Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Seeing this, Zhang Ying looked at Fade Chen and sneered coldly: "Still pretending, you just wait—"

However, the manager quickly came over and waited for Zhang Ying to slap her face before she finished speaking. And yelled angrily: "How do you do things? You don't know how to entertain when the guests arrive?"

"Manager Liu, me, they--" Zhang Ying wanted to explain something.

But the manager did not listen to her, stared fiercely at her, then Peizhuoxiaolian, Chen quickly went before flying, bowed respectfully, "Sir, Hello, may I ask, do you have what it takes?"

Although The manager didn't know the guest in front of him, but he knew the gold card in the guest's hand. That's a special VIP gold card issued by President Wu Chuanwu of the Red Star Mall. Those who can own this gold card can count it with both hands in the provincial capital.

No matter who the customer in front of you is, if you can come up with that gold card, it means that the identity of this person is not simple. Therefore, the manager immediately treated him with respect.

Fade Chen glanced at the manager, and then said lightly: "My friend and I want to buy shoes, but your clerk wants to drive us away. Are you doing business like this?" The

manager heard Yan, glared at Zhang Ying, and then quickly explained: "Sir, this is our mistake. You and your friends like those shoes, and I will bring them to them immediately."

Fade Chen pointed at random and said, "Then, that, that, and those pairs, all of them." Take it, we have to try it. "The

manager nodded quickly and even went to get the shoes himself. It's Zhang Ying. He hasn't recovered yet at this moment, and he looks at the situation in front of him in amazement.

Seeing the situation urgently, he couldn't help getting angry, and stared at her fiercely, screaming: "What are you doing, you're not coming quickly to get shoes for the guests."

Zhang Ying recovered, and his face changed for a while. Take the shoes over.

Several pairs of shoes were placed in front of Fade Chen and Liang Pan. The manager asked respectfully: "Do you want to try them?"

Fade Chen tilted Erlang's legs and said, "Try, of course." The

manager squatted quickly It is necessary to try shoes for Fade Chen's slippers.

However, Fade Chen waved his hand and pointed to Zhang Ying, saying: "I don't need you, I want her to come."

"I--" Zhang Ying heard it, and his face suddenly sank.

You know, she despises Liang Pan and Fade Chen. She was still taunting and insulting the two. Just now she has to squat down to give them slippers and shoes. This huge change makes her unable to adapt. Instinctively Want to refuse.

But the manager shouted angrily, and said, "I heard it, stunned what to do, come over and serve the guests, do you want to do it anymore?"

Zhang Ying's face changed drastically, but she had to come over to Fade Chen and lean over Pause.

Fade Chen waved coldly, pointing to Liang Pan next to him, and said, "Serve my friend first."

Zhang Ying's face changed again, and his teeth creaked, but he had to lean down and lean to Liang Pan. Before, he started putting on his slippers.

Even when the two were in love, Liang Pan had never enjoyed this kind of thing. Looking at Zhang Ying at the moment, he felt uncomfortable, and the whole person was a little uncomfortable and wanted to do it himself.

Fade Chen said coldly, "Don't move, let her move."

Finally, Zhang Ying almost held her breath, gritted her teeth and tried on several pairs of shoes selected for Liang Pan, and finally selected three pairs of shoes.

Finally, after trying out the shoes, Zhang Ying stood up in relief and wanted to leave.

But Fade Chen pointed to the men's clothing area again and said, "Wait a minute, we still have to buy clothes. Let her serve!"

The manager nodded quickly, "Okay, okay! Zhang Ying, come here if you hear it."

Zhang Ying looked black and wanted to leave. But when she thought of the good wages here and the opportunity to catch up with the wealthy businessmen here, she couldn't get away.

Eventually, she had to come over and change clothes for Liang Pan's service.

In this way, Fade Chen politely instructed Zhang Ying to change Liang Pan's outfit.

I have to say that this expensive thing really has the advantage of being expensive. After Liang Pan changed his head, his temperament also changed, and the whole person seemed a lot more energetic. Of course, the price of this industry is also very spiritual, reaching a horrible 200,000.

Zhang Ying gritted his teeth and looked at Liang Pan and Fade Chen with a new look, and said in secret: "Is this expensive clothing, do you think you can afford it?"

However, Fade Chen didn't care about this and said directly to Manager Liu: "Check out. "

Manager Liu accompanied the smiling face and respectfully said:" No, these things will be given to two people in our mall. "

For Fade Chen, it was just a trivial matter, and Fade Chen did not care, nodded and said:" Um, that's fine. Then we're gone. "After

a few steps, Fade Chen suddenly thought of something and turned his head:" Oh, she was just the service, I'm not very satisfied, you can do it! "

Manager Liu Wen Suddenly, he quickly nodded and said: "I understand what to do."

Immediately, Manager Liu glared at Zhang Ying, waving his hand: "You are fired, go to pay and leave!"

Zhang Yingyi stunned, then shocked, and the channel: "Liu, I, I -"

but Liu did not mind listening to her explanation, direct cold channel, "Needless to say, you go!"

Yuehua Jian, someone Come over and take Zhang Ying away.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen and Liang Pan turned and left.

Behind him, Manager Liu and others bent over and gave away, until Fade Chen and Liang Pan could not see at all, and then they stood up with relief.

Afterwards, the shop assistants, who held back for a long time, finally couldn't help but feel curious and shocked, and they got together in front of Manager Liu and asked: "Manager Liu, that is something worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, you, you just give it to you Are they? They, who the hell are they? "

" What do you know! "Manager Liu glared at several people, then lowered his voice," Do you know who those people are? That's holding the Red Star Mall VIP Card The distinguished customer is the distinguished customer of President Wu. "

" For this class of distinguished customers, the cost of hundreds of thousands is not worth mentioning, and millions are just trivial. "Manager Liu said.

Hearing this, the shop assistants were all startled. They didn't even think of it, so the simple young man dressed up turned out to be a distinguished VIP of President Wu. For a while, everyone stayed in

place, shocked for a while, speechless.

At the same time, they felt a little afraid in their hearts. Fortunately, when they just entered the store, they did not mock the two. Otherwise, I am probably the one who left at this time.

Thinking of this, the shop assistants couldn't help but think of Zhang Ying who had just been expelled, and could not help but get together, and she sighed with emotion for her.


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