Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

Chapter 568

But the middle-aged man, whose mind seemed not to be on the clothes, kept his eyes on the girl. The obese body leaned on the girl intentionally or unintentionally, and even grabbed the girl's hand to stroke it by the time of trying clothes.

The girl did n’t have any repulsive reaction, but instead screamed, "Boss Liu, so many people, don't you want it!"

"Xiaoying, last time I bought 50,000 pieces of clothes from you. You promised I went out for dinner, why didn't I go! "Boss Liu touched the back of the girl's hand with his big hand, and his body was constantly rubbing against the girl.

The girl turned away slightly and said: "Boss Liu, that's not to blame our boss. We had to work overtime that day, and we missed the time to eat with Boss Liu. I will definitely go next time I have time."

"I see Do n’t go next time, just today! ”Boss Liu took the initiative to lean over again, with a big hand, patted the girl ’s buttocks.

Upon seeing this, Liang Pan's eyes almost burst into flames, and could not help stepping forward, shouting loudly: "You stop!"

This loud roar suddenly frightened the intimate two and turned to look here Over here.

When boss Liu looked at Liang Pan's dress, he frowned unpleasantly: "Who are you?"

And the girl Zhang Ying looked at Liang Pan, her face suddenly changed, surprised: "Liang Pan, why are you here? "

Liang Pan's cheeks were flushed, pointing at boss Liu, and said to Zhang Ying:" Xiaoying, you, you broke up with me, I can accept it. But, but how can you be with this kind of man,

he-- " " Boy What do you mean? What's wrong with Lao Tzu, you are a poor ghost and want to eat swan meat like Xiaoying. "Upon hearing this, Mr. Liu glared at Liang Liang," Lao Tzu told you that Xiao Ying had been with I'm fine, the room has been opened a few times. "

" You, you dare to bully Xiaoying, I-- "Liang Pan was so angry that his cheeks were flushed, and when he raised his fists, he smashed the boss.

But at this time, Zhang Ying pulled Liang Pan back, and then said coldly: "Liang Pan, have you done enough!"

"Xiaoying, me, I just--" Liang Pan wanted to explain.

But Zhang Ying direct cold voice interrupted him, and said:. "! Do not explain, we have split up, you and I do not have any relationship you leave it,"

Liang climbing colored face pain, said: "Xiaoying , I, I want to know why. Me, weren't we good before? "

" Good! "Zhang Ying sneered," You are also well called. You don't piss and take photos of yourself, short and fat, With one eye, it looks like a waste otaku, it's useless. The salary is like that, compared with others, it's ridiculous. "

" Xiaoying, you didn't say me like that before, how are you-- "Liang Pan I don't know what to say anymore. The whole person looks like a thunderbolt, looking at Zhang Ying inconceivably.

Zhang Ying sneered: "Before, not for your salary, I will look at you like a fat pig otaku, don't tell a joke."

"We have broken up, you don't want to pester me anymore, get out! "Zhang Ying waved her hand disdainfully.

Liang Pan's head was stunned, and the whole person was stunned, his footsteps staggered, and he almost didn't fall to the ground.

Zhang Ying stepped back a few steps, and looked alert, saying, "Don't come back to that set, didn't you just want to jump off the building? Why didn't you jump and come to scare people again? I tell you, you It ’s not scaring me. You jumped off the building, you did n’t get sick, and I did n’t have any relationship with me. ”

Liang Pan originally had a hint of hope, or hoped that Zhang Ying could explain the reason to himself. Can let go.

But he did not expect that Zhang Ying had never taken a fancy to him. At this time, he had no feelings for him.

Such a blow would make Liang Pan fall down to the ground.

At a critical moment, Fade Chen stepped forward and supported Liang Pan. Then staring coldly at Zhang Ying, coldly said: "Even regardless of Liang Pan's relationship with you, how did you treat


Zhang Ying glanced at Fade Chen, coldly said: "I have nothing with him Relationship, and you are not our guests. "

" Not a guest! I entered your shop, it is the guest. You treat the guest like this, let your manager come out, I want to complain. "Fade Chen coldly said.

Zhang Ying looked at Fade Chen and smiled disdainfully, saying, "We are a luxury store. Just like you, you can't afford even the cheapest piece of clothing in our store. Such a person, count What guests. "

" I advise you, or go out immediately. Don't let me call the security guard, otherwise everyone will be ugly. "Zhang Ying said disdainfully.

Fade Chen gave Zhang Ying a cold look and turned directly to another girl, saying: "Let your manager come out." The

girl hesitated and looked at Fade Chen, saying: "This gentleman, may I ask what you need, I -"

Fade Chen threw out a gold card directly and threw it to the girl, said:" Show this to your manager and let him come out. "The

girl took Fade Chen's gold card, although she still doubted, but turned around Call the manager.

At this time, Zhang Ying held her hands in front of her chest and looked at Fade Chen and Liang Pan contemptuously, said coldly: "Still pretending to wait for the manager to come, I see how you end."

Fade Chen ignored him at all . , Directly supporting Liang Pan, the two sat down. Then he pointed to the men's shoes area not far away, and pointed out, "Then, that, and a few pairs of shoes, all brought over, we have to try."

Zhang Ying saw this, his face sank, his face There was a look of anger on his face, standing on the spot with his hips and shouted: "You two poor ghosts really treat themselves as customers, get out immediately, don't let me call the security guard."

The next boss Liu also shouted: "Xiaoying let you go, did you hear that?"

Fade Chen glared directly at boss Liu, then said coldly to Zhang Ying: "I said, we are going to buy shoes. Are you there? "

" You buy shoes, don't tell jokes. Do you know the price of these shoes, the cheapest pair, 30,000 yuan, can you afford it? "Zhang Ying satire.

Fade Chen said coldly: "How do you know that we can't afford it?"

"How do you know? Is there anything more to say?" Zhang Ying sneered.

At this moment, the other girl called out the manager. The manager held the gold card and walked over to him with a serious face.

Seeing this, Zhang Ying thought that the manager knew that someone was making trouble, so he was angry. So he quickly shouted: "Manager, troublemakers are here. Come and drive them away."

After that, Zhang Ying looked at Fade Chen and Liang Pan proudly, and said: "Our manager is here,

now You are too late to go. "

" Really! "Fade Chen said lightly.


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