Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Her voice trembling slightly, lingering fear of loose less: "The little loose, this, too fast or else, we forget it.."

"I tell you I paralysis racing for so many years and have never been so humiliated I!. To kill him! "Song Shao directly scolded, and then accelerated again, the sports car whistled and chased away towards Fade Chen.

Feeling the sound of the surrounding wind, the sexy girl was suddenly scared and her face was horrified, but she didn't dare to say anything. She could only hold the seat belt tightly, expecting no accident.

Song Shao's sports car accelerated quickly, and soon the distance between Fade Chen and Fade Chen was shortened.

Just when Song Shao wanted to surpass Fade Chen in a single breath, there was a curve ahead and Song Shao had to slow down.

But at this time, the black mass of Fade Chen in front of Cyclonus didn't mean to slow down at all, and directly entered Cyclonus at a very fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Song Shao said: "Look for something dead! Turning at this speed, the overturning is light."

Just when Song Shao's voice just fell, the black Volkswagen in front of Fade Chen moved with a

beautiful drift. Pulled out a perfect arc, almost passed the corner without slowing down, and directly loosened Song Shao.

Seeing this, Song Shao couldn't help but stunned, and then said angrily: "Damn, lucky guy, the lucky drift has passed."

Song Shao yelled at the corner and started to chase it again.

But just after some distance, a curve appeared in front. Song Shao had to slow down again.

At this time, Fade Chen's black masses still did not have any meaning of slowing down. In the eyes of Song Shao's curse, he directly crossed the curve perfectly with a beautiful arc.

At this time, Song Shao couldn't help but frowned, his expression a little somber.

And such a thing is not over, although Song Shao can draw some distance on the straight by virtue of the acceleration advantage of the sports car. But every time he reached the corner, Fade Chen could turn with a perfect drift, while Song Shao had to slow down.

Such a difference actually made Fade Chen open the distance less and less. Song Shao could only see Fade Chen's car butt.

Such a situation could not help making Shao Shao, who is a self-proclaimed drag racing master, very angry and felt a nameless shame.

Suddenly, Song Shao couldn't take care of that, and hurried the throttle of the car to the highest point,

accelerating all the way towards Fade Chen.

Such a high-speed pursuit did indeed shorten the distance with Fade Chen. But at the position of the previous curve, Fade Chen once again drifted perfectly.

Song Shao rarely saw the fire coming out of his eyes, and he couldn't care about the huge angle of the curve. He almost didn't slow down. He entered the bend at a very fast speed.

When he first entered the corner, Song Shao felt good. But when the car travels to the largest corner of the curve, the huge centrifugal force suddenly makes the entire sports car roll over and fly.

Song Shao tried hard to hold the steering wheel and wanted to control the vehicle. However, the huge inertial force gradually caused the car to get out of control, and it was about to roll over and fly out.

At this critical moment, Song Shao hurriedly braked to slow down, finally at the last moment, avoiding the danger of rollover.

But such a forced brake deceleration also caused the car to run out of control and hit the side rails.

The front of the car suddenly deformed and smoked thickly, and the airbag suddenly popped up, rushing on Song Shao and the sexy girl, almost suffocating them.

Fortunately, when hitting the guardrail, the speed of the car has been reduced, and the force of the impact is not too large. The two were dizzy, and it was safe to get off the car.

It ’s just that looking at the sports car that I ’ve already crashed into, and then looking at Fade Chen ’s car with no traces in front of him, Song Shao suddenly burst into smoke above his head. I almost had a

car accident and crashed the luxury car I just bought. "

However, Fade Chen, who was far away from Song Shao at this moment, naturally did not hear the curse behind him.

He ran all the way to the high-speed rail station. After stopping the car, he came to the station in excitement and excitement.

He kept looking at the time, constantly looking at the exit, a little excited.

Finally, a quarter of an hour later, Fade Chen saw a slim figure coming out of the exit.

The figure is tall, the face is exquisite, plus a casual autumn dress, the woman is set against the fashion and mature, and it makes people feel bright.

Not only Fade Chen, at this moment, almost all the men in the nearby location cast their eyes on the woman, and their eyes revealed a stunning look.

Of course, most men just have a stunning look, and then sigh. However, some men were just about to move, sorted out their clothes, and walked towards the woman with a smile, ready to speak up.

However, most of the people had not walked to the woman yet. They were glared at by the woman's imposing eyes, and they fled into the desert in a hurry. They dared not get close.

Of course, diehards are indispensable.

At this time, a middle-aged 40-year-old man with Mediterranean hairstyles sorted out his suit and

walked toward the woman confidently, greeting with a smile: "Beauty, where are you going? I'll send you over." The

woman looked A glance at the man said coldly: "No more." The

middle-aged man did not want to give up, and continued to follow up, saying: "Beauty, I am not malicious, I just want to see if it goes smoothly, everyone walks together, or make a friend . "

"Sorry, I'm not interested." The woman said coldly.

The Mediterranean man saw that the ordinary conversation did not work, and he could only use his tricks, so he took out a car key and weighed it in his hand. By the way, he deliberately exposed the BMW logo on the car key, and then confidently told the woman : "Beauty,

let's have a drink together!" The woman glanced at the man's car key, revealing a disdainful look, did not respond, and walked away.

The Mediterranean man immediately frowned, whispering in a low voice: "What's going on? I have tried many unsatisfactory moves, but it has failed today. I'm afraid this woman is not an ordinary person, and she is quite rich!" The

middle-aged man comforted himself , but At this moment, he saw a young man in front of him walk towards the woman with a smile, also a conversation.

The Mediterranean man looked at the young man, and suddenly showed a disdainful smile, saying: "Poor boy, before a pair of shoes in my clothes, I want to soak up the girl I can't take, it is a joke."

However, it is in the middle When the voice of the young man just fell, the young man grabbed the woman's waist and smiled: "Beauty, let's go here!"

Immediately, the woman smiled , and even with the young man without any rejection Walking side by side, we walked towards a common Volkswagen car on the roadside.


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