Magic Doctor: CEO Lady's Humble Husband

Chapter 673

Chapter 673

Chapter 673

Chapter 673

After solving the traitor Fang Yong, Chen Fei and Wei Jinlong took the men and women back to the Longteng Group headquarters in Jiangbei.

They did not rush into the offensive, because the traitor's attack caused some losses to the Dragon and Teng group. In addition, Wei Jinlong had just returned, so it took some time to regroup and finally launch a comprehensive attack on Xu Gang.

Wei Jinlong is reorganizing this side, and at the moment Xu Gang's side, the news of Fang Yong's defeat also reached his ears.

His hands were surrounded by Xu Gang with a worried look on his face.

"Xu Shao, Fang Yong was originally a big card for us, and now it was overturned by the opponent. What should we do next?"

"Also, I heard that Wei Jinlong is back. Longteng Group, we will If it is dealt with, it may be a little troublesome. "

" Xu Shao, are we continuing to gather people, or will we retreat, and wait for a while. "

Xu Gang listened to his voice and waved his hand, showing a confident smile on his face. : "Are you worried, isn't it just Fang Yong? I didn't take him seriously, it's gone, it's no big deal."

"But, Wei Jinlong is back. I heard that Wei Jinlong's strength Yes, there was the title of the first master

in Longan City before, and this time we sent someone to protect Fang Yong, it seems that Wei Jinlong solved it. "The men were still a little worried.

Xu Gang didn't take it seriously, and smiled and said, "What is the first master of Long'an, a river and a lake. It's not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Seeing Xu Gang's confident appearance, his eyes could not help but turn around. "Xu Shao, you still have a hole card?"

Xu Gang smiled at the corner of his mouth and said: "That's natural, not to mention Wei Jinlong, even if Master Chen on Wei Jinlong returns, I'm not afraid.

" It's so powerful! "The men were very surprised." Xu Shao, what is your hole card? "

"You don't need to know this, continue to do your own thing." Xu Gang looked mysterious.

The men nodded quickly, and they were ready to leave.

At the moment, Xu Gang suddenly thought of something, stopped the men, the channel: "?? Yes, I let the two of you to check how kind of news you"

"dare to publicly destroy my road closures, something court death "" Xu Gang said coldly.

The thing he said in his mouth was that the day Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan drove back to Long'an City disrupted Xu Shao's road closure.

This matter, although not big, made Xu Gang feel very faceless. After all, one of the big brothers in Long'an, who is not afraid of Longteng Group.

The result was broken by the two guys from outside, which was equivalent to Xu Gang being slapped hard by a cock. Although there was not much harm, it was a shame for him.

Therefore, during this time, Xu Gang has been making people look for those two bad things.

Longteng Group and Xu Shao, after this battle of Fang Yong, both sides continued to accumulate strength, and the war was on the verge.

The atmosphere of the entire Long'an city is also pushed to an extreme value in this tense atmosphere.

In this tense atmosphere, this day, Chen Fei was resting in the villa, and suddenly, a doorbell rang.

Mother Wang opened the door and immediately walked in a middle-aged man.

The man respectfully bowed to Chen Fei and said: "Sir, hello--"

Chen Fei was a little surprised to see the person in front of him. Because, when coming, Qin Tianqiang, the responsible person of the Longan Linglong Organization Branch Bureau.

"Lao Qin, why did you come to me? Is there anything?" Chen Fei leaned on the sofa and said at random.

Qin Tianqiang stood straight in front of Chen Fei, with a serious and nervous expression, and respectfully said, "Sir, I came to visit today, mainly

because- " Chen Fei waved his hand directly after Qin Tianqiang finished speaking, "Not so serious, Just call me Xiao Chen or the name. Also, sit down and say, you are standing, I am tired. "

Qin Tianqiang laughed and immediately sat down opposite Chen Fei, but his body was still quite straight, "Long—Mr. Chen, I came here today. There is one thing I want to discuss with Mr. Chen." novelbin

"Consult with me? What's the matter?" Chen Fei was a little surprised. After all, he was named in the spirit dragon A special instructor ’s vacant job has little contact with the Linglong organization. Qin Tianqiang is looking for himself to discuss things, which is really rare.

"You say it!" Chen Fei looked at Qin Tianqiang.

Qin Tianqiang hesitated and organized the language, and then he said cautiously: "Mr. Chen, you should also know that the situation in Longan City has been somewhat unstable recently. Both Longteng Group and Xu Gang are preparing to move."

"I know that Mr. Chen has some origins with the Longteng Group, so if the two sides are fighting, then we would like to know, Mr. Chen, will you shoot?" Qin Tianqiang looked at Chen Fei and asked carefully.

Hearing this, Chen Fei understood Qin Tianqiang's meaning, glanced at him, and said, "I understand, your spirit dragon organization, do not let me intervene in this matter."

Qin Tianqiang forced a smile, Explained: "Mr. Chen, it's not that we won't let you intervene. It's just that your strength is completely another level of existence. Moreover, when the warriors participate in the struggle of this local power, sometimes, some problems will arise."

" Therefore, our senior leaders at Linglong generally do not encourage the military to participate in these things. I hope you can understand Mr. Chen. "

Chen Fei nodded and understood the ideas of Qin Tianqiang and Linglong organization.

The strength of the warrior, especially the strength of the warrior above the Xuan level, is already much higher than that of ordinary people. If you participate in this kind of power struggle, the destructive power will also increase a lot.

If both sides of the struggle continue to increase their numbers and invite more warriors to fight. Things are very likely to get out of control and cause irreparable damage.

Therefore, the Linglong organization obviously does not want the warriors to participate in these things. Under normal circumstances, they will directly command local senior warriors not to participate in this sentence.

However, Chen Fei's identity and strength are not ordinary. Qin Tianqiang didn't dare to directly order Chen Fei, so he could only come over in person and explain the situation carefully to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei understood the reason why Linglong did this, thought about it, and nodded, "I haven't been involved in the Dragon Group's affairs. I wouldn't have shot unless my friend was in danger."

"This time Things, if the other party comes according to the rules, I will naturally not shoot. "Chen Feidao.

Upon hearing Chen Fei's words, Qin Tianqiang couldn't help but relieved, and said: "Thank you, Mr.

Chen, for your cooperation with us."

Chen Fei nodded and then sent away Qin Tianqiang.


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