Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

Chapter 557

"What a surprise!" Song Shao dissatisfied, "Who?"

The sexy girl lowered her voice, and cautiously said: "Yes, the one who just dragged."

"What!" Song Shao heard. The people who drag racing suddenly burst. After all, he was humiliated by that guy on the road while driving a sports car, and it also caused his luxury car to be directly damaged. Eventually he had to rent it.

At this time, Song Shao fixed his eyes on Fade Chen's license plate and immediately determined that he was the one who just dragged himself with himself.

In an instant, Song Shao was furious and scolded: "Damn it, that guy!"

Immediately, Matsuo directly ordered the taxi driver and said, "Turn and hit me." The

driver was taken aback, and naturally would not follow suit .

But Song Shao directly grabbed the driver's steering wheel, then threw out a stack of banknotes, slammed the steering wheel, and slammed into Fade Chen's car.

At this time, Fade Chen was intimate with Sister Ling and had a deep affection. Suddenly, Yu Guang glanced at the corner of his eye, and a car bumped into himself.

Fade Chen couldn't help being surprised. He quickly stepped on the accelerator and hit the steering

wheel, and the car quickly rushed out. This was to avoid the other party's impact on the occasion of a sudden attack.

Song Shao didn't expect that he had hit the air this time. When Fade Chen avoided it, he immediately turned the steering wheel, continued his pursuit, and struck Fade Chen.

Fade Chen thought it was just an accident, but when he saw the taxi in the back bumped into it, he suddenly knew that things were not easy. So, Fade Chen snorted coldly, his eyes cold, maneuvering the car flexibly, and once again avoided the impact of the taxi.

Song Shao failed again, and wanted to turn to continue the impact. But this time, Fade Chen will not be polite and will not wait to turn around. In a reversing car, the car fell back in a slanting stab and slammed into the waist of the taxi, pushing the taxi directly between the guardrail and its own vehicle.

Song Shao had to stop the engine and stop, and then angrily picked up a wrench on the car, ready to open the door and get off, but found that the door here was blocked by Fade Chen's Volkswagen. So he can only get past the driver and open the door from the other side to get off.

After getting off the car, Song Shao immediately pointed at Fade Chen ’s black Volkswagen, and angrily scolded: "Damn, roll down for Lao Tzu. The super Lao Tzu ’s car, which caused Lao Tzu ’s car to crash, Lao Tzu had to give you today No lesson. Lao

Tzu— " Speaking, Song Shao came to the side of Fade Chen's car. After pulling the wrench, he would hit Fade Chen's car.

The passers-by originally wanted to persuade a few words, but at a glance at Song Shao's dress and

that menacing appearance, he suddenly dared not step forward, and could only retreat in sorrow.

Song Shao swung his wrench, and he would hit Fade Chen's car with arrogance.

But at this moment, the door opened and Fade Chen got out of the car with a cold face.

When Song Shao looked at Fade Chen, he was even more angry and shouted loudly: "Boy, you're down, I'll kill you." During the

speech, Song Shao originally hit the helper of the car , and he fell directly and fiercely towards Fade Chen. .

Upon seeing this, the onlookers could not help but make a scream. After all, with such a wrench down, if you hit someone, you will definitely be injured. If it hits the head, it may even kill people.

But at such a dangerous time, Fade Chen snorted and kicked directly.

This foot, the movement is extremely fast, the angle is accurate, kick directly on Song Shao's stomach. Suddenly, huge force directly kicked Song Shao out, and the whole person smashed on the ground of the asphalt road, screaming.

The wrench in his hand also flew out directly, and then fell from the sky, hitting heavily between the legs of the loose hand, almost hitting a key part. This time, Song Shao was scared into a cold sweat, and the whole person shivered.

However, immediately a huge anger surged from Song Shao's heart. He struggled to get up from the ground and shouted to Fade Chen: "Dare you hit me, do you know what the fuck-- "


Fade Chen did not Be polite, drink loudly, and kick on Song Shao's stomach again, kick Song Shao out again, and hit the ground heavily.

This time, without waiting for Song Shao to get up, Fade Chen strode directly to Meteor, and hit Song Shao for a while.

Suddenly, Song Shao heard a miserable howl, and no longer dared to be arrogant. With his head curled up, he shouted in pain: "Don't fight, don't fight, I don't dare, don't dare anymore."

Fade Chen looked cold and didn't mean to stop, but it was a violent beating against Song Shao.

To say, Fade Chen was really angry at this time.

If, on the way, this guy deliberately stopped the car, it was just the arrogance of the rich and the young. So now, he deliberately drove into Fade Chen's car, which was unreasonable intentional injury.

In particular, Wei Ling was still in the car. If Fade Chen had not responded in time and was directly hit by this guy, Sister Ling's injury might be the lightest thing.

The thought of Sister Ling was almost injured, Fade Chen was in a burst of anger, beating at Song Shao.

Song Shao did n’t expect that he had caused such a temper tantrum. At this time, he was really frightened and could only groan: “Do n’t stop fighting. I ’m wrong. I ’m willing to lose money. My dad has

the power He is very rich, and I will lose money to you. "

Why would Fade Chen ask for his money? He kept beating with a cold face. In the end, it was Wei Ling who saw the situation wrong and came down to pull Fade Chen down. Otherwise, the angry Fade Chen may really kill this guy alive.

After stopping, Fade Chen looked at Song Shao coldly and said in a cold voice: "Don't kill yourself if you drag yourself, but don't blame others for killing you if you take other people's lives for fun."

After talking, Fade Chen turned away and got on the car directly with Wei Ling, then started the car and left directly.

On the ground, the frightened sexy girl came over in panic and raised Song Shao, saying: "Song Shao, are you okay?"

Song Shao spit out blood and said, "Damn, look at me like this, yes Is it okay? Don't call 120 for emergency calls yet. "The

sexy girl quickly called for an ambulance.

At this time, Song Shao, looking at Fade Chen's car going away, showed a bit of resentment in his eyes and scolded in his mouth: "Damn, I came from Beijing to this small place and was beaten. , This thing, absolutely cannot be so good. "

Seeing the sexy girl finished the phone call, Song Shao immediately said:" Call my dad and let him send someone over. "The

sexy girl hurriedly called, but the other end of the phone She didn't seem to be connected, she explained: "Song Shao, Director Wang is having a meeting over there, it seems inconvenient to answer the phone."

"Inconvenient! You said that his son was almost killed, you see it is not convenient to answer the phone. Song Shao shouted.

The sexy girl quickly continued to call.


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