sister, Brother Chen has always regarded me as a sister!"

Just as Zhang Qiuyue bowed his head in contemplation, the previous guest entered and the team took a step forward.

Fade Chen turned around and took Zhang Qiuyue's hand, ready to move forward.

But at this moment, from their side, suddenly quickly rushed out two figures. The two were a man, a woman and two young men. They didn't look at the back, they took a step diagonally, inserted into the gap in the team in front of Fade Chen, and then bowed their heads and chatted, and nothing happened.

Upon seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but look down, patted the shoulder of the young man in front of him, and said, "You have lined up, go to the queue in the back." The

man turned his head, his face was quite handsome, and his head was broken. Hair, with a pair of sunglasses, a necklace around his neck, an iPhone in his hand, earplugs plugged in his ears, and his

body rocked gently, as if listening to music.

He glanced at Fade Chen, then said nothing, and turned his head back, as if he hadn't heard Fade Chen's words at all.

Fade Chen seeing, eyes of a cold, but also increase road vigorously patted each other's shoulders, and then directly ripped off the other side of the headphones, the channel: "? Jump the queue, to the back, you did not hear it."

This time, The man couldn't fit anymore, put away the headphones, stared at Fade Chen coldly, and said, "What are you doing, I didn't jump in the line." Then, the man turned his head back.

Upon seeing this, Fade Chen was immediately welcome, grabbed the opponent's arm directly, and twisted slightly.

Suddenly, the young man made a painful cry, frowning, covering his arms, staring painfully and angrily at Fade Chen, and said sharply, "What are you doing?"

Fade Chen extended his finger to the back of the team, and said coldly, "I let You line up at the back. "The

man stared at Fade Chen and said," Who are you? Why should I go to the back. "

Fade Chen said coldly: "Who am I not? But you inserted my team, so you can roll back to me immediately."

"You said I inserted the queue and I joined the team! I didn't insert the team, I said he was you. Why do

n’t you roll back to me. ”The other party stared at Fade Chen and shouted directly.

Such a voice naturally attracted the surrounding customers to watch. Just now, many people saw men line up, and at this time they could not help but condemn them.

"Young man, why are you so rude? I just saw you cut into the line just now."

"Dare to cut into the line so arrogantly, I think it's not cleaned up."

"Damn, shameless guy."

Hearing everyone's call The man glared fiercely at the people around him. Later, the woman beside him turned his head, looked at the crowd, and started scolding directly at his waist. "Your eyes saw us line up? Do you have any evidence? Besides, this position was originally ours, We came here yesterday, and now come directly, what's the matter? If you're not convinced, come and discuss! Seeing the

old lady won't punch you out of shit. "The passerby frowned when she saw the woman's spitting feces. Then shut up and backed away. After all, arguing with this shrew is not a wise choice. Moreover, for most people, the little things like jumping in line, just bear with it.

Upon seeing this, the woman was even more proud. She walked over to the man, stared directly at Fade Chen, and screamed: "You guys slandered us for jumping into the line, and immediately apologized."

Fade Chen said, his eyebrows twisted, showing a touch of anger. Shen said: "It seems that some people don't know what to do without giving a

lesson ." "Teach me?" The man sneered, then rolled up his sleeves, exposing his muscular arms, and said to Fade Chendao, "I want to do it, Lao Tzu is here to stay

, let's try it! "The voice just fell, the man smiled, and punched Fade Chen directly," Fell me! "

Fade Chen saw this, his upper body remained motionless, and his lower body kicked right leg forward.

This time, he kicked directly on the other person's lower abdomen, with great force, he kicked the man out, hit the wall of the storefront, and then slammed down, making a painful mumble.

When the other woman saw it, she immediately yelled, "It's hitting someone, hitting someone, coming soon, it's going to

kill someone-- " Fade Chen glared at the woman, mercilessly, and slapped him in the face , Slammed on the woman ’s face, made a snapping sound, and then stared at her, “Shut up.” The

woman was stunned, clutching her swollen cheeks, froze for a moment, and then the shrew sat On the ground, howling and crying.

But at this moment, Zhang Qiuyue behind Fade Chen came out and looked at the woman with a searching eye. After a few seconds, Zhang moon face extremely surprised expression, exclaimed: "? Fang Fang sister, how are you"


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