Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

Chapter 637

During the talk, the old man was busy, and he roasted sweet potatoes with a smile on his face.

Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan chatted with the old man on the side, and also learned his situation from the old population.

The old man surnamed Liu is a native of Long'an City. He has an old house on the outskirts of Long'an City and a son.

Originally, the life like Uncle Liu could live a normal life even if he was not rich in Long'an City. But desperately, Uncle Liu's son did not study well since he was a child. After graduating from high school, he fooled outside with the street gangsters, never going home, let alone making money, and even going home often like an old father asking for money.

Even a disgruntled son, even more tragic, was that last year, the old man ’s wife suddenly became ill and had coronary heart disease.

Uncle Liu ran several hospitals with his boss, and finally stabilized his wife's condition. But a little of the family's savings were also completely hollowed out with this serious illness.

There is no savings in the family, but the old couple still have to live, plus his wife's illness is not completely cured, it is necessary to rely on continuous recovery of drugs. Therefore, Uncle Liu had to work out to make money.

However, he is old and has no skills, nor can he do other things. In the end, only a small stall was set

up, selling roasted sweet potatoes on the street. After all, Uncle Liu has been taking care of his wife for so many years, and his cooking skills are still very good.

Some time ago, the weather turned cold, and Uncle Liu's craftsmanship was also good. There were more people buying roasted sweet potatoes. In addition, passers-by also pity Uncle Liu to go around a lot of age, so they often buy a few more.

In this way, Uncle Liu can earn a few hundred yuan a day, and after removing the cost, he can net more than one hundred yuan a day. This income is very good for Uncle Liu.

However, the good times are not long. Uncle Liu's days of making money didn't last long, so some street gangsters came to the door and reached out for protection.

Uncle Liu didn't dare to offend them and paid them money. But as a result, the appetite of this group of people is getting bigger and bigger, the frequency of coming is higher and higher, and more and more money is required each time.

Uncle Liu couldn't bear their exploitation. Under no circumstances, he could only change positions and came here to set up a stall. But I didn't expect that in this place, I still encountered a fool who collected protection fees, and these people were even more ruthless, and they took away Uncle Liu's wallet directly.

Fortunately, Chen Fei helped out, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

After listening, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but softly comfort Uncle Liu.

Chen Fei frowned, his expression a bit cold.

He was not in Long'an City for the past six months. It turned out that the chaos in Long'an City became like this.

That Xu Shao directly blocked the road with high profile. Nowadays, street bulls dare to collect protection fees on the street, and even robbed themselves. It's too arrogant.

You know, when Chen Fei was in Long'an City, Uncle Long managed the order of Long'an's underground world. Although there are various battles and dirty things in the underground world, the general order is still well maintained. People in the Tao must still obey the rules of the Tao.

And now, when it came to Xu Shao, and then to the red-haired little bastard just now, there was no rules at all.

This situation makes Chen Fei very dissatisfied.

Thinking of this, he stood up, glanced at his wife, then walked aside, reached out his cell phone, and got through to Hou Dong's phone.

"Mr. Chen, do you have anything?" Hou Dong respectfully said.

Chen Fei said seriously, "Hou Dong, I have encountered something here, and I want to ask you some questions."

Immediately, Chen Fei told Hou Dong what he had just said.

After listening to Hou Dong, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Mr. Chen, to be honest, the order of the underground world in Long'an City. Since you and Uncle Long left, it has really become a mess."

"Our Longteng Group, It ’s a big man in Long’an. But you, Uncle Long, and Wei Shao all martial arts masters have gone to the provincial capital. The rest of us have a lot of strength. Our four kings, considered strong, also Only the strength of the middle stage of the yellow level. "

" At the beginning, relying on the prestige of you and Uncle Long, we can still maintain the order of the underground world of Long'an City. But as time goes by, someone will always find our Weakness will naturally give birth to other ideas. "

" In this way, the order of the underground world in Long'an City has slowly become chaotic. Especially a few months ago, after Xu Shao entered our Longan City, the situation was More and more chaotic. "

" We Longteng Group can only be regarded as trying to maintain the general situation, the situation is not good. "

After listening to Hou Dong's story, Chen Fei could not help but a moment of silence. After a short pause, he said, "Since this is the case, I will return to Long'an City this time to help you solve the problem and stabilize the situation."

"Later, I will let Uncle Long and Wei Tian over from the provincial capital Get some masters to come back to support the game. Also, you people in Long'an City should also practice hard and increase their strength. If you can't, go to the military hall of Weitian for special training. "

" Yes, thank you Mr. Chen "With Chen Fei's opening promise, Hou Dong was immediately excited," Mr. Chen, where are you now? I will come over immediately. "

Chen Fei looked at the roasted sweet potatoes next to him, then said:" Forget it , It ’s too late today. You will come again tomorrow, when the time comes to make a plan. "

" Yes! "Hou Dong respectfully said, then hung up the phone.

Chen Fei put away his mobile phone and walked back to the stall. He looked at Lin Qiuhan, who was holding a hot sweet potato, biting his teeth with a grin, and could n’t help but laugh. “I did n’t expect my wife to like this!”

Lin Qiuhan gave Chen Fei a blank look, and explained while eating: "You thought I was a rich man since I was a kid! When I was a kid, my parents had not succeeded in starting a business. At that time, my family's life was also very difficult. Only later When I got up, my life at home improved. At that time, I could have a roasted sweet potato to eat, even if it was delicious. "

" It turns out that your wife had eaten so much as a child. Then I assure you that I will not let you in the future After suffering, I will buy as much roasted sweet potatoes as you want. "Chen Fei laughed.

Next to him, Uncle Liu couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "Your young couple's relationship is really good, and life will definitely be happier in the future."

Chen Fei heard that, while breaking apart the hot roasted sweet potato, he bite and sipped, laughing. : "Uncle Cheng Liu, your good word! We will be more and more happy."

Lin Qiuhan didn't speak, but the reddish cheeks were still stained with joy, and the roasted sweet potatoes held in his hands, also Increasingly sweet.


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