Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged Mediterranean man suddenly became stupid and shook his head inexplicably, saying, "What's the matter? That kid, the clothes are not as good as me, and the car is not as good as me, how can it be so simple?"

"Is it because I am not active enough?" , Too restrained? "The Mediterranean man thought to himself, looking at the intimate appearance of the two men, he was more firm in his mind." Also, the girl now, likes overbearing presidents the most, I have to be overbearing to succeed. "

Thinking of this, the Mediterranean man nodded with encouragement, and then looked around the exit square, aimed at a slim girl, and walked over with a smile," This, although not as good as the previous one, there are It looks like seven points. I can do it with the overbearing president. "During the

speech, the Mediterranean man walked directly over and hugged the girl's waist and smiled:" Beauty, let's go together! "

Then, the square On the side, screams of women and men shouted.

"! What are you doing bullying, police, police, someone bullying."

"Come on people, ah, seize this rogue."

"I, I did not bullying me, ah, no, do not hit - ah -"

Plaza On the road, there was a lot of excitement and confusion.

In the car, Fade Chen and Wei Ling saw everything happening in the square through the rear-view mirror, and it was funny for a while.

Wei Ling gave Fade Chen a white glance and said, "It's all you. It's chaos, and was caught."

Fade Chen narcissistically touched her hair and said, "How can this be blamed on me? Himself. Who made him so handsome as me, and dared me to use my moves to pick up girls. It ’s also a matter of failure! "

" Who is your girl? I'm not. " Road.

Fade Chen was not polite, but came straight together, wrapped his arms around Wei Ling's head, and put a kiss on his lips.

After the mouthful of fragrant fragrance, the two parted slightly and separated slightly. Wei Ling's face was red and hot, staring at Fade Chen, holding her fist, and hitting Fade Chen's chest a few times. Bully me! "

Fade Chen looked at Wei Ling, a face of grievance, said:" Sister Ling, how can this tell me to bully you? At most, I love you, after all, just now, Sister Ling but the initiative tongue, ah! "

Speaking of which, could not help but Wei Ling Qiao Lian crimson, stared fiercely Fade Chen one, said:"!! I do not have to drive back to the company to "

"! Yes, sir, "chuckled Fade Chen , And then started the car, carrying Wei Ling all the way.

While driving, the two chatted.

Wei Ling inquired about Fade Chen's life in the provincial capital during this time and what happened in the provincial capital.

Fade Chen inquired about Wei Ling's life in Long'an City. The special preparation was the result of negotiations between Wei Ling and her mother.

After all, Wei Ling's mother opposed Fade Chen and Wei Ling together. It was precisely for this reason that Wei Ling was traveling alone to relax, and was finally caught by the Firebird Mercenary Corps accidentally.

Later, because of the encounter with Hannan City, Wei Ling's heart was untied and there were not so many scruples. However, Fade Chen's mother's thoughts are not yet known.

"What do you ask about this?" Wei Ling could not understand Fade Chen's thoughts, and gave Fade Chen a glance.

Fade Chen scratched his head and chuckled, "I, I just care about Sister Ling!"

Wei Ling looked at Fade Chen with an expression of disbelief and said, "Do you think I don't know your men?" You just want to hug your right, the third house and the sixth house, and worry about my mother blocking it. "

" Sister Ling, I don't have this idea. "Fade Chen quickly defended.

Wei Ling said: "You don't have this idea, then you will be separated from Qiu Han and be with me. Can you do it?"

"Cough, this, this--" Fade Chen could not help but slap himself, mentioning something bad, and having to mention this kind of thing, and finally trapped himself, now he can't get away.

Seeing this, Wei Ling looked at Fade Chen, sighed and said, "I know you're embarrassed, and I also know that letting you abandon Qiu Han and choose me. It's very unfair."

"But, as a woman No one wants to share his man with others. "Wei Ling said in a deep voice.

Fade Chen also some throbbing heart, turned to look at Wei Ling, apologetic tone said: "Ling Jie, I'm sorry, I have wronged you is not good, I womanizer, I -."

Watched from Fade Chen Wei Ling suddenly felt a little bit of heartache. He reached over, covered Fade Chen's mouth, shook his head, and said, "Don't say it, I understand."

"This is not your fault. It's my fault. , I know you are married, but still fall in love with you. I should stay away from you. But I can't do this, I-- "Wei Ling said, tears in her eyes.

Seeing this, Fade Chen shuddered. At this time, there was a red light at the intersection ahead.

Fade Chen stopped the car, his tongue sticking out, gently licking Wei Ling's palm, and suddenly surprised Wei Ling.

Immediately, Fade Chen grabbed Wei Ling's hand, pulled Wei Ling over, hugged him in his arms, leaned down and prepared to kiss.

Wei Ling didn't expect Fade Chen to come here suddenly, and was a little flustered, and said, "You, don't mess up!"

"Sister Ling, let's get close, how can we call Chaos up!" Fade Chen smiled lightly, covering his lips. Down.

Wei Ling said nervously: "You, you are still driving, no,

don't-- " "Sister Ling, there are still dozens of seconds at the red light!" Fade Chen smiled, and his lips were covered with Wei Ling's wet red lips .

"Woo-uh-" Wei Ling wanted to say something, but could not speak.

After being kissed by Fade Chen, her body gradually warmed up, like a melt of warm water, paralyzed in Fade Chen's arms.

Fade Chen's big hand couldn't help but stretched out from under the lapel and began to explore the mysterious land.

The fiery two were intimate in the traffic.

At this time, when the red light was up, the vehicle behind Fade Chen saw that the car in front had not been started. He was anxious and rang the horn continuously, making the scene noisy.

Wei Ling was awakened by the sound of the horn and recovered, trying to break free from Fade Chen's arms.

However, Fade Chen was reluctant to let go and said: "Sister Ling, don't care about them, let's continue!"

Just when the two were intimate, in the side lane, in a taxi. A young man with colorful hair heard the dense trumpet sound and could not help but looked over here.

When he saw that a man and a woman in the car were forgetting affectionately, the young man could not help lighting his eyes and said to himself: "I depend on it, so wild, there is my style!"

However, the colorful hair man's voice just fell. A sexy girl beside him exclaimed: "Song Shao,    that's-- "


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