Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 638

Chapter 638

Chapter 638

Chapter 638

After eating roasted sweet potatoes, Uncle Liu also started to clean up the stall.

Seeing this, Chen Fei said, "Uncle Liu, you need to close the stall! It's still early, why don't you keep selling it for a while!"

Lin Qiuhan also had some doubts and said: "Uncle Liu, your roasted sweet potato tastes good, I bought it There must be a lot of people! ”

Uncle Liu sighed and said,“ My wife is alone at home and has n’t eaten dinner yet. I have to go home and cook for her. Moreover, he got sick yesterday and left her at home, I Not at ease. "

Hearing this, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but chuckled, and then looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei also looked dull, looked at Lin Qiuhan's eyes, understood her meaning, and nodded gently.

Subsequently, Chen Fei for Uncle Liu said: "Uncle Liu, or else I'm a doctor, I go home with you and help you look at your wife's illness.?"

"You're a doctor," Uncle Liu a,? A little surprised, and then embarrassed, "That's so embarrassing. You have helped me so much, and now trouble you again, I'm a little bit sorry."

Chen Fei came over and helped Uncle Liu to organize the stall, while persuading: Uncle Liu, you do n’t have to be polite. No trouble, I drove over and

worked hard for a while. ” Lin Qiuhan also persuaded him next to him.“ Uncle Liu, my husband ’s medical skills are very good. Maybe he can be cured. Indefinitely, let us go home with you. ”

Uncle Liu heard a word of gratitude in his eyes and said,“ I really do n’t know how to thank you! My old man has no culture, I do n’t know how to say What? I can only say, thank you, thank you! "

Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan supported Uncle Liu and said, " Uncle Liu, it's okay. It's just a trifle! "

The two quickly helped Uncle Liu organize the roasted sweet potato stall. Immediately, Uncle Liu entrusted the stall to a small shop on the roadside. Then, Uncle Liu got in the car and drove home with Chen Fei.

Uncle Liu's home is on the outskirts of the city. Chen Fei drove a car for more than half an hour and came to an old community.

The residential area was built in the 1980s and 1990s. The area is not large and the houses are not high. They are basically only five or six floors. In the community, debris is everywhere, and the road is narrow and the street lights are damaged, so it is quite difficult to walk.

The three discredited stepped on the bumpy road, passed through alleyways, and finally came to a unit building in the corner.

The unit building is very old, the floor has turned black, and it is covered with creepers and various vines.

Looking up, behind the old wooden windows and carved glass, there was a dim light. Occasionally, you

can see people drying clothes on the balcony, as well as snorting fumes from the side of the range hood.

Uncle Liu pointed to a dark room on the top floor and said, "That's my home."

Immediately, Uncle Liu took Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan into the unit, along the narrow and old stairs, in Under the dim and blinking lights, he walked up to the top floor.

On the two sides of the attic corridor are two households, and the corridor is placed against the wall with cartons, coal briquettes and other things, which makes the already wide passage narrower.

Uncle Liu took out the key and opened the door, then greeted Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan carefully to avoid debris and entered the house.

Entering the house, Uncle Liu opened and waited, gestured to Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan, and then walked to the bedroom.

Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan looked at the decoration in the house. The area of the house was small, only 50 to 60 square meters. The decoration is also very old, and the walls are yellowed and peeling, which is quite mottled.

At a glance, the furniture in the house is something old, and the only thing that is more modern is a refrigerator. On the top of the refrigerator, there are many medicine boxes.

On the pill box, there is also a small handwritten note, which is divided into categories to mark the role of the drug and the time component of taking it.

The things in the whole house looked quite old. However, it was neatly organized.

Seeing this, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan were more certain that Uncle Liu did not lie. I was even more convinced in my heart to help Uncle Liu's mood.

At this moment, Uncle Liu came out of the bedroom and smiled a little embarrassedly at Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan, and said, "My wife is inside, I am sorry, and you will be there soon."

Chen Fei smiled: "Liu Uncle, you are welcome. "

During the speech, Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan entered the bedroom.

On a bed covered with blue and white sheets lies a skinny old woman. The old woman saw Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan coming in, struggling to get up from the bed, and expressed gratitude, "You saved the old Liu, thank you!"

"Auntie, you're welcome!" Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan quickly came over and helped her. Then, Chen Fei grasped the aunt's wrist and pulsed her.

Next to him, Uncle Liu looked at Chen Fei nervously, his expression very serious.

After a moment, Chen Fei let go. Uncle Liu and Auntie all stared at me with a look of inquiry in their eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Fei smiled and said, "It's not a big problem, I can cure it."

Wen Yan, Uncle Liu smiled immediately, and immediately asked: "Xiao Chen, what medicine or what

instrument do I need? Go buy it now. "

Chen Fei shook his head and said," Uncle Liu, no medicine or equipment. I can cure my aunt now. "

"It can be cured now, and medicines and instruments are not used, this--" Uncle Liu was a little surprised and unbelievable.

At this time, Chen Fei found out the silver needle and smiled: "Uncle Liu, I am a Chinese medicine

doctor . I can cure the aunt's disease with acupuncture." During the speech, Chen Fei quickly twisted the silver needle, flying fast Plunged into the aunt. Then, run the inner breath, inject into the aunt along the silver needle, and start to enter the patient's place.

Auntie's illness has already been treated in the hospital, so Chen Fei is only helping her solve some sequelae, and heal and recover from her illness completely.

Within a few minutes of effort, Chen Fei withdrawn needles, for Uncle Liu and aunt nodded, smiled and said: "has been cured."

"Cured" Uncle Liu is even more surprised, some can not believe looking at? Chen Fei.

But at this moment, the aunt frowned slightly, feeling a little, and then showed her joy, and said: "Okay, I am really good, I feel much more comfortable, there is no longer the feeling of bloating.

" It ’s really good, you ’re good, you do n’t have to suffer anymore. Great, great! ”Uncle Liu was very happy, holding the aunt ’s arm tightly, and tears came out of her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the two were grateful to Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan. If Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan were pulling them, the two of them would have to kneel and thank them.


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